Re: [情報]更正 BEST FICTION DVD 確定收錄台灣場

看板AmuroNamie作者 (yo!)時間14年前 (2009/07/22 12:12), 編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
以下是我從Facebook的網站上看到的,轉錄如下: 「namie amuro BEST FICTION TOUR 2008-2009」 will be released on 9 September 2009 with DVD and Blu-ray format! This is also the first time Namie uses an overseas show (in Taipei) for her live DVD releases. The release also comes with a bonus disc 『BEST NON FICTON』, featuring behind-the-scenes and off-shoot footages of Namie in Taiwan! 看來是會有bonus disc哦 ^^ -- 「不要害怕你的生命會結束,而要害怕它從未開始。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/22 12:14, , 1F
興奮!!!!!!!! 好期待DVD喔!!!!
07/22 12:14, 1F

07/22 18:22, , 2F
bonus disc耶!!!代表會有2張DVD嗎?怎麼可能,安室的DVD
07/22 18:22, 2F

07/22 18:22, , 3F
有過出兩片的嗎@O@ 怎麼可能啊~~~哇~~~~~~
07/22 18:22, 3F

07/22 18:23, , 4F
07/22 18:23, 4F

07/22 18:51, , 5F
不知 bonus disc 是甚麼啊? 內容會怎樣的呢?
07/22 18:51, 5F

07/23 22:09, , 6F
07/23 22:09, 6F

07/23 22:24, , 7F
07/23 22:24, 7F

07/23 22:24, , 8F
07/23 22:24, 8F

07/25 13:26, , 9F
07/25 13:26, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1APf76F_ (AmuroNamie)
文章代碼(AID): #1APf76F_ (AmuroNamie)