作者查詢 / ck6cj962k6

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作者 ck6cj962k6 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共181則
[爆卦] 韓國瑜受害者假消息又來了~~
[ Gossiping ]672 留言, 推噓總分: +309
作者: btm978952 - 發表於 2019/09/07 09:33(4年前)
600Fck6cj962k6: We need Terry Kuo and Trump!! 09/07 13:57
[新聞] 柯文哲稱美國沒要台灣買M1A2戰車 AIT:
[ Gossiping ]1000 留言, 推噓總分: +373
作者: rhino0314 - 發表於 2019/09/05 15:53(4年前)
422Fck6cj962k6: Good job115.82.100.59 09/05 16:26
822Fck6cj962k6: We need English speaking leaders!! 09/05 18:14
[新聞] 最新民調出爐 韓國瑜再跌破三成!
[ Gossiping ]984 留言, 推噓總分: +562
作者: Rambo - 發表於 2019/09/05 11:00(4年前)
896Fck6cj962k6: We need English speakers to lead th115.82.100.59 09/05 15:30
897Fck6cj962k6: e country, please!! 09/05 15:30
899Fck6cj962k6: Don't be fooled by those only "Chin115.82.100.59 09/05 15:30
900Fck6cj962k6: ese speaking" people!! 09/05 15:31
[爆卦] 高雄議會審新市長預算,與總統登記撞期
[ Gossiping ]184 留言, 推噓總分: +104
作者: osirix0227 - 發表於 2019/09/04 07:07(4年前)
106Fck6cj962k6: English news, please!! 09/04 09:12
[新聞] 「學姊」黃瀞瑩確定參選台北市立委 關渡
[ Gossiping ]1488 留言, 推噓總分: +252
作者: softegg - 發表於 2019/09/04 08:23(4年前)
381Fck6cj962k6: English news, please!! 09/04 09:12
[新聞] 喬蛋成功?遠雄同意讓步…柯文哲積極協助
[ Gossiping ]1118 留言, 推噓總分: +274
作者: semih - 發表於 2019/09/04 08:02(4年前)
474Fck6cj962k6: English news, please!! 09/04 09:12
[轉錄] 阿扣謝和弦 fb已回收
[ HatePolitics ]622 留言, 推噓總分: +148
作者: a2005414 - 發表於 2019/08/29 16:56(4年前)
534Fck6cj962k6: Amen101.11.34.23 08/29 18:47
571Fck6cj962k6: GOD is everything, Amen!! 08/29 19:31
[爆卦] 白宮請願網站:買下台灣
[ Gossiping ]1498 留言, 推噓總分: +914
作者: muse87131 - 發表於 2019/08/28 10:58(4年前)
1284Fck6cj962k6: Good news!! 08/28 15:44
1341Fck6cj962k6: Good deal!! 08/28 16:29
1348Fck6cj962k6: Good job!! 08/28 16:40
1377Fck6cj962k6: Wonderful!! 08/28 17:26
1378Fck6cj962k6: As soon as possible!! 08/28 17:27
[新聞] 希澈與Momo被爆戀愛中 (JYPE否認)
[ KoreaStar ]1490 留言, 推噓總分: +769
作者: bboy0223 - 發表於 2019/08/06 09:56(4年前)
695Fck6cj962k6: English news please!! 08/06 10:49
Re: [問題] English Bible
[ Christianity ]42 留言, 推噓總分: +18
作者: hlzy - 發表於 2019/08/02 00:41(4年前)
1Fck6cj962k6: I don't think you are telling the truth08/02 11:29
2Fck6cj962k6: Please use English in name of GOD08/02 11:36
3Fck6cj962k6: Please don't use hieroglyphics08/02 11:37
7Fck6cj962k6: Please use English08/02 11:55
8Fck6cj962k6: Don't use hieroglyphics08/02 11:56
9Fck6cj962k6: Looking at those people on the roads, do you think08/02 11:59
10Fck6cj962k6: you are good enough and fulfilling GOD's commandm08/02 11:59
11Fck6cj962k6: ents if you don't want to speak English??08/02 11:59
12Fck6cj962k6: I think our school should stop teaching our studen08/02 12:02
13Fck6cj962k6: ts hieroglyphics as soon as possible for national08/02 12:02
14Fck6cj962k6: security08/02 12:02
16Fck6cj962k6: Hieroglyphics are bad words to use08/02 12:06
17Fck6cj962k6: Almost all countries or civilizations in human his08/02 12:07
18Fck6cj962k6: tory which use hieroglyphics are destroyed08/02 12:07
21Fck6cj962k6: English is better08/02 12:11
23Fck6cj962k6: If you have better choice, don't use the inferior08/02 12:12
24Fck6cj962k6: one, because it is very dangerous08/02 12:12
25Fck6cj962k6: Using hieroglyphics is like playing fire08/02 12:12
28Fck6cj962k6: Just wait and see and you will understand08/02 12:20
29Fck6cj962k6: Actually you can look at the road now by yourself08/02 12:20
30Fck6cj962k6: Since all the machine languages are written in Eng08/02 12:23
31Fck6cj962k6: lish, I am afraid people who receive education wit08/02 12:23
32Fck6cj962k6: h hieroglyphics are not capable of using the machi08/02 12:23
33Fck6cj962k6: nes correctly without being hurt or hurting others08/02 12:23