作者查詢 / h4321oem

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 h4321oem 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共31778則
[無用] 官網紅帖 Matchmaking Improvements Up …
[ LoL ]172 留言, 推噓總分: +88
作者: errard - 發表於 2010/03/05 12:56(14年前)
144Fh4321oem: 這麼87 我怎麼受的了11/25 00:20
153Fh4321oem: (づ′=ω=)づ 8703/05 22:57
157Fh4321oem: 祝你全家都快樂喔08/08 00:56
161Fh4321oem: 偷偷8709/25 22:06
[英雄] Nidalee 來自森林的支援者 AP流
[ LoL ]184 留言, 推噓總分: +90
作者: heerofang - 發表於 2010/03/05 12:18(14年前)
122Fh4321oem: 8711/24 19:52
138Fh4321oem: 好有效率 太神啦11/24 22:14
145Fh4321oem: 真的03/05 22:26
166Fh4321oem: 請充實文章05/15 00:52
171Fh4321oem: 真的耶08/08 00:51
179Fh4321oem: 8703/19 17:24
[分享] League of Legends FAQ
[ LoL ]144 留言, 推噓總分: +86
作者: Dolacone - 發表於 2010/03/04 23:59(14年前)
116Fh4321oem: 太神惹11/24 19:52
124Fh4321oem: (づ′=ω=)づ真derㄛ03/05 22:55
135Fh4321oem: 恩 祝你快樂08/08 00:45
139Fh4321oem: 噓!02/27 13:26
[週報] LoL週報 No. 1 (0302-0304)
[ LoL ]311 留言, 推噓總分: +88
作者: Dolacone - 發表於 2010/03/04 23:37(14年前)
183Fh4321oem: 加油加油11/17 09:37
220Fh4321oem: 87878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878711/20 19:37
247Fh4321oem: 8711/22 18:46
256Fh4321oem: 好神 怎麼這麼神11/23 10:30
277Fh4321oem:04/30 21:16
279Fh4321oem: = =05/05 18:04
287Fh4321oem: 8708/08 00:41
291Fh4321oem: 幫QQ08/27 23:34
[心得] 整理 台灣LOL集散地
[ LoL ]175 留言, 推噓總分: +74
作者: TCBeliever - 發表於 2010/03/04 22:28(14年前)
22Fh4321oem: _________09/30 17:47
23Fh4321oem: | |09/30 17:47
24Fh4321oem: <_________|09/30 17:47
36Fh4321oem: 前來支援 8711/09 15:47
112Fh4321oem: 太神啦RRRRRRRRRRR11/17 09:35
119Fh4321oem: 不要砍我好嗎 >_<11/28 23:35
120Fh4321oem: test11/28 23:37
121Fh4321oem: test 8711/28 23:40
141Fh4321oem: (づ′=ω=)づ 囧rz03/05 22:53
159Fh4321oem: 8708/08 00:34
[分享]League of Legends 台灣TS伺服器
[ LoL ]177 留言, 推噓總分: +75
作者: elenore - 發表於 2010/03/04 22:20(14年前)
23Fh4321oem:05/02 20:47
24Fh4321oem: 十八08/01 08:55
25Fh4321oem: 早干08/01 08:55
26Fh4321oem: / ╲╴╴ノ\09/29 15:46
27Fh4321oem: ∕ ノ ﹨09/29 15:47
28Fh4321oem: / ● ● ミ09/29 15:47
29Fh4321oem: 彡 (_人_) ミ09/29 15:47
30Fh4321oem: ╲__  _ノ09/29 15:48
31Fh4321oem: ∕ ""\09/29 15:48
35Fh4321oem: 我準備好了10/05 20:27
42Fh4321oem: ya10/13 17:42
50Fh4321oem: 87878787878710/15 01:11
65Fh4321oem: 878787878710/19 01:18
79Fh4321oem: 8710/22 00:12
89Fh4321oem: 87878787878787878787878787878710/27 23:22
97Fh4321oem: 87878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878711/01 16:12
117Fh4321oem: 8711/07 18:38
125Fh4321oem: 8711/09 01:03
126Fh4321oem: 太神啦11/09 01:04
153Fh4321oem: 可以噓08/08 00:30
[心得] 英雄-Nidalee 叢林女王!
