作者查詢 / JC0605

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作者 JC0605 在 PTT [ Astros ] 看板的留言(推文), 共682則
[情報] 2021 World Series 系列戰賽程
[ Astros ]507 留言, 推噓總分: +325
作者: cobras638 - 發表於 2021/10/23 15:58(2年前)
30FJC0605: 怎麼每年都遇到Morton….10/24 14:14
470FJC0605: Morton won two titles with two teams. Congrats to him11/03 11:54
471FJC0605: and wish him speedy recovery. Once an Astro always a11/03 11:54
472FJC0605: n Astro.11/03 11:54
We live another day. ALCS G6 tomorrow
[ Astros ]245 留言, 推噓總分: +118
作者: Herlin - 發表於 2020/10/16 18:28(3年前)
1FJC0605: 連續兩場贏一分 我大膽預測明天8:7勝出 不會再多10/16 18:42
91FJC0605: Morton knows all our hitters than anyone.10/18 10:53
[情報] ALCS 系列戰賽程
[ Astros ]262 留言, 推噓總分: +165
作者: cobras638 - 發表於 2020/10/09 18:27(3年前)
13FJC0605: 我們過去幾年在季後賽洗洋基臉也好幾次了 遇上了輸掉也沒10/10 10:43
14FJC0605: 什麼 最主要是Cole現在換制服穿我們輸掉感覺就會不太好10/10 10:45
21FJC0605: Morton在三年前WS G7最後上來奉獻的那四局意義重大 就算10/10 10:50
22FJC0605: 最後分道揚鑣我還是衷心希望他能在生涯後段再拿一次冠軍10/10 10:51
26FJC0605: Dodgers哪年的陣容不讓人覺得所向無敵?XU 打了才知道10/10 10:55
27FJC0605: HOU今年職業運動NBA/MLB加上上週的NFL已經火了三個總教練10/10 10:57
28FJC0605: 先來看看牙籤老爹能撐多久10/10 10:58
31FJC0605: 火箭太空人有冠軍有季後賽Texans體質好被玩成這樣很可惜10/10 11:03
32FJC0605: 我比較希望看到ATL/HOU這個WS組合, 時間回到15年前...10/10 11:04
[心得] ALDS 賽前 我想對大家說..
[ Astros ]69 留言, 推噓總分: +49
作者: Herlin - 發表於 2020/10/05 22:59(3年前)
63FJC0605: Morton or Cole will be up for next round for the oppo10/09 07:29
64FJC0605: site side regardless. Give them a hug.10/09 07:29
[心得] 2019 offseason
[ Astros ]549 留言, 推噓總分: +230
作者: cmark1012 - 發表於 2019/11/01 13:54(4年前)
34FJC0605: 我的看法是FO再決定要ZG的時候就覺得今年鐵定可以拿下然後11/02 10:20
35FJC0605: 就算Cole要走場面也不會尷尬難看, 至於明年JV/ZG走球隊重11/02 10:22
36FJC0605: 建壓力也不會那麼大, 因為廢話三年兩個冠軍球迷還要靠邀?11/02 10:22
37FJC0605: 結果沒想到結局是現在這德行, 只能說人算不如天算11/02 10:24
38FJC0605: 今年明年也沒什麼錢, rotation JV/ZG/McCullers/Urquidy11/02 10:25
39FJC0605: 打線應該是完全不會變, 能做的大概是找C/一個4號/牛棚重建11/02 10:26
40FJC0605: 教練團我覺得可以全部砍掉換新的了11/02 10:28
43FJC0605: 事後想想, 過去幾年我們靠著打擊贏球, 靠著分數比對面多11/02 10:53
44FJC0605: 贏球, 在最後一個系列賽因為打擊輸掉也是人算不如天算11/02 10:54
45FJC0605: 去年還有藉口Altuve/Correa都是帶傷在打還沒有Alvarez跟11/02 10:55
46FJC0605: Brantley在, 今年沒有這些藉口所以輸掉會更難以接受11/02 10:55
257FJC0605: 跟這些人抬槓有意義嗎? 他們就是只敢躲在推文裡面跟風嗆11/16 16:45
258FJC0605: 然後要他們拿點會得出來講就一定推說去看MLB版阿都是證據11/16 16:45
259FJC0605: 通常這種咖只會跟風也只能跟風所以我的看法是拿爆米花就好11/16 16:46
324FJC0605: 開個85mph slider讓他打支右外野德州鳥安11/19 17:05
345FJC0605: 我忽然覺得今年沒拿冠軍是件好事, 很難想像現在這個風波如11/22 22:46
346FJC0605: 果是在三年內拿下第二座冠軍之後發生現在會是什麼情形11/22 22:47
415FJC0605: 現在應該不是荷包的問題 是人品有很大問題 沒人想來12/13 09:58
things are getting ugly in HOU
[ Astros ]83 留言, 推噓總分: +22
作者: JC0605 - 發表於 2019/10/31 16:47(4年前)
2FJC0605: Putting the wrong guy in.(When you already asked Cole10/31 17:32
3FJC0605: to get ready) after pulling the right guy out. Perio10/31 17:32
4FJC0605: d. Did you watch the game?10/31 17:32
7FJC0605: 拜託你也看一下第幾場什麼狀況 能不能後援有沒有先問過10/31 17:37
8FJC0605: 選手這都是事先要討論過的吧 你以為叫個人上去丟兩球嚇嚇10/31 17:38
9FJC0605: 對手有用是嗎? 然後要抄消息當然可以不過不用抄了之後再10/31 17:39
