Re: [新聞] Pressure still on for a more relaxed …

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響應subaru大的號召 : --------- : Pressure still on for a more relaxed Alex Rodriguez : By Paul White, USA TODAY : : ARLINGTON, Texas — Alex Rodriguez ran onto the field just as the New : York Yankees' stretching exercises began before a recent game in Boston. : The Yankees' star shortstop, Derek Jeter, already was bending sideways : with his arms over his head — perfectly exposed for Rodriguez to jab him : in the rib cage. 在一場對紅襪的比賽開賽前的伸展操,隊長Jeter正舉手曲身。頑童Alex跑進場 看見有機可乘,對Jeter偷襲戳戳樂。 : Both giggled, then went about their routines. Such silliness isn't unusual : for most ballplayers, but for Rodriguez — long one of baseball's most : scrutinized, image-conscious and guarded stars — it seemed to symbolize : something new: a player at ease and having fun. 兩人一邊嘻嘻傻笑,一邊開始例行訓練。當然,棒球員這樣打打鬧鬧並不稀奇 但對注重形象、又是鎂光燈聚焦人物的A-Rod來說,這樣的舉動似乎意味著他態度的 轉變。他變得更愜意自得、更享受比賽。 : The Yankees' third baseman just completed one of the most prolific Aprils : of any hitter in major league history. More than ever, he is being : embraced by New York fans who have seen him as a distant, buttoned-down : multi-millionaire athlete/entrepreneur whom they have alternately loved : and loathed. A-Rod剛完成了大聯盟史上最火熱的四月打擊表現。最近洋基球迷當然是愛死他了 但過去A-Rod在球迷心目中一直是個高不可攀、舉止壓抑的高薪運動員兼生意人。 球迷對A-Rod的態度也一直是愛恨交加。 : As usual, questions surround Rodriguez, widely known as "A-Rod." In his : 12th full season and fourth with a franchise that measures success only : by championships, he never has played in a World Series and has not done : well in the playoffs. Despite his fast start, the Yankees entered : Thursday's games last in the American League East. 今年是A-Rod的第12個完整球季,也是他待在非冠軍不拿的洋基的第四個球季。 A-Rod從未打過世界大賽;季後賽表現也總是不盡理想。雖然他開季表現生猛 但是洋基的戰績但禮拜四為止仍是美聯東區墊底。 : And yet, in the only extensive interview he has granted this season, : Rodriguez tells USA TODAY he believes he finally has figured out how to : deal with the pressure of playing in New York. He also says he wants to : remain a Yankee even though the record 10-year, $252 million contract he : signed in 2000 — which in many ways has come to define him — would allow : him to become a free agent after this season. A-Rod在對USA TODAY的訪談中提及,他已經學會如何克服在紐約打球的巨大壓力 雖然依照他在2000年簽下的10年兩億五千兩百萬合約規定,A-Rod可在本季結束後 選擇成為自由球員,他仍表示他希望留在紐約。 : "I'm more relaxed," says Rodriguez, who will turn 32 in late July. "For me, : relaxing has been one of the hardest things to do. It's one of the things : I'm trying to do a little better job at." A-Rod:「我變得比較輕鬆自得。」「放鬆對我來說是一件難事,但我在學習放鬆 的過程中是漸入佳境。」 : Getting used to playing in New York has "taken work," he says. "For some : people, it takes maybe a year in New York. Maybe for me, it's taken three : years. But once you get used to it, you realize it's not just about you. : There's more speculation, more eyes (on players in New York). Everybody : takes his turn. You have to develop thick skin. But it would be a dream : for me to finish my career there." A-Rod表示,習慣紐約的打球環境花了他一番心力。 「對某些人來說,也許適應只要花一年。我可能已經花了三年。但是你一旦適應了 你就會想通壓力不是針對你而來。在紐約的球員總是被許多流言所擾、也受到更多 矚目。每個人都會難熬的時候。所以我們得學著皮繃緊一點、臉皮厚一點。 但我還是夢想能在此結束我的職業生涯。」 : Rodriguez says he's put family ahead of baseball, fun ahead of angst, and : suggests he is worrying less about what people think of him. : Yankees manager Joe Torre says he's noticed a difference. : "For me, he always tried to do too much," Torre says. "You try to make : sure you say things right, handle things right." A-Rod表示他把家庭看的比棒球更重。打球的樂趣對他來說比憂慮表現更重要。 