作者查詢 / Anchorites

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作者 Anchorites 在 PTT [ studyabroad ] 看板的留言(推文), 共158則
[選校] 2024Fall 土木CE/水利HE PhD選校
[ studyabroad ]36 留言, 推噓總分: +2
作者: allen77xddd - 發表於 2023/09/07 20:54(8月前)
1FAnchorites: I’m already working in the US and strongly recomm09/09 15:17
2FAnchorites: end you not to study PhD in civil. I can sense tha09/09 15:17
3FAnchorites: t you have intention to pivot into CS, so stop was09/09 15:17
4FAnchorites: ting your time in civil and just apply for MSCS. G09/09 15:17
5FAnchorites: et out of school as soon as possible and land a so09/09 15:17
6FAnchorites: ftware job. I got my MS in civil and took a couple09/09 15:17
7FAnchorites: of CS class, also trying to break into tech. But09/09 15:17
8FAnchorites: due to visa and the lack of training in CS compare09/09 15:17
9FAnchorites: d to average CS grads, I’ve sacrificed so much ti09/09 15:17
10FAnchorites: me and effort and still don’t know whether I’d s09/09 15:17
11FAnchorites: uccess. So think twice. I’d only recommend PhD if09/09 15:17
12FAnchorites: academic is your passion, otherwise, getting MSCS09/09 15:17
13FAnchorites: is a no brainer, even if it takes extra 1-2 years09/09 15:18
14FAnchorites: . Another thing is, H1B is becoming harder and har09/09 15:18
15FAnchorites: der to acquire, so there’s that.09/09 15:18
16FAnchorites: Most civil companies in the US are also obsolete a09/09 15:20
17FAnchorites: nd old, and those that integrate new technology do09/09 15:20
18FAnchorites: n’t pay that well either, your years put into civ09/09 15:20
19FAnchorites: il would not worth it at all, financially.09/09 15:20
33FAnchorites: I don’t use Ptt that much anymore, but feel free09/11 02:15
34FAnchorites: to PM me09/11 02:16
[問題] 常見問題-該在現在出國嗎?
[ studyabroad ]48 留言, 推噓總分: +7
作者: p8410077 - 發表於 2023/04/27 10:35(1年前)
40FAnchorites: I know it might not be what you want to hear, but05/01 15:04
41FAnchorites: the reality is 99.9999% you won’t be able t9 land05/01 15:04
42FAnchorites: with a job in aerospace engineering. So always as05/01 15:04
43FAnchorites: sume you won’t be able to stay if you’re plannin05/01 15:04
44FAnchorites: g to get a degree in AE in the US. I have not see05/01 15:04
45FAnchorites: a single JD of AE not did not explicitly state you05/01 15:04
46FAnchorites: don’t need security clearance. You have to be ex05/01 15:04
47FAnchorites: tremely lucky or outstanding. Go figure which one05/01 15:04
48FAnchorites: you are.05/01 15:04
[ studyabroad ]16 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: william0211 - 發表於 2022/05/18 00:40(2年前)
12FAnchorites: 雅圖天氣比基隆好多了吧…05/18 08:03
[問題] 屋況方面的說法請教
[ studyabroad ]10 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: IGNORER - 發表於 2021/07/15 12:25(2年前)
5FAnchorites: low flow是一種system, 有些房東會特別弄low flow省07/15 14:24
6FAnchorites: 錢,那種你就沒辦法。單純水壓弱就說low water pressu07/15 14:24
7FAnchorites: re07/15 14:24
[問題] 成績不好但很想去英國留學
[ studyabroad ]27 留言, 推噓總分: +13
作者: assassin762 - 發表於 2021/06/24 09:23(2年前)
2FAnchorites: 沒給數據是要占卜ㄇ06/24 09:31
[ studyabroad ]7 留言, 推噓總分: +3
作者: Alina2009 - 發表於 2021/06/09 02:23(2年前)
6FAnchorites: 嘗試過 失敗收場06/09 06:23
Re: [心得] 美國省錢留學生活
[ studyabroad ]56 留言, 推噓總分: +12
作者: anjackie - 發表於 2021/05/22 14:48(3年前)
2FAnchorites: 如果經濟狀況真的不好,誰說不能拿啊?05/22 15:46
[選校] MSCS ASU/CU Boulder/Penn state
[ studyabroad ]23 留言, 推噓總分: +10
作者: dinopeter - 發表於 2021/04/30 01:07(3年前)
19FAnchorites: 朋友PSU去年疫情還找到完全bytedance04/30 16:43
20FAnchorites: 灣區*04/30 16:43
[問題] 代PO 加拿大申請
[ studyabroad ]11 留言, 推噓總分: +4
作者: shigeno - 發表於 2021/04/12 22:25(3年前)
3FAnchorites: 試試看啊 不過成績應該很少看碩班的 一般都under. 沒04/13 03:47
4FAnchorites: 辦法, 大學很混就任命, 我也一樣...04/13 03:47
[選校] 化工 ChemE MS(CMU/UCSD/UW-Seattle)
[ studyabroad ]9 留言, 推噓總分: +5
作者: w5896123 - 發表於 2021/04/05 02:08(3年前)
8FAnchorites: UW CS只有BSMS04/05 12:31