作者查詢 / newf91G

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作者 newf91G 在 PTT [ MobileComm ] 看板的留言(推文), 共39則
[情報] Zenfone 6 前後4800萬像素?
[ MobileComm ]94 留言, 推噓總分: +56
作者: de092112 - 發表於 2019/04/04 09:21(5年前)
93Fnewf91G: 有些邊緣製仗不照片也沒朋友,照相再好那些高能也04/11 14:10
94Fnewf91G: 不在意,雖然那些也不是客群就是了04/11 14:10
Re: [心得] 小米9缺點
[ MobileComm ]56 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: Feishawn - 發表於 2019/04/11 01:48(5年前)
51Fnewf91G: 最大的問題是不支援記憶卡,給那麼好的鏡頭128g的容04/11 12:25
52Fnewf91G: 量根本無法滿足喜歡拍照攝影的需求04/11 12:25
[問題] 小米確定不是飢餓行銷?
[ MobileComm ]148 留言, 推噓總分: +66
作者: a22115555 - 發表於 2019/04/11 10:05(5年前)
94Fnewf91G: 自尊心高該拿蘋果,不該跟鄉民們搶小米04/11 12:23
Re: 求救!ZE551ML子龍2自行更換電池後電量永遠在
[ MobileComm ]54 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: newf91G - 發表於 2019/01/27 13:31(5年前)
4Fnewf91G: @dre 請問原廠的你在哪看的?01/27 13:43
5Fnewf91G: 我在華碩官網看官網小編回應說01/27 13:43
6Fnewf91G: 華碩官方電池外面沒在賣01/27 13:44
7Fnewf91G: 要換華碩原廠的請送皇家俱樂部01/27 13:44
8Fnewf91G: 然後沒屋頂有個說原廠的01/27 13:45
9Fnewf91G: 我問他是否真原廠他跟我說原廠華碩電芯01/27 13:45
10Fnewf91G: 馬然後照片上的qr碼跟別間副廠的商品QR01/27 13:46
11Fnewf91G: 拍出來的號碼前面序列號一模一樣= ="01/27 13:46
12Fnewf91G: @har 文長所以才開新文回,看不順眼請見諒01/27 13:47
13Fnewf91G: @gg06 了解01/27 13:49
18Fnewf91G: @JT 就價格囉= ="01/27 14:11
19Fnewf91G: 網路上有更換電池教學01/27 14:11
20Fnewf91G: 想說我自己換就可以了01/27 14:12
21Fnewf91G: 畢竟回原廠換1千,自己換買電池三百01/27 14:13
22Fnewf91G: 想說七百手工自己來就好= ="...01/27 14:13
35Fnewf91G: 上網辜狗後找到方法了,01/27 18:28
36Fnewf91G: eksine USA Level 1 | View eksine's posts01/27 18:28
37Fnewf91G: Post on 2017/7/6 03:1601/27 18:28
38Fnewf91G: The problem is not the software. the way you fix01/27 18:28
39Fnewf91G: it is take off the back plate, remove all the t01/27 18:28
40Fnewf91G: iny Philips screws and remove the hold down back01/27 18:28
41Fnewf91G: ing plate, and take a piece of paper and fold it01/27 18:28
42Fnewf91G: 2 or 3 times and place it on the black foam pie01/27 18:28
43Fnewf91G: ce that the battery connector is on the top of t01/27 18:28
44Fnewf91G: he battery, that's the battery connector connect01/27 18:28
45Fnewf91G: ing the battery to the phone electronic board. t01/27 18:28
46Fnewf91G: he problem is the connection is loose. what you01/27 18:28
47Fnewf91G: are doing is creating a shim to push the connec01/27 18:28
48Fnewf91G: tor in more. you could use electrical tape but p01/27 18:28
49Fnewf91G: aper works ok and you can control how much press01/27 18:28
50Fnewf91G: ure to apply. do not use too thick of a piece fo01/27 18:28
51Fnewf91G: r the shim or you would bulge out the hold down01/27 18:28
52Fnewf91G: backing plate.01/27 18:28
53Fnewf91G: 感謝熱心回答的ptt網友01/27 18:32