作者查詢 / dashihito

總覽項目: 發文 | 留言 | 暱稱
作者 dashihito 在 PTT [ LGBT_SEX ] 看板的留言(推文), 共112則
[創作] 清潔消失
[ LGBT_SEX ]23 留言, 推噓總分: +15
作者: noruas - 發表於 2016/05/30 23:39(8年前)
5Fdashihito: 原po的文都太獵奇了啦!05/31 00:45
[討論] Ubike裸騎??!消失
[ LGBT_SEX ]60 留言, 推噓總分: +20
作者: noruas - 發表於 2016/05/26 00:30(8年前)
38Fdashihito: 說真的衛生方面我才替裸體直接接觸坐墊的人感到擔心...05/26 13:20
[男男] 不想軟軟
[ LGBT_SEX ]18 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: SEXLGBT - 發表於 2016/04/20 19:12(8年前)
1Fdashihito: 作息正常或多運動 or 禁慾個幾個禮拜再約04/20 19:15
Re: [討論] G片日文大全(有音檔
[ LGBT_SEX ]159 留言, 推噓總分: +138
作者: MakotoHaruka - 發表於 2016/03/19 13:57(8年前)
38Fdashihito: 推用心啊啊啊啊!勉強になりましたwww03/19 16:40
96Fdashihito: 補充一句:口が嫌だと言っても、体は正直なものだ。03/20 03:47
97Fdashihito: (嘴巴說不要,身體倒是挺誠實的嘛)03/20 03:48
[討論] G片在射之前的"i so"究竟是什麼意思?
[ LGBT_SEX ]30 留言, 推噓總分: +25
作者: hellocrab - 發表於 2016/03/18 23:13(8年前)
13Fdashihito: 欸~~~我還以為是「行くぞ」?03/19 03:17
17Fdashihito: 畢竟行きそう(看起來要射了)或行くそう(聽說要射囉03/19 13:02
18Fdashihito: )都滿違和的啊www03/19 13:02
[男男] 泰國爛gay也未免太多了吧
[ LGBT_SEX ]276 留言, 推噓總分: +28
作者: gruousconin - 發表於 2016/03/14 22:20(8年前)
32Fdashihito: 呃,as後面不是應該加名詞嗎03/15 02:50
54Fdashihito: Nothing comes for free... Just grow up boy03/15 10:18
55Fdashihito: And never consider those who don't speak English ID03/15 10:23
56Fdashihito: OTIC... since it's apparent that neither did u use03/15 10:23
57Fdashihito: English grammatically... Lol03/15 10:23
78Fdashihito: well, im not a Homer, especially whose toeic is 91003/15 11:03
79Fdashihito: so i admit i nod a lot haha... if i've ever made u03/15 11:04
80Fdashihito: get butthurt, just let me know... my bad~ lol03/15 11:05
81Fdashihito: btw, im not a grammar nazi, but u forgot an03/15 11:07
91Fdashihito: auxiliary verb in your sentence... hahahahahaha03/15 11:07
99Fdashihito: i mean u "forgot" to add one... dude~~~03/15 11:24
110Fdashihito: there u go. u forgot another conjunction... so dumb03/15 11:45
111Fdashihito: oops, i shouldn't have called someone dumb.. my bad03/15 11:46
113Fdashihito: wow, u r really good at interpreting... "out of03/15 11:50
114Fdashihito: context" type... ahahahahha03/15 11:50
120Fdashihito: whatever... at least u make my day, thx bro so fun03/15 11:53
230Fdashihito: 原po不錯帥啊?只是原po毛遂自薦在表特板po文被人噓到03/20 18:16
231Fdashihito: 自刪,跟原本po在甲板最後也是被人噓到自刪一樣 哭哭喔03/20 18:17
232Fdashihito: 科,玻璃心又碎一地嗎?拍拍喔~03/20 22:41
233Fdashihito: 倒是你都糾正錯人臉才比較腫吧 乖,早點洗洗睡消消腫~03/20 22:43
234Fdashihito: butthurt again? no wonder ur friends' english is03/20 23:14
235Fdashihito: as goooooooooood as uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hahahahahaaha03/20 23:14
244Fdashihito: yeah right, it should be "uuuurs" Aunt Josephine~~~03/20 23:28
249Fdashihito: calm down, aunt josephine... didn't mean to insult03/20 23:38
251Fdashihito: ur greatest joy in life...... hahahahaahahaha03/20 23:38
256Fdashihito: 「一整個就像小學生捉到一個小辮子就追著打一樣。」03/20 23:44
257Fdashihito: ahahhahahhahaa so truuuuuuuue ;)03/20 23:45
259Fdashihito: I'm flattered, Aunt Josephine~~~ :*03/20 23:52
266Fdashihito: Aunt Josephine表示:用太好的英文沒辦法跟泰國人溝通03/21 19:23
275Fdashihito: 痾,打不打臉該不會是原po怎麼說樓上就怎麼信吧XDDD04/08 22:15
[討論] 想問有關於曼谷gogoboy外帶的規矩
[ LGBT_SEX ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: gruousconin - 發表於 2016/02/21 02:46(8年前)
10Fdashihito: wow, u r really good at interpreting... "out of03/15 11:49
[討論] 射在天菜黃益中書上
[ LGBT_SEX ]20 留言, 推噓總分: +16
作者: benchor - 發表於 2015/06/13 01:18(9年前)
17Fdashihito: 聽到他說話就會覺得:老天是公平的!!!06/15 21:05
[男男] 桃園有什麼推薦的圈內地方嗎
[ LGBT_SEX ]10 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: MaYingJoe - 發表於 2015/06/02 15:00(9年前)
9Fdashihito: 請搜尋FB關鍵字:Raphael & Mini Bar06/02 23:36
10Fdashihito: 這家的感覺就像一些只喝酒 平時會唱karaoke的小bar06/02 23:37
[男男] 情侶撞號
[ LGBT_SEX ]82 留言, 推噓總分: +57
作者: fiakei - 發表於 2015/04/01 22:46(9年前)
66Fdashihito: 3P是其中一組解。04/03 13:17