作者查詢 / oosh0329

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作者 oosh0329 在 PTT [ Eng-Class ] 看板的留言(推文), 共179則
[文法] such倒裝 關係代名詞that
[ Eng-Class ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: KEVINISCOOL - 發表於 2022/06/16 00:42(1年前)
4Foosh0329: 意思等同they are so familiar with (big brands, and t06/16 08:27
5Foosh0329: he colours and logos that represent them) 以至於 (th06/16 08:27
6Foosh0329: at) they can register a brand…process.06/16 08:27
[單字] 有沒有用錯字 ?!
[ Eng-Class ]15 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: howisfashion - 發表於 2022/05/11 18:00(2年前)
1Foosh0329: 可能是ennui跟overwhelm?05/12 21:13
2Foosh0329: 我是指ennui不會去overwhelm小孩,可能改homework之類05/13 17:51
3Foosh0329: 的?05/13 17:51
4Foosh0329: 是可以問問看,但還是有一點不同,generosity是別人丟05/13 23:31
5Foosh0329: 給他的,而ennui比較中性比較被動05/13 23:31
[求譯] that用法
[ Eng-Class ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: pplperson - 發表於 2022/05/09 22:15(2年前)
1Foosh0329: 1.是,形容詞子句,後面隱藏的意思是you cannot get (th05/10 00:35
2Foosh0329: e kind of freedom) from any job.05/10 00:35
3Foosh0329: 2.這邊that是連接詞的用法,可上Merriam-Webster查that05/10 00:36
4Foosh0329: ,conjunction用法裡的2/a/(3)05/10 00:36
5Foosh0329: https://i.imgur.com/shrCTo7.jpg05/10 00:36
6Foosh0329: (1)(2)(3)句型一樣,(1)作目的、預期的結果(2)作原因(3)05/10 00:38
7Foosh0329: 作為結果或其影響,此句算是(3)05/10 00:38
8Foosh0329: 如You said that; It’s important that; The problem i05/10 00:39
9Foosh0329: s that等等都可以拿來接完整的長句子05/10 00:39
[求譯] 來玩一下..
[ Eng-Class ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: howisfashion - 發表於 2022/05/08 14:39(2年前)
6Foosh0329: 就是指一種偽裝,一種一個人本身不是(那種人)、以及相信05/08 16:26
7Foosh0329: 他所不相信(的事)的那種偽裝。05/08 16:26
8Foosh0329: 這句結構分開會比較好看,句中兩個to是同等關係05/08 16:27
9Foosh0329: a feigning to be what one is not.05/08 16:27
10Foosh0329: a feigning to believe what one does not (believe).05/08 16:28
11Foosh0329: 其實不一定要用英英來背單字,有許多單字中英文差距其05/08 16:29
12Foosh0329: 實沒有想像中那麼大05/08 16:29
Re: [文法] with+人和and的差別
[ Eng-Class ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: darkautumn - 發表於 2022/04/24 12:55(2年前)
12Foosh0329: 推1樓…第二句你可以想想是在什麼情況下說的,可能是爸04/24 22:07
13Foosh0329: 爸問你媽媽今天去哪了?於是你回答「媽媽跟我去購物了」04/24 22:07
14Foosh0329: ,但這樣顯然沒有一定隱含”跟隨”的意思。你這裡所指04/24 22:07
15Foosh0329: 的”強調”部分,我覺得是完全誤解了,強調的部分並不是04/24 22:07
16Foosh0329: 誰陪誰或誰跟隨誰,而是強調”情境”,也就是第2 3句是04/24 22:07
17Foosh0329: 用來”解釋”行蹤的。因此你上篇最底下,我認為兩句都04/24 22:07
18Foosh0329: 不恰當,應該是I and mom made the mooncakes together.04/24 22:07
19Foosh0329: 或 I made the mooncakes with mom’s help. 或 It’s04/24 22:07
20Foosh0329: mom who helped me with the mooncakes. 要說恰當,那04/24 22:07
21Foosh0329: 麼就應該有個問句「你(媽)那時候在幹嘛?」04/24 22:07
[考題] 103會考一題不定代名詞
[ Eng-Class ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: her7913 - 發表於 2022/04/21 11:52(2年前)
3Foosh0329: “不指定”的意思是沒說是哪些郵票,但不能選one是因為04/21 16:30
4Foosh0329: 要前面要有提及或強烈隱含了某人某物才可以用。04/21 16:30
5Foosh0329: These stamps are more valuable than the ones I colle04/21 16:33
6Foosh0329: cted before.04/21 16:33
7Foosh0329: Who is Jack? The one with a hat there.04/21 16:33
[文法] 今日VOA其中一則新聞語意
[ Eng-Class ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: iamam - 發表於 2022/04/08 16:42(2年前)
5Foosh0329: 不太能這麼說,主要子句是最前面的people face fuel and04/09 01:22
6Foosh0329: electricity shortage04/09 01:22
7Foosh0329: 因此應該翻譯作「繼總統內閣在禮拜日的請辭後,斯里蘭卡04/09 01:24
8Foosh0329: 人民對總統的批評越演越烈的同時,面對燃料和電力的短04/09 01:24
9Foosh0329: 缺。」04/09 01:24
10Foosh0329: 主軸應放在「人們面對著燃料和電力的短缺」04/09 01:25
[請益] 複合關係代名詞的用法
[ Eng-Class ]6 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: stephanieeee - 發表於 2022/03/25 08:08(2年前)
3Foosh0329: 應該是:不會有任何差別阿,不論是誰先來。03/25 22:26
4Foosh0329: whichever要有擇一的概念才適用03/25 22:26
5Foosh0329: Either Saturday or Sunday, choose whichever day you03/25 22:27
6Foosh0329: want.03/25 22:27
[請益] 請益一題中翻英(已有寫出參考答案)
[ Eng-Class ]13 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: preed - 發表於 2022/03/16 17:40(2年前)
5Foosh0329: 中文其實也不是很順,我改一下03/17 01:23
6Foosh0329: 正如同被水包圍的魚,不知道已全身濕透,大眾對世界的03/17 01:24
7Foosh0329: 看法也在媒體的包圍之中不知不覺地受到影響。03/17 01:24
8Foosh0329: Just like the fish, surrounded by water in which the03/17 01:27
9Foosh0329: y don’t know they are soaked, the public’s views o03/17 01:27
10Foosh0329: f the world, while surrounded by the media, are also03/17 01:27
11Foosh0329: influenced unconsciously.03/17 01:27
12Foosh0329: unconsciously這邊可能會比較適合用little by little或g03/17 04:48
13Foosh0329: radually03/17 04:48
[請益] 條列式的符號?
[ Eng-Class ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: sinkerwang40 - 發表於 2022/03/15 14:56(2年前)
1Foosh0329: 垂直條列式 常見半括弧 1) 2) 3) 或a) b) c) 這樣03/16 03:11