作者查詢 / immole

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 immole 的總覽 (PTT發文,留言,暱稱)
發文數量: 4
收到的『推』: 7 (58.3%)
收到的『→』: 5 (41.7%)
收到的『噓』: 0 (0.0%)
留言數量: 24
送出的『推』: 8 (33.3%)
送出的『→』: 16 (66.7%)
送出的『噓』: 0 (0.0%)
使用過的暱稱: 1
immole 在 PTT 最新的發文, 共 4 篇
[自介] immole
[ ShuangHe ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: immole - 發表於 2008/02/03 23:50(16年前)
[自介] immole
[ Shu-Lin ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: immole - 發表於 2008/02/03 23:50(16年前)
[自介] immole
[ SongShan ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: immole - 發表於 2008/02/03 23:50(16年前)
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: immole - 發表於 2006/04/12 23:05(18年前)
immole 在 PTT 最新的留言, 共 24 則
[Intr] This is gttt (Anne)
[ EngTalk ]8 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: gttt17 - 發表於 2008/11/27 22:42(15年前)
2Fimmole:It seems like it's not that hard to get a job11/27 23:47
[閒聊] 跳躍力
[ NBAEasyChat ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: sunnyshin - 發表於 2008/11/26 18:48(15年前)
18Fimmole:孩子王也跳很高 我看過一張照片他可以頭到籃框12/04 15:56
19Fimmole:靠..說錯...手碰框12/04 15:59
[Talk] hi
[ EngTalk ]16 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: kanekill - 發表於 2008/06/03 16:55(16年前)
7Fimmole:About "like English people"..06/04 21:00
8Fimmole:I think the author didn't mean that...06/04 21:01
9Fimmole:In my opinion,perhaps the author was trying to say06/04 21:03
10Fimmole:"people who like English"...just my guess...06/04 21:04
12Fimmole:I do know the definition of the word "like"06/14 00:39
13Fimmole:but in this case,it's quite different from the original06/14 00:40
14Fimmole:meaning.I would say that it could be grammartical error06/14 00:41
15Fimmole:or so called "chinglish" the author used in this senten06/14 00:42
16Fimmole:sentence06/14 00:43
[Ask ] what kind of job is it?
[ EngTalk ]13 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: payin712 - 發表於 2008/03/05 13:51(16年前)
7Fimmole:the postman should be the answer03/06 01:48
[Talk] Does any guy watch WWE?
[ EngTalk ]15 留言, 推噓總分: +9
作者: IGNIZ - 發表於 2008/02/24 14:58(16年前)
6Fimmole:D generation X!!!!!!!!02/24 17:32
immole 在 PTT 的暱稱紀錄, 共 1 個