[情報] The Brothers of Six Feet Under

看板Alan_Ball作者 (不是雞肉)時間19年前 (2005/06/11 20:01), 編輯推噓16(1603)
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呼...快一個月沒上版了...浮出水面呼吸新鮮空氣的感覺真好 前一陣子剛到台北還在牽ADSL 我是趁著今天3個室友全部值班才能上版...哈 我是黑暗中的男人 raura 板大提到2002.3.19出刊的 The Advocate 雜誌 (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine) http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y83/raura1020/advoc.jpg
鬍渣大衛和迷矇眼Nate真是電死人不償命 我超愛的 看了封面標題 The Brothers of Six Feet Under-- the hottest show on TV uncovers our family secrets: gay and straight siblings. 跑去求辜狗大神把這篇文章找出來 順便翻譯了一下...嗯...有些翻得不好只能硬翻還請見諒 (歡迎大家告訴我怎麼翻會比較通順) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 文章出處 http://austinbunn.com/articles.php?target=sixfeet.html Our Siblings, Our Secrets The Brothers of Six Feet Under and how the hottest show on TV uncovers our family secrets: gay and straight siblings. The Advocate 3.19.02 我們的兄弟姐妹,我們的秘密 六呎風雲的兄弟,這部最火燙的電視影集如何揭露我們家人的秘密: 同性戀和異性戀兄弟 By Austin Bunn David and Nate Fisher, the 30-something mortician heroes of HBO's Six Feet Under, enter the somber parlor of their funeral home and walk smack into a hoedown. Desperate for money, Nate has rented the space to a local square-dancing group coached by the frisky young roue Kurt. David eyes Kurt, Kurt eyes David, and Nate just smiles. "OK, if you haven't slept with that guy yet, would you start?" Nate whispers to his straitlaced, semicloseted younger brother. "Because I think it would do you a world of good." David 和 Nate Fisher, HBO六呎風雲中30幾歲的葬儀業男主角, 進入他們殯儀館昏暗的起居室,走進一個舞會 缺錢的Nate把空間租給一個當地的方塊舞團,教練是一個活躍的年輕享樂者Kurt David看了Kurt一眼,Kurt也看了David一眼,Nate只是笑笑 Nate在他那個死板,半出櫃的弟弟耳邊說 "好吧,如果還沒跟那小伙子上床,拜託你快點開始...這對你有好處" It's a throwaway moment in a show full of these kinds of moments: knowing, needling, and right in step with sibling life. The show, created by TV veteran and screenwriter Alan Ball (American Beauty) and on the cusp of its second season, is ostensibly about one family's misadventures in the funeral trade. Soulful, straight Nathaniel (Peter Krause), his uptight gay brother David (Michael C. Hall), and their mother (Frances Conroy) are trying to keep the business going while sorting out their own love lives. This involves drugs, booze, sex, and robustly dark humor: Last season, when teenage Claire (Lauren Ambrose) got mad at her boyfriend, she stole a foot and put it in his school locker. 這是輕輕帶過的一刻,但影集裡充滿了這樣的片刻:了解的,刺人的, 以及兄弟姐妹的生活 這部影集由電視老手與劇作家Alan Ball (美國心玫瑰情)所創造, 目前正上演到第二季初 表面上是關於一個家庭在殯葬業的遭遇 熱情的異性戀Nate (Peter Krause飾),他那個焦躁不安的同性戀弟弟David (Michael C. Hall飾),以及他們的媽媽Ruth (Frances Conroy飾) 正試著維持事業, 同時也挑出他們各自的愛情生活 影集牽涉到毒品,酒精,性以及強烈的黑色幽默:在上一季當青少年Claire (Lauren Ambrose飾)對她男友發怒時她偷了一隻腳,把它放在他在學校的置物櫃中 Six Feet Under has been praised as an unabashed portrait of the "death industry," covering the rituals of embalming and the benefits of cremains. But there's another dissection at work here, less about the craft of dying than the art of living. The Fishers are a family of secret-keepers, and none looms larger in the plot-or more autobiographical for executive producer Ball-than David's tortured homosexuality. 