10FJC0605: 回來這邊質詢說你這個解讀有問題 事實上就是牛棚調度糟糕10/31 17:43
76FJC0605: Again, this year's failure will remain for a while.11/01 11:51
77FJC0605: Next year? year after next? We wont be the same team11/01 11:52
78FJC0605: like the past two years. Tough to admit but true.11/01 11:54
[live] 2019 WS G7 Scherzer VS Greinke
[ Astros ]504 留言, 推噓總分: +242
作者: cmark1012 - 發表於 2019/10/30 11:59(4年前)
3FJC0605: 我也道歉, 落井下石不應該在這時候, Let's get 'em tmr.10/30 12:10
188FJC0605: Alvarez has a long way to go.10/31 10:53
192FJC0605: Again, 2 runs, its a haunting number.10/31 10:55
203FJC0605: Everything seems against us at this point...10/31 11:02
205FJC0605: I take my hat off to Grenike for his performance today10/31 11:03
206FJC0605: He gave us his best in the game we need it.10/31 11:03
209FJC0605: Everything is against us....everything10/31 11:06
224FJC0605: i dont understand why we keep Osuna to this point.10/31 11:09
269FJC0605: base loaded, i think things are done here.10/31 11:32
270FJC0605: Good year, lots of expectations and ups and downs.10/31 11:33
276FJC0605: But after all we failed. We need lots of moves after10/31 11:34
279FJC0605: this game. Trades or contracts might need to be done.10/31 11:34
284FJC0605: 6:2 game is done.10/31 11:36
292FJC0605: WSH overall outperformed us in the series.10/31 11:38
293FJC0605: Good to see a good team win their first title just10/31 11:38
294FJC0605: us from two years ago.10/31 11:39
295FJC0605: *like10/31 11:39
299FJC0605: Brantley/Cole/Greinke joined this team for a reason,10/31 11:40
300FJC0605: It's just disappointing we failed them for what they10/31 11:40
301FJC0605: gave us throughout the year....10/31 11:41
309FJC0605: I dont think we will remain as a contender as we've10/31 11:44
310FJC0605: been over the past three years next year TBH.10/31 11:45
313FJC0605: Altuve took us to WS but he didnt do well in the last10/31 11:47
315FJC0605: two games. It's baseball.10/31 11:47
318FJC0605: Congrats WSH! It was a overall good series.10/31 11:50
323FJC0605: 2 runs, its a haunting number there..10/31 11:52
345FJC0605: 三張王牌在世界大賽出賽六次結果只拿下一勝 輸沒有理由10/31 11:59
348FJC0605: 今年非常令人失望 Hinch兩年前是個好教練 今年我只給60分10/31 12:00
351FJC0605: 季後賽的投手名單跟打線的安排都非常有問題10/31 12:01
355FJC0605: 看到Zimmerman拿下冠軍蠻令人感動的, 他是國民的代表10/31 12:04
360FJC0605: 季後要有很多動作才對, 球隊會在retool/rebuild中間10/31 12:08
371FJC0605: 我們或許還是支90-70的球隊 不過機會不可能像過去幾年好了10/31 12:14
378FJC0605: 另外農場基本上已經沒有可以期待的人了, 手上的籌碼也不多10/31 12:16
391FJC0605: 少Cole直接先拿掉10場, 我認為合理的預測是90W-92W10/31 12:20
395FJC0605: 其實經歷過04/05兩年再到17年會對今年特別失望10/31 12:22
397FJC0605: 04/05兩年靠投手沒有打擊, 好不容易到了17年攻守都齊了10/31 12:23
399FJC0605: 今年是升級但是失敗, 細節能討論的太多包括打擊/投手教練10/31 12:23
403FJC0605: 打擊短期賽失常可以理解, 投手的名單就是很大的問題10/31 12:24
406FJC0605: 我不認為攻守齊是假象, 會捉襟見肘是因為名單不嚴謹10/31 12:25
408FJC0605: 打擊的安排最多也就是這樣了, 但我認為打擊教練跟三壘指導10/31 12:26
411FJC0605: 問題很大, 今年的跑壘失誤很多次造成關鍵影響10/31 12:26
457FJC0605: 不留Cole可以確定明年一樣會失敗, 差別在止步哪裡而已10/31 14:26
