作者查詢 / vadajoan

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作者 vadajoan 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共491則
[申訴] 不服boy-girl版snda之判決的違規文章推文
[ L_SecretGard ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: snda - 發表於 2012/11/22 20:34(11年前)
190Fvadajoan:I don't read sumade's reply. He is a douchbag!!!11/02 22:08
[情報] 救災資訊 (當義工,捐物跟捐款等)
[ NewYork ]20 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: berrylicious - 發表於 2012/11/03 11:55(11年前)
10Fvadajoan:I agree Ballard need to shut up11/03 23:41
11Fvadajoan:I lost power n heat since Monday. It has been 6 days11/03 23:42
12Fvadajoan:Would really appreciate some help u know?!11/03 23:43
[公告] 水桶公告
[ Boy-Girl ]0 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: snda - 發表於 2012/11/03 02:01(11年前)
144Fvadajoan:I don't read sumade's reply. He is a douchbag!!!11/02 22:08
[問題] Louboutin只能擇一的話,你會選哪一雙?
[ Brand ]37 留言, 推噓總分: +24
作者: miuccina - 發表於 2012/10/20 13:08(11年前)
28Fvadajoan:Pigalle. Simple is boring and Asian looking10/22 09:28
Re: [認真] Robin男友整理
[ HIMYM ]4 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: seyar - 發表於 2012/09/26 08:44(11年前)
1Fvadajoan:Actually, you were pretty dismissive about Robin...09/26 10:38
Re: [認真] Robin男友整理
[ HIMYM ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: nolander - 發表於 2012/09/26 07:28(11年前)
2Fvadajoan:Nice job. I completely agree with you09/26 10:39
[食記] 紐約最棒牛排館☆米其林摘星Peter Luger
[ NewYork ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: iioouu - 發表於 2012/08/29 10:44(11年前)
8Fvadajoan:3U went all the way to Peter Luger and didn't order09/01 09:34
9Fvadajoan:Porterhouse???09/01 09:34
[問題] Balenciaga Town 裝的下 macbook air嗎 ?
[ Brand ]25 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: colorflags - 發表於 2012/08/21 23:41(11年前)
6Fvadajoan:I think 'Work' would suit you more.08/22 06:25
[好店] 空中酒吧 230 FIFTH Lounge Bar
[ Wine ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: nienclaire - 發表於 2012/07/24 10:21(12年前)
2Fvadajoan:Was here last week. Thought it was overrated.07/28 13:22
[經驗] 健康幼稚園
[ marvel ]66 留言, 推噓總分: +44
作者: gn0481914 - 發表於 2012/06/26 18:10(12年前)
50Fvadajoan:I graduated from this kindergarten too...06/30 10:02