六呎風雲已經因為臉皮厚地描繪"死亡工業"而被稱揚,揭露防腐的儀式與火化的好處 但是這裡還有另一個探討,較多著墨在生活的藝術,而不是死亡的藝術. Fisher一家子都是保密者(各自藏了一大堆秘密),其中以扭曲痛苦的同性戀David為最 情節對於執行製作Alan Ball來說更是自傳 Ball, 44, grew up in a small town in Georgia with two older brothers and a sister who was killed in a car accident when he was 13. Like his character David, "I spent a long time trying to be straight and actually succeeding in a certain way," the effusive Ball says. "I didn't come out of the closet until I was 33. I woke up and said, 'Who am I fooling?'" While the media portrays gays as "out, proud, and not having sex," says Ball, he's more interested in the struggle toward acceptance. In the first season, David's life becomes so compartmentalized, he can't keep all the drawers straight. It's a long, artful disclosure, which crescendos when David comes out to his mother in episode 12 of 13. 44歲的Alan Ball生長於喬治亞州的一個小鎮,有兩個哥哥和 一個在他13歲時死於車禍的姊姊 就像他所創造的角色David,"我花了很長的時間試著當個異性戀, 而且某方面來說還真的成功了"熱情的Ball說 "我一直到33歲才出櫃,有一天醒來我說'我在騙誰阿?'" Ball說,當媒體都把同性戀描寫成"出櫃,驕傲,而且不做愛"時, 他對同志自我接受的掙扎過程更有興趣 在第一季中,David的生活明顯的劃分,他無法一直保持異性戀的表象 這是一個漫長,巧妙的出櫃過程,在David向媽媽出櫃的那一刻達到高峰, 那是在全部13集中的第12集 But what distinguishes Six Feet Under isn't just that slow creaking-open of the closet door. Rather, it's the way Ball and his team of writers put David's brother and sister at the center of the realization, right in the middle of David's emotional hoedown. 但是讓六呎風雲這麼獨特突出的不只是慢慢打開櫃子的咯咯聲 而是Ball和他的編劇團隊把David的哥哥和妹妹放在這個認識與領悟的中心, 在David心靈情感的舞會的正中央 This sibling factor is largely overlooked in gay and lesbian studies, as if their acceptance were irrelevant or their rejection harmless. This might be because siblings play so many roles-substitute parent, coconspirator, tormenter, confidant-that the gay-straight relationship impossible to categorize. Take Nate, for example. In one episode he's stunned when he bumps into David brunching with his boyfriend. In the next he catches David kicking back with gay porn, and it's David, not Nate, who is ashamed. "We wanted to erode that myth that if you're a straight guy, you have to be threatened by gayness.," Ball says. If anything, the show expertly captures the strange, contemporary paradox of coming out: Nate and Claire (and Mom too) are more accepting of David's gayness than David himself. 兄弟姐妹的因素在同性戀研究中被大大的忽略, 好像他們(對同性戀兄弟姐妹)的接受是無關緊要的, 或者說,就算他們拒絕也沒什麼傷害 這可能是因為兄弟姐妹扮演多重角色 --父母的代替品,共謀者,苦惱的根源,或是知己密友-- 這麼複雜以致於他們之間同性戀-異性戀的關係很難被歸類 以Nate為例,有一集當他撞見David和他男友在吃早午餐時大吃一驚 接下來當David被Nate抓到他在看同志色情片時,難為情的反而是David而不是Nate "如果你是個異性戀,你就該感到被同性戀威脅...我們想要侵蝕這個神話" Ball說,如果有區別的話,那就是這部影集巧妙的捕捉到這個 奇怪的當代似是而非的議論--Nate和Claire(包括Ruth)比David自己, 都還能接受David的同性戀 Taken in a larger context, clinical insights about homosexuality and siblings are a hodgepodge of evocative conclusions: Gay men tend to come later in the birth order and have more older brothers than heterosexual men, while lesbians tend to be the only child or the oldest; gay brothers (especially gay twins) stay more closed-off to the family about sexuality than do straight siblings. 