[ LoL ]269 留言, 推噓總分: +77
作者: errard - 發表於 2010/03/04 22:16(14年前)
68Fh4321oem:03/10 21:36
72Fh4321oem: ㊣♡㊣03/13 12:28
75Fh4321oem: 十八04/09 18:35
76Fh4321oem: 日工04/09 18:35
77Fh4321oem: 十 |04/09 18:36
78Fh4321oem: 十八04/09 18:38
79Fh4321oem: 日工04/09 18:38
80Fh4321oem: 十丨04/09 18:39
85Fh4321oem: 8706/27 09:50
93Fh4321oem: 8707/23 20:30
99Fh4321oem: 8708/10 09:50
103Fh4321oem: 真DER 一堆8708/19 22:55
106Fh4321oem: 8709/02 00:54
111Fh4321oem: 捌柒09/11 12:21
115Fh4321oem: 8709/15 16:12
120Fh4321oem: 8709/22 01:10
130Fh4321oem: 8709/29 02:11
140Fh4321oem: 6810/05 20:25
148Fh4321oem: 8710/07 20:07
158Fh4321oem: 癢10/10 15:41
159Fh4321oem: 癢10/10 16:11
164Fh4321oem: 太神啦10/11 14:47
197Fh4321oem: (づ′=ω=)づ別難過03/05 22:51
216Fh4321oem: 88節快樂08/08 00:24
232Fh4321oem: 蹦蹦跳01/04 13:13
[分享] League of Legends 英雄 Nasus
[ LoL ]503 留言, 推噓總分: +87
作者: HEINOUS - 發表於 2010/03/04 21:53(14年前)
265Fh4321oem: 6703/07 14:59
266Fh4321oem: 6803/07 15:18
267Fh4321oem: 6903/07 15:21
268Fh4321oem: 7003/07 15:31
269Fh4321oem: 7103/07 15:46
270Fh4321oem: 7203/07 15:48
271Fh4321oem: 7303/07 15:57
272Fh4321oem: 7403/07 15:59
273Fh4321oem: 7503/07 16:04
274Fh4321oem: 7603/07 16:13
275Fh4321oem: 7703/07 16:37
276Fh4321oem: 7803/07 16:44
277Fh4321oem: 7903/07 17:04
278Fh4321oem: 8003/07 17:10
279Fh4321oem: 8103/07 17:14
280Fh4321oem: 8203/07 17:16
281Fh4321oem: 8303/07 17:20
282Fh4321oem: 8403/07 17:24
283Fh4321oem: 8503/07 17:43
284Fh4321oem: 8603/07 17:44
285Fh4321oem: 8703/07 17:48
286Fh4321oem: 太神啦 8703/07 17:49
294Fh4321oem: 8705/31 14:31
300Fh4321oem: 8707/06 15:26
320Fh4321oem: 8709/20 17:01
324Fh4321oem: 8709/22 00:48
325Fh4321oem: o'_'o09/22 00:49
327Fh4321oem: ok09/28 14:00
330Fh4321oem: 不信10/06 18:15
336Fh4321oem: .10/12 20:12
337Fh4321oem: 8710/12 20:15
396Fh4321oem: (づ′ o ω o)づ-103/17 22:26
398Fh4321oem: (づ′8ω7)づ o'_'o03/17 22:50
406Fh4321oem: (づ′8ω7)づ03/20 23:28
414Fh4321oem: 八七03/27 23:27
428Fh4321oem: 八七04/27 21:56
441Fh4321oem: 懶05/16 20:26
446Fh4321oem: 宮殺小06/15 07:57
459Fh4321oem: 88節快樂08/08 00:22
477Fh4321oem: 87修復11/29 15:22
493Fh4321oem: = =03/05 02:05
[轉錄][分享] League Of Legends 熱鍵以及指令 …
[ LoL ]1459 留言, 推噓總分: +95
作者: ric917 - 發表於 2010/03/04 21:45(14年前)
286Fh4321oem:pass07/07 19:46
315Fh4321oem: 這裡是怎樣08/29 22:01
333Fh4321oem: 我還有點餓09/19 00:42
382Fh4321oem: 我今天考完期中 2014/11/13 15:18
417Fh4321oem: 喔殺虫啦11/28 23:53
454Fh4321oem: 台北站12/13 13:23
457Fh4321oem: ahq最近狀況不錯 不知道能不能撐到IEM開打12/21 12:36