他也不再那麼在乎別人對他的看法。 托瑞爺說他也注意到A-Rod的改變。 「在我看來,A-Rod對自我要求太高了。」「他總是想一舉一動都完美合宜。」 : For years, Rodriguez has been perhaps the game's most enigmatic superstar, : unusually sensitive to how he was perceived by the media and fans. For : example, he seemed to agonize last year about whether to play for the : United States or the Dominican Republic in the World Baseball Classic. : (Rodriguez was born in New York to Dominican parents.) : Now he seems determined to shrug off such worries. 許多年來,A-Rod一直是個令人難以捉摸的超級巨星。他對媒體和球迷對他的看法非 常在意。舉例來說,他去年就為了到底該代表美國隊或多明尼加對在世界棒球經典 賽出賽而傷透腦筋。(因為A-Rod具雙重背景,他在紐約出生,父母卻是多明尼加人) 但現在他似乎決定要徹底擺脫這些考量和憂慮。 : "I can't control what the masses think," Rodriguez says. "All I can do is : play baseball. At the end of the day, if some people like it, that's great. : If some people don't like it, that's just the way it is." : More important, it's working — for now at least. During spring training, : Rodriguez cleared the air about rumors of tension in his relationship : with Jeter, a favorite of Yankees fans who, unlike Rodriguez, is known : for his clutch play in the postseason. A-Rod:「我無法操控人們的想法。」「我只能好好打我的球,如果人們喜歡我的表現 那固然很好,如果有些人不喜歡,那也無所謂,事情就是如此。」 這樣的處事態度似乎挺管用的。A-Rod在春訓時澄清了他和Jeter關係緊張的謠言。 Jeter備受洋基球迷愛戴。他和A-Rod不同之處在於,Jeter季後賽總是能挺身而出。 : Rodriguez told reporters he and Jeter were neither bosom buddies nor : jealous rivals. Both say they are friendly as teammates but are not as : close as they were earlier in their careers. A-Rod對媒體表示,他和隊長既不是麻吉,也不是彼此嫉妒的敵人。兩人口徑一致的說 他們還是好隊友。只是關係不像早期那麼親密。 : Since then, Rodriguez has kept his relationship to the media at arm's : length, giving cliche-filled answers during postgame interviews that : reveal little. 發表過這樣的評論後,A-Rod對此事不再多談。賽後訪談也只是官腔官調地以制式答案 回應,記者很難再挖出什麼東西。 : 'I could walk away … today' : But spend some time with the Yankees and it's clear something has changed : this year. : Rodriguez is laughing more, engaging in more horseplay with teammates : and "just trying to have fun," as he says repeatedly. Despite the team's : troubles on the field, he said after a recent game that he probably : hadn't smiled so much since his daughter, Natasha, was born 2? years ago. : He's fiercely protective of wife Cynthia, whom he married in 2002, and : Natasha, but he says they have a lot to do with his new approach to : baseball and life. 但只要你花些時間觀察這季的洋基隊,你會發現某些轉變。 A-Rod更加笑口常開。更常和隊友胡搞瞎鬧。「享受樂趣」是A-Rod對此轉變的解釋。 雖然戰績不理想,A-Rod卻說最近是他自女兒Natasha兩年前出生後笑得最開心的一段 時間。A-Rod對老婆和女兒非常保護。他說他對棒球和人生的新態度有許多待辦的事。 : "I could walk away from the game today and be so content with life," : says Rodriguez, who previously had acknowledged it was difficult for him : to stop replaying his games in his mind. 「我現在可以拋開棒球,好好享受人生。」A-Rod說。 他之前曾說過要他把心思從棒球 上轉移是很困難的一件事。 : "Being a father has brought great perspective to my life. It gives you : more of a balance, which I needed. If you go 4-for-4 or 0-for-4, you get : welcomed with a big old hug and a great smile. In our lives, even when : it's bad, it's pretty good." 「當了爸爸使我觀念改變。使得人生更加平衡,這正是我需要的。如果四打席四安 或是四打席全槓龜,你回到家仍然會受熟悉的擁抱和微笑歡迎。人生所謂的陰暗期 還是看得到光明面。」 : In his baseball life right now, even when it's good, it's bad. : The Yankees' poor start, caused mostly by a series of injuries to their : pitchers, has led to speculation in the New York media that Torre, who : has led the team to four World Series titles, might be fired. : So far, though, only strength and conditioning coach Marty Miller has : gotten the ax. The team will need to get healthy and play better to : allow Rodriguez to prove he can be a leader in the playoffs as well as the : regular season. 