[情報] 2019World Series WSH VS HOU
[ Astros ]950 留言, 推噓總分: +541
作者: cobras638 - 發表於 2019/10/20 14:03(4年前)
95FJC0605: 兩張王牌如果是0-2 應該也不用期待太多,國民看起來狀況10/24 08:25
96FJC0605: 正好10/24 08:25
97FJC0605: 今天這場如果輸掉應該可以討論明年的陣容了10/24 08:26
217FJC0605: How many times have I said Maldonado is probably the10/24 15:52
218FJC0605: worst catcher I’ve seen in major? He proved to the w10/24 15:52
219FJC0605: orld last year in ALCS and this year? In WS. Good dea10/24 15:52
220FJC0605: l we made. ZG and Maldonado.10/24 15:52
221FJC0605: 0-2 after Cole and JV? Yeah the tone is set. A wasted10/24 15:55
222FJC0605: year.10/24 15:55
791FJC0605: How many homer runs has he allowed this postseason?10/30 09:56
793FJC0605: Feels like 10 or something. We better win this game o10/30 09:57
794FJC0605: r WSH are gonna win it.10/30 09:57
795FJC0605: They beat JV twice and force the series to G7 with al10/30 09:59
796FJC0605: l wins at our home. G7 is not good to us at all.10/30 09:59
846FJC0605: game is done here.10/30 10:53
849FJC0605: Have we ever pulled a comeback win with deficit more10/30 10:54
850FJC0605: than 3 points this playoffs? Not to my knowledge.10/30 10:54
853FJC0605: Game 7 is in favor of WSH. They beat us at our home10/30 10:55
855FJC0605: for not once, twice but most likely three times.y10/30 10:55
856FJC0605: G7 doesnt look good to us at all.10/30 10:56
861FJC0605: 要說別人唱衰王也拿點會得出來好嗎? 除了會護航Greinke之10/30 10:58
862FJC0605: 外我還真看不出來你會點什麼?10/30 10:58
865FJC0605: 抱著數據說Greinke好棒, 結果他拿出來的是什麼數據?10/30 10:58
866FJC0605: 喜歡談數據就拿點會得出來講不要整天說:ㄟ 這數據被說3號10/30 10:59
867FJC0605: 搞得好像大家非捧他不可10/30 10:59
886FJC0605: Also we lost in all games where we scored less than 210/30 11:19
887FJC0605: runs this playoffs if my memory recalls correctly.10/30 11:19
888FJC0605: 234 batters out in less than 10 pitches. Pathetic...10/30 11:20
910FJC0605: With Scherzer most likely in line for G7, I honestly10/30 11:32
915FJC0605: could not think positively for us.10/30 11:33
916FJC0605: Lets hope for the best, but also prepare for the wrost10/30 11:34
[情報] ALCS NYY VS HOU 系列戰賽程
[ Astros ]1213 留言, 推噓總分: +654
作者: cobras638 - 發表於 2019/10/11 14:22(4年前)
17FJC0605: 讓對方投到第五局還沒辦法得分基本上就不用想贏了10/13 09:41
18FJC0605: NYY的牛棚大概是全聯盟最難打的, 休息天數夠就不要想太多10/13 09:41
19FJC0605: 前兩場如果一場都拿不下來, 基本上今年也可以不用想太多了10/13 09:41
20FJC0605: 說完就0:2, Greinke這種丟法到第三輪就差不多了沒領先就10/13 09:43
21FJC0605: 準備放掉了, 短期賽打擊不振輸掉也沒什麼好講的其實...10/13 09:44
24FJC0605: 0:3 走遠了, 這種丟法跟球速第三輪根本會被修理好玩的10/13 09:49
26FJC0605: 然後Hinch大概下一局還會要他上來偷幾個出局10/13 09:51
32FJC0605: 很遺憾的是17年對NYY Correa占了很重要的腳色, 現在看到10/13 09:55
33FJC0605: 他打擊實在只有嘆氣而已, 打線前面六棒還可以但是789糟糕10/13 09:56
35FJC0605: 到一個不行, Tucker這種咖上來就是猜球打完全沒策略10/13 09:57
37FJC0605: 上一個打席猜第一球猜對了, 這個打席比較像他真正的模樣10/13 09:58
38FJC0605: 六局丟完對方用不到70球這種比賽輸掉也沒什麼 很合理10/13 09:59
41FJC0605: 打擊問題應該從DS就出現了, 所以今年這個狀態別太期待了10/13 10:02
43FJC0605: Greike這種你大概就是只能期待他沒是丟完六局然後掉3分10/13 10:03
44FJC0605: 還要給他A的成績, 換一個這種近來明年就只能說難過了10/13 10:04
