作者查詢 / dbtsai001

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 dbtsai001 的總覽 (PTT發文,留言,暱稱)
發文數量: 1
收到的『推』: 8 (19.5%)
收到的『→』: 33 (80.5%)
收到的『噓』: 0 (0.0%)
留言數量: 19
送出的『推』: 0 (0.0%)
送出的『→』: 19 (100.0%)
送出的『噓』: 0 (0.0%)
使用過的暱稱: 1
dbtsai001 在 PTT 最新的發文, 共 1 篇
[問題] 休學創業
[ toberich ]41 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: dbtsai001 - 發表於 2011/10/16 17:09(12年前)
dbtsai001 在 PTT 最新的留言, 共 19 則
[問題] 休學創業
[ toberich ]41 留言, 推噓總分: +8
作者: dbtsai001 - 發表於 2011/10/16 17:09(12年前)
6Fdbtsai001:haha..just just mumbling, well, maybe a little drunk10/16 17:39
7Fdbtsai001:well, we have been talking to several VC and people10/16 17:40
9Fdbtsai001:in this area, and some of them thought it's a10/16 17:41
10Fdbtsai001:breakthrough in this industry, and10/16 17:43
11Fdbtsai001:no one has ever used the social network to run this10/16 17:43
12Fdbtsai001:business... we all feel excited.10/16 17:44
13Fdbtsai001:but still, time will prove if it works out10/16 17:44
17Fdbtsai001:that's ture. We're gonna have a alpha version in the10/16 17:48
19Fdbtsai001:end of this year, and we'll primary test it in10/16 17:49
20Fdbtsai001:school. so, if the feedback is good, we may start to10/16 17:49
21Fdbtsai001:think about next step.10/16 17:50
23Fdbtsai001:actually, Mark was expelled by school without B.S.10/16 17:51
24Fdbtsai001:we did talk to former CTO of facebook who is also10/16 17:54
25Fdbtsai001:the closed friend of my co-funder. His opinion is10/16 17:55
26Fdbtsai001:it's a good idea, but we have to get traffic first.10/16 17:55
28Fdbtsai001:haha.. the reality is that they want see the traffic10/16 17:57
29Fdbtsai001:first, and we don't need money now. Money may hurt10/16 17:58
30Fdbtsai001:a new company.. take a look on Larry Pages's10/16 17:59
31Fdbtsai001:presentation -- how to start a new company.10/16 17:59
dbtsai001 在 PTT 的暱稱紀錄, 共 1 個