對A-Rod的現階段棒球生涯來說,現在是光明面下藏著陰暗面。 因為投手群接二連三的受傷,洋基開季戰績奇慘無比。雖然托瑞爺曾帶領洋基 四度奪冠,他即將捲鋪蓋的傳言還是甚囂塵上。 目前只有體能教練Miller慘遭開除。洋基全隊必須保持健康,振作表現。才有機會 讓A-Rod證明他季後賽能打得跟例行賽一樣好。 : The Yankees have lost in the first round of the playoffs each of the : past two years. During those playoff series, Rodriguez had a combined : three hits in 29 at-bats. 過去兩年,洋基都在季後賽首輪出局。在這些比賽中,A-Rod的總成績是 29打數3安打。(冏!) : A Yankee's place in history, alongside icons such as Babe Ruth, Joe : DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle, is measured in October, not in April. Jeter, : beloved in New York, has four World Series championships and a career : .314 postseason batting average, including a .405 mark (15 for 37) the : past two years. Rodriguez still has to pass that test. 要像Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle等人一樣在洋基隊史上留名, 光靠四月表現是不夠的。十月表現才最重要。備受洋基迷擁戴的隊長Jeter 手上有四枚世界大賽冠軍戒,生涯季後賽.314的打擊率。過去兩年更有.405 (37打數15安)的紀錄。A-Rod終究還是得通過季後賽的考驗。 : "That's what I'm playing for now," he says of winning a World Series. : "It's pretty much the only thing left. That's why you play in New York." : He says a concerted effort to eliminate the distractions that dominated : his turbulent 2006 season — from the constant probing into his : relationship with Jeter to the wrath of New York fans about Rodriguez's : slumps and poor playoff performances — has as much to do with the best : start of his 14-year career as the winter work he did on his body and : his game. A-Rod:「這正是我現在努力的目的。」「這是我唯一還未達成的目標,也是我 為洋基隊效力的原因。」 A-Rod表示,擺脫了2006的諸多夢魘,例如與隊長不合的謠言,以及紐約球迷對 他季後賽低潮的極度不滿── 他今年開季才得以創下14年職業生涯的紀錄。 : "The whole outlook from the start was to keep things simple and not get : in the way of my talent," he says. "Obviously, less is more." : That's less of everything except baseball. 「一開季的目標就是把事情簡單化,別讓它們妨礙我天賦的展現。」「顯然化繁為 簡還挺管用的。」 任何事都能化繁為簡,唯獨棒球不行。 : Less, though, can be nearly impossible in New York. What Rodriguez set : out to do this year requires as much skill as he needed to produce two : Most Valuable Player awards, a batting championship, five home run : titles and the sport's largest contract. The media attention won't go away, : especially if he continues his spectacular season. The clamor for chunks : of his time will be constant. 任何事情在紐約都會變得不簡單。A-Rod今年被賦予的期待是要能夠打出兩度MVP、 一屆打擊王、五屆全壘打王的身手,外加背負著棒球史上最昂貴合約的原罪。 A-Rod仍舊會是媒體聚焦點。如果他的火熱表現持續的話,媒體甚至會更關注他。 要求他扮超人的呼聲也會持續不斷。 : He has tried to manage the demand from the start of spring training in : February. That's when he explained his relationship with Jeter — and : then told reporters that would be the last time he would discuss the matter. : "It was important to have a fresh start," Rodriguez says. "To come out and : just be open and honest, set the tone for the year." : Jeter's response also set a tone. 從二月的春訓開始,他就得開始處理諸如此類的問題。包括了解釋他和Jeter的關係 解釋之後,他還對記者表示從此不會再談這個話題。 「重新開始是很重要的。」A-Rod說。 「對大家開誠布公,定下本季的基調。」 Jeter對此事的回應也設定了一個基調。 : "How would I characterize it? I would characterize it as it doesn't make a : difference," Jeter told reporters then. "What we do away from the field, : how much time we spend together, really makes no difference when we're : playing." 「要我如何闡述這件事?其實這事根本沒啥影響!」Jeter說。 「我們球場下互動如何、相處時間多少,對我們場上的表現根本毫無影響。」 : Rodriguez is as likely to be found hanging around with bullpen catcher : Mike Borzello, with whom he's developed a friendship, as with his famous : teammates. : But all of the Yankees have become as reluctant as Rodriguez to discuss : anything about him but his hitting. 