
看板Angels作者 (Schadenfreude)時間17年前 (2007/06/27 21:38), 編輯推噓14(1403)
留言17則, 14人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/9 (看更多)
Shea Hillenbrand wants out. Not because of the organization, the manager, the city, the stadium, the fans, the weather, his teammates — all are top notch, the Angels' deposed designated hitter said. 海姐不爽要走人 It's the situation. He was an everyday player for six years, and now he's not, the combination of his sluggish bat and the emergence of left fielder Reggie Willits and first baseman Casey Kotchman as key contributors reducing Hillenbrand to a bit player, an insurance policy, really, in case a starter gets injured. 他自以為他比Kotchman跟Willits打的好 "I feel like I'm being pushed aside, put on a back-burner, and I don't like that at all," Hillenbrand, 31, said. "If I'm not going to play here, give me enough respect to trade me or get rid of me. I think I deserve that." 他自以為人家不尊重他 If Manager Mike Scioscia "doesn't think I can help this team, there are teams out there I can help," Hillenbrand continued. "I'm a quality player in the prime of my career. To go from playing every day to not playing at all, it's very disheartening." 我已經笑到不知道怎麼翻了 The New York Yankees expressed interest in Hillenbrand a few weeks ago, but then Kotchman suffered a concussion, Garret Anderson aggravated his hip injury, and trade talks were tabled. 幹,本來紅襪跟天使可以同時封王的 A few other teams have expressed interest, but Hillenbrand's high salary ($6.5 million) and low production (.254 average, three home runs, five doubles, 22 runs batted in) make him a difficult player to move. 居然會有人想要,但是又貴又爛很難丟 Bill Stoneman, Angels general manager, "said if the right circumstances present themselves, where both parties would benefit, he would move Shea," said Dan Lozano, Hillenbrand's agent. "We're hoping something happens before the [July 31] trade deadline." 石頭人: 我們已經很用力在丟他了 In the meantime, Hillenbrand, who hit .287 and averaged 18 home runs and 82 RBIs over his previous five seasons, tries to make the best of a bad situation. 他繼續過他的生活 "We're winning, we're in first place, it could be a lot worse," Hillenbrand said. "But I know I can help this team win down the stretch, and you can't do that if you're not given the opportunity. I'm trying to stay positive, support my teammates. When you're winning, the last thing you want to be is a distraction." 他說他不想做干擾球隊 小弟: 幹,你什麼時候沒干擾過球隊 Scioscia said Hillenbrand "has been ultra-professional about the situation. We know how much he wants to contribute, but right now we have guys who are doing things you can't ignore, who have been a big part of our resurgence, who you can't take out of the lineup. There is some chemistry there that is very real." 賣課:不用怕,我不會用他 Hillenbrand created waves in July — after a dispute with Toronto Manager John Gibbons over playing time, the two nearly came to blows, and Hillenbrand was traded — but no matter how much he stews inside, he has been outwardly calm. 去年在多倫多差點幹起來 "I understand the situation," said Hillenbrand, whose average hovered around .230 for the first two months of the season. "Those guys deserve to play. They're winning, they're producing, they're clicking, and you don't want to mess with that chemistry…. I'm just not at a point in my career where I'm ready to sit on the bench." 海姐不想坐板凳 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/27 21:47, , 1F
06/27 21:47, 1F

06/27 21:56, , 2F
06/27 21:56, 2F

06/27 22:04, , 3F
06/27 22:04, 3F

06/27 22:05, , 4F
06/27 22:05, 4F

06/27 23:49, , 5F
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06/28 01:02, , 6F
不送. 當一個人在一個球隊待不下去,他可能是受到委屈. 可
06/28 01:02, 6F

06/28 01:03, , 7F
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06/28 01:53, , 10F
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06/28 02:41, , 11F
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06/28 06:23, , 12F
純推這段 XDD 本來紅襪跟天使可以同時封王的
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06/28 07:49, , 13F
他後天就會被DFA 幹
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06/28 09:50, , 14F
爽 送去洋基吧
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06/28 17:51, , 15F
推:石頭人: 我們已經很用力在丟他了
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06/28 20:10, , 16F
06/28 20:10, 16F

07/02 16:13, 5年前 , 17F
就幫忙分擔點他的薪水把 https://moxox.com
07/02 16:13, 17F
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