Re: [情報] The Brothers of Six Feet Under

看板Alan_Ball作者 (不是雞肉)時間19年前 (2005/06/12 00:38), 編輯推噓5(501)
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※ 引述《Davidgood (不是雞肉)》之銘言: : 在六呎風雲中,年輕的Claire在第一集就了解David的性傾向 : 在某方面而言這與Ball自己的經驗相似 : 他說"我姊姊有洋娃娃,我想跟它們玩,我把G.I. Joe穿上白洋裝, : 還納悶為什麼它沒有男士晚禮服" : 他姊姊明顯的注意到了 : "當我十一歲時,她給了我索羅的海報,上面寫著 : '如果一個男人沒有跟上他的同伴,也許是他聽到了不同的鼓聲' : 她知道(我的性傾向),我很確定" 關於Alan Ball提到索羅的話... 又去辜狗大神那裡求了一下 一起貼上來分享囉 If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ~~ Henry David Thoreau, 1854 ~~ 亨利大衛索羅[1817-1862]: 一個人如果無法和他的同伴比肩齊步,也許他聽到的是不同的鼓聲。 讓他照著他所聽到的音樂進前,不管是什麼節奏,或是有多遙遠。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是我找到的一篇短文,是關於自閉症兒童支持者的心聲 悲哀的是把自閉症換成同性戀好像也可以通... "We're OK. The world…!?" People with autistic spectrum disorders are not victims of autism , they are victims of society. They do not suffer from their developmental differences, they suffer from prejudice, ignorance, lack of understanding, exploitation, verbal abuse - all this and more from that sector of society which considers itself socially able........ 我們很坦然,我們很好,但是這個世界呢?! 有自閉症的人並不是自閉症的受害者 而是這個社會的受害者 他們不是因為生長發展的差異而受苦 而是受苦於偏見,無知,缺乏寬容諒解,剝削,以及言語的辱罵 所有這些以及遠勝於此的痛苦 都來自於一個自認為善於社交的社會 Please note a couple of quotations from the Ooops home page. One is from Thoreau [1817-1862]: "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away." 索羅[1817-1862]: 一個人如果無法和他的同伴比肩齊步,也許他聽到的是不同的鼓聲。 讓他照著他所聽到的音樂進前,不管是什麼節奏,或是有多遙遠。 Everything you do will make a difference. -------------------------------------------------------------- 這是另一篇文章,整個精神就是第一段和最後一段引用的兩段名言 內文有興趣的再看 Dance Like No One Is Watching 旁若無人地跳舞 by Tania Tyler Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching. --- Satchel Paige 工作得像你不需要錢一樣,愛得像你從未被傷害過,旁若無人的跳舞 --- Satchel Paige What a great philosophy to travel through life’s journey with! It was interesting to receive this quote in an email this week as I have told many people“you just need to dance as though no one is watching.” This statement can be taken literally – go out dancing and just let your spirit soar, enjoy yourself, have fun – or, figuratively – dance through life and just let your spirit soar, enjoy yourself, have fun … does it really matter what others think? I’m not talking about throwing away all responsibilities (we do live in a real world), but rather about taking time to be or explore who we are. Work on finding a balance. Be true to yourself, don’t live your life to please others. Live to please yourself and others will be pleased. Emotions are infectious; why not spread happiness, joy and love? Take the time to watch a seagull in flight. Some days, depending on the weather, they appear to just float, soar and really enjoy themselves. Watch again on a windy day, they have to work a little harder to get where they’re going. Notice how when the weather gets stormy, they land and just hang out for a while. Here’s a quote from “ Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach: “Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor. But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings again in the trembling hard curve – slowing, slowing, and stalling once more – was no ordinary bird.” Next time you get to a stormy day, read this book again as an adult. Everyday brings something new; learn to notice something new each day. Life will always be filled with challenges, make the best of them. Enjoy life, be happy. Go with the flow. As we learn to “work like you don’t need money”, our jobs become less of a burden or struggle. Isn’t life more pleasurable when you are doing something you enjoy rather than something you“have to”? Look upon work as something rewarding. Money isn’t everything. Take pride in your tasks, be the best you can at what you do. Smile more. Try this for a couple of days; watch your job transform into something more enjoyable. Chances are, more money will also come your way. Just imagine the difference in tips for a waiter/waitress who smiles and makes their job more enjoyable compared to the person that really doesn’t want to be there. Or the possible job promotions when you put your best foot forward. Now, the tough part – “love like you’ve never been hurt”. Everyone is unique, every relationship is unique. Give that person every opportunity; don’t compare them or limit the relationship because of fears from the past. Learn from the past. Release yourself from the past. Live the present moment. Don’t look back and don’t look forward. What you have is right now. It’s guaranteed that if you expect to be hurt, you’ll find it. Openness, understanding and honesty are important aspects to any relationship; they reduce expectations and allow us to “see it as it is”. People change, they grow. Love involves allowing the other to grow, to be who they are – to accept the possibility that you don’t walk the same path anymore. Love may not last forever but if you enjoy every minute you have of it and can look back without regrets … we are all here to live life to its fullest, to learn from its lessons. Everyone has something to share, be it good or bad. It is up to us to determine how fully we experience living. So, now let’s tie this philosophy to a health column. By living our lives more in tune with our natural spirit, we add more balance into our lives, our bodies are more at ease – not dis-ease. Stress levels reduce. With a reduction of stress, blood pressures reduce, sleep routines become more restful, digestion problems subside, tension headaches disappear; anxiety, nervousness, and depression reduce … the possibilities are endless. Take the time to enjoy life. Time waits for no one … If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured and far away. – Henry David Thoreau -- 我們沒有不正常 也許我們聽到的是不同的鼓聲 也許我們需要的是自信與勇氣 能夠旁若無人的跳舞 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 06/12, , 1F
看來Google真的好像很好用的樣子... :) 06/12, 1F 06/12, , 2F
Davidgood真的是大好人! 希望你有一天可以光 06/12, 2F 06/12, , 3F
明正大的生活~ 06/12, 3F 06/12, , 4F
那段話真棒 借來當簽名檔用 可以嗎? 06/12, 4F 06/12, , 5F
順便推一下您的簽名檔 ^-^ 06/12, 5F 06/12, , 6F
那幾句名言可以用啊...版權又不是我的^^... 06/12, 6F
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文章代碼(AID): #12gnDtoB (Alan_Ball)