正如跟他的大牌隊友們的互動一樣,A-Rod跟牛棚捕手Mike Borzello也建立了友誼。 但所有的洋基人跟A-Rod一樣,現在只願談論他的打擊表現,其他話題一律敬謝不敏。 : "He's as hot as I've seen a player," Jeter said during April. "That's : beautiful, man." Jeter:「他是我看過最猛的球員。」「這樣的表現真是棒透了!」 : They've noticed a difference, though. "He's definitely more calm," says : designated hitter Jason Giambi. "He's enjoying himself. He's not : stressed." 其他人則察覺到了A-Rod的改變。 Giambi:「他變得比較沈著。」 「他表現得樂在其中,而非身負壓力」 : 'I'm just happy for him' : He's even more willing to poke fun at himself. : Rodriguez recently did a segment for Late Show With David Letterman in : which he removed his shirt and let cast member Biff Henderson apply sun : screen, a spoof of a celebrated New York Post photo of Rodriguez : sunbathing in Central Park last summer. : Rodriguez changed his workout regimen in the offseason to reduce his body : fat by 9% and "become more athletic," he says, as a concession to moving : into his 30s. 他甚至變得願意自我解嘲。 最近有一次上David Letterman的脫口秀節目時,A-Rod脫掉自己的上衣,讓節目來賓 替他抹防曬油。為紐約郵報登出的一張A-Rod在中央公園作日光浴的著名相片大開自己 玩笑。 A-Rod去年球季結束後改變了訓練方式,使自己減了9%的體脂肪,看起來「更像個 運動員」。畢竟他已經步入三十了。 : He and Yankees hitting coach Kevin Long streamlined his swing. He spent : long days on the practice field all winter working on his defense, a : problem last year when he made a career-high 24 errors. He has three so : far this season, which projects to a little more than 20 for the year. : That was the easy part because Rodriguez always has been a workout maven, : even back to his childhood days when he spent countless hours with a tight : group of friends at the Hank Kline Boys Club in Miami. Now he says, he's : rediscovering that boyish zeal for baseball. 他和洋基的打擊教練共同研究,改變了打擊姿式使其更流暢。他整個冬天都在磨練 守備。因為去年他留下了24次失誤的生涯新高記錄。到目前為止A-Rod本季有三次失誤 若照這種「進度」下去,今年的預測失誤次數是20出頭。 其實這問題應不難解決,因為A-Rod一向很認真練習求進步。他小時候就會跟朋友一起 花很多時間鍛鍊球技。現在那份童年時光對棒球的熱情又在他心中重新燃起! : "I noticed right away in spring training," Torre says. : "He was having more fun. I'm just happy for him. He's endured a lot." : Regular season and postseason: A major difference 托瑞爺:「我春訓時馬上就注意到了。」 「他打球打得更有樂趣。我替他感到高興。他一路熬過來,吃了不少苦頭。」 : Alex Rodriguez has been at his best late in the season since joining : the New York Yankees in 2004, enjoying his best run production in : September and October. And he got off to his best start ever this year, : hitting 14 home runs and driving in 34 runs in April. However, he has : struggled in the playoffs. A look at his month-to-month production during : his first three seasons as a Yankee: A-Rod自2004年加入洋基後季末表現就一直不錯,九月和十月的打擊表現最好。 今年開季的表現更是誇張。四月轟了14支全壘打,34分打點。但是季後賽表現一直羈弱 不振。以下是A-Rod加入洋基前三季的每月表現記錄。(譯註:這應該不用翻了吧XD) : Month Batting Home runs RBI : March-April .276 18 50 : May .339 24 72 : June .274 13 47 : July .288 22 53 : August .300 22 57 : September-October .318 20 78 : Postseason .241 3 8* : *Includes 3-for-29 with no home runs and no RBI in nine games during : the 2005 and 2006 postseasons. : Source: USA TODAY research *2005和2006季後賽: 九場比賽,29打數3安打,無全壘打,無打點。 ------------------------------- 呼~終於結束了, 下次我要找人接力:p -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lakerbuster 來自: (05/06 19:58)

05/06 20:04, , 1F
05/06 20:04, 1F

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05/06 20:05, 2F

05/06 20:31, , 3F
05/06 20:31, 3F

05/06 20:46, , 4F
不要說我大啦(羞) 翻的這麼好當然要全包啊 怎麼可以接力XD
05/06 20:46, 4F

05/06 20:48, , 5F
05/06 20:48, 5F

05/06 21:09, , 6F
05/06 21:09, 6F

05/06 21:24, , 7F
囧> 我翻慢了一步...
05/06 21:24, 7F

05/06 21:39, , 8F
我可以期待樓上慢了一步的翻譯嗎? ^^
05/06 21:39, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #16FS9RRb (A-Rod)