作者查詢 / booshiet

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作者 booshiet 在 PTT 全部看板的留言(推文), 共125則
Fiveofakind 報告--每星期五推出免費教學影片
[ Poker ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +14
作者: booshiet - 發表於 2008/05/02 15:17(16年前)
2Fbooshiet:video 還在上傳05/02 15:34
16Fbooshiet:上傳好了!!05/03 14:13
[Fiveofakind]今天推出Ray的1k NL得的教學影片!!
[ Poker ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: booshiet - 發表於 2008/04/19 03:46(16年前)
5Fbooshiet:請在fiveofakind的論壇做留言 :P04/19 05:36
Fiveofakind 有新的教學影片!!!
[ Poker ]21 留言, 推噓總分: +17
作者: booshiet - 發表於 2008/04/14 11:06(16年前)
1Fbooshiet:我們網址是 http://www.fiveofakind.tw/forums04/14 11:08
2Fbooshiet:Video 在 "from the pros" 裡面04/14 11:09
4Fbooshiet:目前還沒有ㄛ04/14 11:36
19Fbooshiet:提醒個位要註冊後才能看到我們得影片ㄛ04/15 15:23
[問題] 有沒有ps轉錢會衰的八卦?
[ Poker ]24 留言, 推噓總分: +16
作者: yuki921 - 發表於 2008/04/12 18:14(16年前)
8Fbooshiet:just dont' go on tilt, just standard variance04/12 23:22
9Fbooshiet:i get thsi everyday04/12 23:22
[情報] fiveofakind論壇正式上路!
[ Poker ]29 留言, 推噓總分: +21
作者: terryfan1124 - 發表於 2008/03/19 12:31(16年前)
8Fbooshiet:of course! post as many hnads as u like!03/19 13:13
[閒聊] 合理的BB/100?
[ Poker ]18 留言, 推噓總分: +6
作者: jhtsai - 發表於 2008/03/14 02:33(16年前)
4Fbooshiet:need at LEAST 50k hands to have a good estimate03/14 03:55
5Fbooshiet:i would say good bb/100 at nl 10 is 1003/14 03:56
6Fbooshiet:nl25 nl50 = 8-1003/14 03:56
7Fbooshiet:nl100 nl200 5+ would be very good03/14 03:56
8Fbooshiet:if u have 5 u might be running really hot :P03/14 03:57
10Fbooshiet:aim for 5ptbb over big sample, that's a start03/14 05:12
11Fbooshiet:well actually anything >0 is good :P03/14 05:12
13Fbooshiet:full ring should be higher because nowadays the03/14 11:44
14Fbooshiet:full ring games are softer than 6max03/14 11:45
15Fbooshiet:but not much difference03/14 11:45
[問題] 這手牌你們會丟嗎?
[ Poker ]77 留言, 推噓總分: +28
作者: Airwave - 發表於 2008/03/13 22:04(16年前)
66Fbooshiet:if u 3bet JJ u cannot fold on this flop03/14 11:51
67Fbooshiet:he has AcX too much. stop bein result oriented03/14 11:51
68Fbooshiet:it is also only 100 bb, call all day03/14 11:52
69Fbooshiet:if u don't want to call then don't bet the flop03/14 11:52
70Fbooshiet:if u bet flop, it is to bet/call not bet/fold03/14 11:52
Re: Fiveofakind.tw 第一個 1/2 Full ring video!!
[ Poker ]2 留言, 推噓總分: +1
作者: AliGJapan - 發表於 2008/03/13 10:20(16年前)
1Fbooshiet:we are in the process of making VERY basic materials03/13 11:24
2Fbooshiet:to teach complete beginners, ty for your feedback03/13 11:25
Re: Fiveofakind.tw 第一個 1/2 Full ring video!!
[ Poker ]12 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: alden - 發表於 2008/03/13 09:06(16年前)
1Fbooshiet:1. we will look into that03/13 10:02
2Fbooshiet:2. I was actually thinking about this today03/13 10:02
3Fbooshiet:I will discuss it more and see what we can do03/13 10:02
4Fbooshiet:thank you for your comment and support :)03/13 10:03
[牌局] 請問這把怎麼打
[ Poker ]19 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: ANDYisME - 發表於 2008/03/12 12:38(16年前)
12Fbooshiet:raise the flop, any pair + gut shot will call03/12 15:50
13Fbooshiet:bet the turn if u are called, shove the river03/12 15:50
14Fbooshiet:flop call is NOT fine. 100% raise03/12 15:50
15Fbooshiet:KQ, AQ, JQ, any 2 pair call. any flush draw03/12 15:51
16Fbooshiet:not raising here is a huge huge mistake03/12 15:51