上下文簡言之,臨床觀察到同性戀和兄弟姐妹是一個推論的大雜燴: 男同性戀傾向於排行較小,而且擁有比異男還多的哥哥, 而女同性戀傾向於是獨女或是長女 同性戀兄弟,特別是同性戀雙胞胎,在性方面比異性戀兄弟更易與家人隔離. One of the more groundbreaking studies, conducted by professor Esther Rothblum at the University of Vermont, compares the lives of 762 pairs of lesbians and their straight sisters. She found that lesbians tend be more educated, live in cities and farther away from the parents, and have higher self-esteem than their sisters. The straight sisters, meanwhile, are more likely to be homemakers, identify with a religion, and be in longer-existing relationships. "As one became more open," says Rothblum, "the other became more traditional." 幾個更有開創性的研究之一,由佛蒙特大學的教授Esther Rothblum帶領, 比較762對女同性戀和她們的異性戀姐妹的生活. 她發現女同性戀比起他們的姐妹傾向於受過較高的教育,住在城市中,較遠離父母, 而且有較高的自尊 而異性戀姐妹比較像是家庭主婦,參與宗教,維持較長的感情 當其中之一變得比較開放,另一個就會變得保守傳統 The coming-out process is rich with sibling involvement. Cornell professor Ritch Savin-Williams studies emerging patterns in coming out, finding that siblings-sisters particularly-play a key role. For his book Mom, Dad, I'm Gay: How Families Negotiate Coming Out, Savin-Williams interviewed 164 sexual-minority teens and young adults. He noticed the importance of a "favorite sibling"-usually a sister- in the rehearsal for telling the parents. "In too many cases, we lump siblings together," he says. "There can be a huge difference in their reactions." 牽涉到兄弟姐妹時,出櫃的過程會比較豐富 康乃爾教授Ritch Savin-Williams研究出櫃的新興型態, 發現兄弟姐妹(特別是姐妹)扮演關鍵的角色 他的書"爸媽,我是同志: 家人如何談判協商出櫃 Savin-Williams訪問164位性傾向少數的青少年和年輕成人" 他注意到在排練如何告訴父母的時候,最親信的兄弟姐妹的重要性(通常是姐妹) 他說"在太多的案例中我們把兄弟姐妹混為一談,但是他們的反應卻可能有很大的差別" The "favorite sibling" relationship isn't without its difficulties. Annie K., 32, of New York, has two older brothers who are now completely supportive of her and her partner. But there were challenges in the beginning. She recalls taking a girlfriend to a college graduation dinner with her family. 最親信的兄弟姐妹在過程中並沒有比較容易 住在紐約32歲的Annie K.有兩個哥哥,現在完全支持她和她的伴侶 但是剛開始的時候是很有挑戰性的 她回憶帶女朋友和家人去大學畢業晚餐... "I looked across the table, and my [younger] brother was totally French-kissing my girlfriend," she says. She bounded over the table and knocked it down. "I was so stunned," she continues. "It was as if because I was with a woman, the relationship was less valid [to him]-that he could test it and see how 'straight-leaning' we were... I think some of his identity was wrapped up in my choice to be with women-it felt like a rejection of him at some level." 她說"我看過去,我的弟弟給我女朋友來個法式接吻"她跳起來而且碰倒桌子 "我很震驚,這就像是說,我跟女人在一起對他來說不怎麼令人信服, 於是他就可以試試並且看看我們學習當異性戀的程度... 我覺得他關注於我怎麼選擇跟一個女人在一起,這某種程度而言就像是被他拒絕一樣" So then why are sisters often the first to know? Don Barrett, a sociologist of sexuality at California State University, San Marcos, believes that at the moment the gay brother is rethinking masculinity, the straight sister may be coming to terms with femininity- and that may make sisters more accepting. Teenage brothers are "more likely to be trying to define themselves by other men and their relations to women," Barrett notes. Sisters, meanwhile, tend to be working on "empathy development," he says. "To be warm and welcoming to a gay sibling reaffirms their sense of femininity." 那為什麼姐妹常是第一個知道的人? 