作者查詢 / todayb

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作者 todayb 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共758則
Re: [問卦] 幹幹幹 昨天bang了女同事
[ Gossiping ]819 留言, 推噓總分: +715
作者: iamgaylan - 發表於 2021/01/09 10:29(3年前)
698Ftodayb: A+01/09 17:46
[求助] 忍不住看了先生的手機
[ marriage ]494 留言, 推噓總分: +133
作者: iwanttodie - 發表於 2021/01/06 02:41(3年前)
478Ftodayb: good luck. I like the way you couple handle this01/08 13:59
479Ftodayb: situation. Don't waste your time on that bitch01/08 14:00
[爆卦] 川普的臉書和IG也被鎖啦
[ Gossiping ]308 留言, 推噓總分: +138
作者: nwd4e9cd - 發表於 2021/01/08 00:04(3年前)
245Ftodayb: they didn't ban FB when FB promote the BLM01/08 04:55
246Ftodayb: BLM riot and looting01/08 04:56
Re: [分享] 放置-Melvor Idle 放置RPG (STEAM上架)
[ Little-Games ]40 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: s32244153 - 發表於 2020/11/24 09:59(3年前)
17Ftodayb: any one pass the in to mist dungeon?12/27 14:56
18Ftodayb: even can't pass the phase112/27 14:56
Re: [新聞] 台南外籍女大生失蹤 遭人殺害棄屍山溝
[ Gossiping ]30 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: joicow - 發表於 2020/10/30 08:18(3年前)
15Ftodayb: good10/30 08:33
[跪求] 發光的海洋截肢動物互吃已刪文
[ Little-Games ]3 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: AesopChen - 發表於 2020/10/29 00:46(3年前)
3Ftodayb: would you share the link?10/30 08:23
[分享] 點擊-Pokeclicker
[ Little-Games ]622 留言, 推噓總分: +330
作者: thdob - 發表於 2020/10/10 20:01(3年前)
116Ftodayb: where is Ho-oh?10/19 12:27
118Ftodayb: thanks. long way to go. how about #238Smoochum?10/19 12:52
243Ftodayb: what's the the usage of protein/rare candy?10/24 14:10
244Ftodayb: and how to get it?10/24 14:10
281Ftodayb: what to do now after complete the entire index?10/30 08:21
[新聞] 拜登投書中文媒體 將深化與台關係
[ Gossiping ]24 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: ak904 - 發表於 2020/10/23 10:15(3年前)
15Ftodayb: trump go10/23 10:35
Re: [問卦] 檢察官警告:公開田XX姓名 恐罰2-10萬
[ Gossiping ]1052 留言, 推噓總分: +890
作者: DamnKobe - 發表於 2020/10/23 10:15(3年前)
47Ftodayb: wow10/23 10:35
[趣事] 伍佰的浪人情歌當年到底有多紅?
[ joke ]233 留言, 推噓總分: +180
作者: LouisLEE - 發表於 2020/10/10 14:54(3年前)
212Ftodayb: XDDD10/12 11:18