作者查詢 / gogin

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作者 gogin 在 PTT [ EngTalk ] 看板的留言(推文), 共20則
全部Wanted59497home-sale8493Hate4467L_TalkandCha2471WomenTalk2076HsinChuang2064AllTogether953MobileComm948Broken-heart825give625About_Life491Sad298NBA253car244Gossiping241mobilesales224SYSOP217Bunco200CareerLady186movie165ID_Multi136MLB116Salary115L_LifeInfo106L_RelaxEnjoy106PokemonGO93forsale81L_LifePlan71Diary67cat61BigBanciao59CareerPlan58MenTalk52movie_Picket50sex32BoardCourt29LAW29L_FoodAndDri28Baseball24DYU24marriage23BigSanchung22ID_Problem22Marginalman22nb-shopping22EngTalk20Ikariam20L_SecretGard19Law-Service18Women_Picket14Boy-Girl11NARUTO11X-files10Beauty8ONE_PIECE8Violation8HatePolitics7Anti-ramp6ask6Drama-Ticket6joke6Leo6PunishRecord6Shu-Lin6StupidClown6Wrestle6L_GlobalView5MacShop5part-time5PttLaw5ShuangHe5biker4KS98-3024L_PTTHealth4PokeMon4SFGiants4swim4TallClub4Taoyuan4ChungLi3Frgn_spouse3KoreaStar3KR_Buzz3multi-lovers3PttLifeLaw3Q_ary3SP2_Baseball3Sub_DigiTech3SuperBike3YUGIOH3AskBoard2C_Chat2CntrbndList2Examination2FJUO2nTrade2Hsinchu2Hunter2LinKou2Nets2Raptors2SP1_Baseball2TaichungBun2WorldCup2BabyMother1BaseballXXXX1BeautySalon1Board-Police1C_ArtBoard1Cad_Cae1Car-rent1CFantasy1ChangHua1Childhood1Coffee1ComGame-Plan1CourtBasebal1CPBL_Retired1CPBL_veteran1Daan1dreams-wish1EatToDie1Exotic_Pet1FishShrimp1Food1FORMULA11friends1GetMarry1HateP_Picket1HsinYi1I-Lan1Instant_Mess1Kings1L_BeautyCare1L_TaiwanPlaz1L_TradeCente1Lifeismoney1love-vegetal1MakeUp1Military1motor_detail1Orl-Magic1PC_Shopping1PttBug1rent-exp1Salesperson1SongShan1soul1Spurs1Starbucks1talk1third-person1toberich1unemployed1VAPE1Vocal1<< 收起看板(155)
[EngTalk] 看板 選情報導
[ EngTalk ]3 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: [馬路探子] - 發表於 2022/07/30 18:59(1年前)
1Fgogin: 暫定0802處理07/31 08:22
2Fgogin: 已送站長方審查版主資格 有新消息再另通知08/01 11:01
3Fgogin: 兩位已通過版主資格審核 請靜候消息08/02 14:16
[公告] 徵求 EngTalk 版版主
[ EngTalk ]2 留言, 推噓總分: 0
作者: gogin - 發表於 2022/07/14 09:33(1年前)
1Fgogin: 修改錯字07/14 13:02
2Fgogin: 增加第六款徵選板主之規定07/20 16:38
[Talk] Don't know what to do?
[ EngTalk ]12 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2019/05/15 08:46(5年前)
1Fgogin: You never listen to suggestions from others.05/15 10:04
[Talk] I am in the hospital.
[ EngTalk ]17 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2018/06/08 09:54(5年前)
12Fgogin: Good .06/08 15:15
[Talk] Maybe I am a terrible terrorist.
[ EngTalk ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2018/06/06 00:07(5年前)
11Fgogin: After see my doctor , she just twll me "patience".06/06 09:04
12Fgogin: So i am good , I don`t change my life.06/06 09:05
13Fgogin: I also go to Starbucks and wait somebody.06/06 09:06
14Fgogin: I am not Harassment mad . My doctor tell me I am better06/06 09:08
15Fgogin: then before . I can do anything . YAYAYAYA....06/06 09:08
16Fgogin: If you don't tell your doctor what your real situation06/06 09:20
17Fgogin: the doctor can't determine your state of an illness .06/06 09:21
[Talk] How to be successful like my brother?消失
[ EngTalk ]26 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: dosandonts - 發表於 2018/06/05 12:33(5年前)
14Fgogin: Sorry, I apologize, QQ . But I never change anything.06/05 18:49
15Fgogin: You always hurt me. I am bereft of love. Have a broken06/05 18:51
16Fgogin: heart , why you hurt me again!!!!! Why????06/05 18:52
17Fgogin: I feel sad to die , you are all bad guys .06/05 18:53
18Fgogin: I know why you want hurt me , because you can make06/05 18:54
19Fgogin: make money by that way.06/05 18:54