加州州立大學的性社會學家Don Barrett, San Marcos相信 當男同性戀再三考慮男子氣概的時候,異性戀姐妹可能正在達到女子氣質, 這可能會讓姐妹較容易接受這種事 青少年兄弟比較可能嘗試靠著其他男人以及他們與女人的關係來自我定義 然而姐妹傾向於同理心的發展 對同性戀兄弟姐妹表達溫暖與歡迎之意再次應證了她們的女性意識感 Sisters also tend to be far more observant of family dynamics. In Six Feet Under young Claire realizes David's orientation in the very first episode. In some ways this maps onto Ball's own experience. "My sister had dolls, and I wanted to play with them. I would put G.I. Joe in his dress whites and wonder why he didn't have a tux," he says. His sister obviously took note. "When I was 11, she gave me a poster of Thoreau that said, 'If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.' She knew [about my sexuality], I'm sure." 姐妹也(比兄弟)傾向於嚴格遵守家庭動力學 在六呎風雲中,年輕的Claire在第一集就了解David的性傾向 在某方面而言這與Ball自己的經驗相似 他說"我姊姊有洋娃娃,我想跟它們玩,我把G.I. Joe穿上白洋裝, 還納悶為什麼它沒有男士晚禮服" 他姊姊明顯的注意到了 "當我十一歲時,她給了我索羅的海報,上面寫著 '如果一個男人沒有跟上他的同伴,也許是他聽到了不同的鼓聲' 她知道(我的性傾向),我很確定" But there's another asset to sisters. Part therapist, part gossip, they often act as back-channel information gatherers, a kind of family newswire. "Sisters know how to spread information in a safe manner," says Barrett. Jay Heavner, director of development for Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, tells the story of a gay minister in Kentucky. He told his sister first, and they arranged that she would go home and tell the parents. "If the light was on in his room," Heavner says, "that meant the parents were OK with it. If the light was off, and her car was gone, they weren't. So he drove around the block and came back to the house ...and all the lights were on." 但是姐妹還有另一種資產 一方面充當治療學家,一方面又像是愛說長道短的人, 她們扮演逆向資訊收集者,一種家人新聞電報 "姐妹知道如何用安全的方式傳遞這樣的訊息" PFLAG(同性戀者的父母家人朋友組織)的發展主任Jay Heavner說了一個 肯塔基州同性戀部長(or牧師?)的故事 他先跟他姊姊出櫃,然後他們安排她回家告訴父母 "如果他房間的燈是亮的,表示父母可以接受這件事. 如果燈沒有亮,而且她開車離開,表示他們無法接受. 所以他就開著車子在家的附近繞來繞去...結果所有的燈都是亮著的" While siblings may smooth over the coming-out process, gay sexuality may cause tensions later, when straight siblings start their own families. In 1993, San Francisco entrepreneur Al Farmer, now 31, told his older brother he was gay. The brother's response was, "If it's what makes you happy, I don't care." But days later, when Farmer visited the brother, his wife, and their two boys, his brother pulled him aside and said, "I have talked this over with my wife and we have to ask that you don't touch our kids. I don't want them getting AIDS.' " 兄弟姐妹可能在整個出櫃過程很順利,但是在異性戀兄弟姐妹開始 他們自己的家庭之後,同性戀仍可能在後來造成壓力與緊繃 現年31歲的舊金山企業家Al Farmer在1993年告訴他哥哥他是同性戀 哥哥的反應是"如果這能讓你開心,我並不在乎" 但是後來,當Farmer拜訪他哥哥,妻子和兩個男孩的時候, 他哥哥把他拉到一邊說"我已經把這件事告訴我老婆了, 我們必須請你不要接觸我的孩子.我不想他們得到愛滋" It seems a particular cruelty to be rejected by those you grew up with, who should share a generational understanding. But a sibling's becoming a parent can stir up latent prejudices "given the polluting association of gays and child molestation," says sociologist Steve Seidman, who's writing a book analyzing problems gays face after they're out of the closet. 被跟你從小一起長大的人拒絕似乎特別的殘忍,他們應該要能分享同輩的諒解 但是兄弟姐妹為人父母時會激起潛在的偏見"被給予同性戀和兒童騷擾的敗壞聯想" 正在寫書分析同性戀出櫃後所面臨的問題的社會學家Steve Seidman這麼說 Peter Welch, 41, who lives in Kittery Point, Maine, knows this well. He has a gay twin and an older, straight sister. Before she became a parent, she was "gay-positive," he says, never being judgmental about her brothers' sexuality. But after she came home from giving birth to her first child, their relationship began to strain. "Her son was 3 weeks old, and she said, 'I really hope he doesn't turn out to be gay,'" Welch recalls. "I was floored." She chose a distant friend over Welch to serve as a godparent to her boy. "I offered to baby-sit and she flatly turned me down," he says. "I don't know if it's a conscious fear, but there is something there, that she wanted to keep us away." The three siblings are currently working toward reconciliation. 