45FJC0605: 下一場要當背水一戰來打, 如果是0-2到NY連打三場那基本上10/13 10:05
46FJC0605: 可以完完全全的不用期待了10/13 10:06
47FJC0605: 原因? 很簡單, 對方主場然後看看我們的牛棚 你覺得?10/13 10:07
48FJC0605: 剛說完我們的牛棚馬上就來惹 ㄏㄏ10/13 10:09
50FJC0605: Pressley 完全失去上半季的dominance10/13 10:11
52FJC0605: Game is done here. Hopefully the season is not, but i10/13 10:13
53FJC0605: f we lose again tmr then it pretty much done.10/13 10:13
56FJC0605: Our weaknesses have totally been exposed in this game10/13 10:16
57FJC0605: and NYY took advantage of every bit of them. We dese10/13 10:16
58FJC0605: rve to lose.10/13 10:16
65FJC0605: Just some personal thoughts here, I think NYY are an10/13 10:28
66FJC0605: overall better team than us this year. We obviously l10/13 10:28
67FJC0605: ack lots of essential parts of a team to beat compare10/13 10:28
68FJC0605: d to ‘17. So it wouldn’t surprise if we ended here10/13 10:28
69FJC0605: this year, it’s just that we seem to have invested i10/13 10:28
70FJC0605: n a lot to put things together to win another one yet10/13 10:28
71FJC0605: things to go the other way at the very crucial point10/13 10:28
72FJC0605: ...10/13 10:28
73FJC0605: It was an out for sure....Bregman lost his calm at th10/13 10:31
74FJC0605: e plate and this could end our series...seriously10/13 10:31
79FJC0605: Tmr’s game should be taken as the last of the season10/13 10:34
80FJC0605: , if not and we are down to 0-2 then we’re done.10/13 10:34
82FJC0605: Alvarez has a lot to learn at the plate. His at-bats10/13 10:44
83FJC0605: had only shown his power but not his patience.10/13 10:44
84FJC0605: 今天這場比賽是很好的缺點展示:沒有三號四號跟短期的打10/13 10:54
85FJC0605: 擊不振以及無法信賴的牛棚。我反而覺得會贏才是怪事...10/13 10:54
89FJC0605: 然後Hinch現在開始抽簽要牛棚出來 實在是有趣10/13 10:58
91FJC0605: I wonder how seriously Hinch understands losing this10/13 11:01
92FJC0605: one could also cost our season, and now things are ge10/13 11:01
93FJC0605: tting ugly.10/13 11:01
100FJC0605: 我個人是認為這場最重要,今天這個表現可能已經為這個系10/13 11:21
101FJC0605: 列賽定調,我是不樂觀 多看一場是一場10/13 11:21
419FJC0605: J.A Happ? 怎麼沒人講應該是禿頭王牌的報恩阿...10/14 16:24
486FJC0605: ALCS runs per game是(0+3+4)/3 < 2.4 先打點分數吧各位10/17 00:56
489FJC0605: 與其擔心那個Greinke會不會又被炸掉先打點分數比較實在10/17 00:56
494FJC0605: Greinke上一場六局掉三分大概已經是極限了然後我們得2.4分10/17 00:59
495FJC0605: 是打算讓Wade Miley還是哪個投手拿棒子上去打嗎?...10/17 01:00
498FJC0605: 我就不懂讓Tucker上然後看他在那邊幫主審搧風然後不讓其他10/17 01:02
499FJC0605: 像是Reddick/Marisnick上是在想什麼? Alvarez現在在打線10/17 01:02
500FJC0605: 裡面除了他那張gangster的臉之外全身上下沒有一個地方會10/17 01:03
501FJC0605: 讓對方覺得有壓力然後排六棒再考慮到Springer跟17年一樣10/17 01:04
502FJC0605: 到WS前都不知道怎麼打球, 我不知道哪裡還有空間可以亂搞10/17 01:05
1133FJC0605: 不期不待 ㄏㄏ10/20 12:07
[新聞] 一夫當關拯救球隊 Cole:團隊戰力給我信心
[ Astros ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: zkow - 發表於 2019/10/11 13:48(4年前)
1FJC0605: Checked Cole's season stats line, this guy started10/11 14:51
2FJC0605: the season with 2-4 in April and then 18-1 for rest of10/11 14:51
3FJC0605: year.....18-1, this guy is fucking INSANE.10/11 14:52