466Fh4321oem: o'_'<01/10 09:35
473Fh4321oem: LOL版人氣-101/24 12:55
474Fh4321oem: AHQ GG 2015/01/29 13:40
530Fh4321oem: 8703/04 18:43
532Fh4321oem: 8703/06 14:36
546Fh4321oem: 太神啦03/21 13:13
550Fh4321oem: 8703/24 17:20
562Fh4321oem: 預測樓上被打臉05/10 09:45
563Fh4321oem: 8705/10 12:01
585Fh4321oem: 沒關係 我幫他推回來05/16 19:49
586Fh4321oem: 7205/16 19:50
587Fh4321oem: 7305/16 19:52
588Fh4321oem: 7405/16 19:54
589Fh4321oem: 7505/16 19:56
590Fh4321oem: 7605/16 20:18
591Fh4321oem: 7705/16 20:30
592Fh4321oem: 7805/16 20:34
593Fh4321oem: 7905/16 20:38
594Fh4321oem: 8005/16 20:43
595Fh4321oem: 8105/16 20:46
596Fh4321oem: 8205/16 20:52
597Fh4321oem: 8305/16 21:01
598Fh4321oem: 8405/16 21:03
599Fh4321oem: 8505/16 21:05
600Fh4321oem: 8605/16 21:08
601Fh4321oem: 87 「別雷了,肥宅。」-Toyz 201505/16 21:13
630Fh4321oem: 8707/05 22:24
649Fh4321oem: AHQ夏季LMS冠軍 2015/07/26 20:53
663Fh4321oem: 閃電狼拿第二張出國門票 2015/08/16 20:46
702Fh4321oem: CLG FN09/15 16:00
703Fh4321oem: 8709/15 16:03
704Fh4321oem: KT09/15 16:04
732Fh4321oem: 太神啦09/20 01:51
736Fh4321oem: 8709/20 17:00
737Fh4321oem: ˋ.ˊ09/20 17:02
743Fh4321oem: 8709/22 00:46
744Fh4321oem: >_<09/22 00:47
775Fh4321oem: 85是怎樣10/05 20:20
776Fh4321oem: 當我不存在? 8710/05 20:22
787Fh4321oem: ˋ.ˊ10/16 19:21
835Fh4321oem: 謹此紀念87烈士們 我不會忘記你們的貢獻 2015/11/27 19:49
842Fh4321oem: 811/28 23:30
843Fh4321oem: 711/28 23:33
850Fh4321oem: =88 8712/07 00:05
852Fh4321oem: 唉呦 他的手可以穿過我的88R12/08 13:49
854Fh4321oem: ˋ.ˊ12/09 19:52
908Fh4321oem: 第一頁太87啦12/30 20:06
933Fh4321oem: .01/16 21:02
934Fh4321oem: 很壞耶你們01/16 21:04
983Fh4321oem: Hello Mr.DJ這節奏不要停10/04 22:06
1009Fh4321oem: 射射射射射射射射10/14 11:07
1026Fh4321oem: -110/21 10:10
1053Fh4321oem: ?????????????11/06 20:30
1070Fh4321oem: 8711/29 15:07
1142Fh4321oem: = =02/21 23:56
1148Fh4321oem: 402/27 13:21
1152Fh4321oem: -103/03 21:03
1170Fh4321oem: 樓上很拼喔03/16 19:58
1171Fh4321oem: 希望你努力推的同時也要記得好好吃飯 多休息03/16 20:07
1172Fh4321oem: 多運動 這樣對身體很好 真的 加油03/16 20:11
1173Fh4321oem: 最後祝你身體健康03/16 20:15
1174Fh4321oem: 事業順利03/16 20:18
1175Fh4321oem: 一生平安03/16 20:23
1176Fh4321oem: 好啦 我掰不下去惹03/16 20:26
1178Fh4321oem: 就差一點惹 大家幫我加油好鋪好><03/16 20:28
1179Fh4321oem: 感謝樓上支援03/16 20:29
1185Fh4321oem: = =03/17 21:40
1187Fh4321oem: 別這樣03/17 22:38
1189Fh4321oem: 要一直噓回87很累03/17 22:59
1327Fh4321oem: 恭喜06/17 10:37
1335Fh4321oem: 8706/24 19:17
[分享] Neutral聖誕應景脫出
[ Little-Games ]198 留言, 推噓總分: +159
作者: tyui0459 - 發表於 2009/12/21 16:14(14年前)
198Fh4321oem: 蠻簡單的09/22 01:41