住在緬因州Kittery Point,41歲的Peter Welch對這種事很了解 他有一個同性戀雙胞胎和一個異性戀姊姊 在她為人母之前,她是個同性戀支持者,從來不會批評她兩個兄弟的性傾向 但是當她生了第一胎之後,他們的關係變得扭曲 "她兒子3歲大,她說'我真的希望他不會變成同性戀"' Welch回憶說"我震驚不已" 她選擇一個疏遠的朋友當小孩的教父(母),而不是選擇Welch "我曾經提出願當臨時保姆的提議,卻被她斷然拒絕" "我不知道這是不是有意識的恐懼,但總是有問題,她想要遠離我們" 這三個兄弟姐妹目前正努力和解 Six Feet Under's Ball has his own anecdote about family acceptance. One of his brothers, a "good ol' boy and redneck," lives in a Georgia county that "prides itself on being all white," he says. This past Christmas, Ball brought back his lover for the first time. They were at his brother's house with "the farting dogs" and Ball's nephews, who are now parents themselves. A nephew's wife told a story about bringing her young son to the beauty parlor. He grabbed for his mother's purse. "She said, 'I started to get a little worried,'" Ball recounts. "I wanted to say, 'Worried of what?' I was right there with my lover." Much as he likes her, Ball confesses that with that one "unthinking comment, you just realize you're in different worlds." 六呎風雲的Ball對於家人的接受也有他自己的趣事 "我的一個兄弟,一個good ol' boy,也是個鄉巴佬,住在喬治亞郡,對於身為白人而自豪" 上個聖誕節Ball第一次帶他的愛人回家 他們在他兄弟的家,有幾隻放屁的狗和Ball的幾個自己照顧自己的姪子 有個姪子的老婆說了一個帶她小兒子去美容院的故事, 小兒子霸佔媽媽的皮包,她說"我開始有點擔心了" 那時我和我的愛人就在那裡,我想要說"擔心什麼" Ball很喜歡她,但他也坦承"那是欠考慮的閒話,你就知道你身處於不同的世界" Still, those worlds are more complex than we appreciate. Just as Six Feet Under's Nate acts as matchmaker for David, Ball's brother is capable of surprising empathy. Ball says, "He keeps asking me, 'When David and his boyfriend going to get back together?'" All Ball will reveal about the second season is that they'll "remain in each other's lives." Like family. 然而,那個世界比我們所察覺的還要複雜 就像六呎風雲的Nate為David作媒一樣(把David和Kurt送作堆), Ball的兄弟也能表現出出人意表的同理心 Ball說"他一直問我,David和他男友什麼時候會復合" Ball在第二季會揭露的就是"他們會繼續存在對方的生命之中" 就像家人一樣 -------------------------------------------------------------- 嗚~~打了這麼多 P幣少得可憐 誰叫我得偷偷摸摸的在文件上打好才能貼上來 算了...能上來已經很開心了 btw, 這篇文章應該也順便解答了樓上的問題了吧^^ by Davidgood^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 06/11, , 1F
YA! Davidgood大大是好人~~ 06/11, 1F 06/11, , 2F
推一下黑暗中辛苦用功的男人~ XD 06/11, 2F 06/12, , 3F
真是辛苦了啊!! :) 06/12, 3F 06/12, , 4F
推你的偷偷摸摸&認真... 06/12, 4F 06/12, , 5F
Davidgood大大真強!! 為什麼要偷偷摸摸啊@@? 06/12, 5F 06/12, , 6F
狗屋大大...因為我也聽到不同的鼓聲啊...^^ 06/12, 6F 06/12, , 7F
(握…) 不過看sfu不用這樣吧 哈哈"" 06/12, 7F 06/12, , 8F
我在寢室都嘛開很大聲看 XD 06/12, 8F 06/12, , 9F
看電視是可以.但不想讓人家知道我是Davidgood 06/12, 9F 06/12, , 10F
不然可能就鱉康啊 06/12, 10F 06/12, , 11F
Davidgood加油啊,推你一個~ 06/12, 11F 06/12, , 12F
(偷偷問,我可以借轉嗎?) 06/12, 12F 06/12, , 13F
聰明的思考者...可以滴^^ 06/12, 13F 06/12, , 14F
大推這篇!! 辛苦你了~ 06/12, 14F 06/12, , 15F
哈哈,感激不盡 06/12, 15F 06/12, , 16F
這篇太棒了! 一定要推的阿!! XD 06/12, 16F 06/13, , 17F
你室友也上ptt? (閒聊推文嗎..orz) 06/13, 17F 06/13, , 18F
西滴...>_<|||... 06/13, 18F 06/16, , 19F
推你的偷偷摸摸&認真 :) 06/16, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #12gjArl3 (Alan_Ball)
文章代碼(AID): #12gjArl3 (Alan_Ball)