[轉錄]Re: [鬍子] φ-( ̄▽ ̄)鬍子哥網誌更新 遲到Orz+推特

看板young-jiang作者 (↗煞气a錢伯↙)時間13年前 (2011/07/23 22:42), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Monkeys 看板 #1EAiMqHz ] 作者: topjojo () 站內: Monkeys 標題: Re: [鬍子] φ-( ̄▽ ̄)鬍子哥網誌更新 遲到Orz+推特 時間: Sat Jul 23 20:59:29 2011 對於上篇文章,鬍子哥有一些事情要澄清一下 XD 他人很好的,請大家不要誤會。 (差點忘了PO XD ) ============================================================ http://druckerscot.mlblogs.com/ Just to clarify everything that is being said on here and around the other baseball forums. I’m not jealous, envious, or upset about the all star voting. I just found it interesting that the fans have the ultimate choice of who goes to the game. In the states, the fans have a percentage, along with the media, managers, and other players. It was just for comparison and observation. Thanks for the restaurant details Lamigo fan, Ill be sure to check them out. 咳咳,對於這邊與另外一個棒球論壇的言論,讓我來澄清一下XD。 對於明星賽票選我沒有任何的羨慕、忌妒或是不爽啦。=口= 球迷擁有最大的權利來選擇誰去哪個位置,我只是覺得這點很促咪而已。(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 在米國球迷只占一部份的比例,其他則要靠媒體,總教練,以及其他球員來決定。 只是相互比較對照一下,不用想太多。(∩_∩) 感謝辣米糕球迷提供我一些不錯的餐廳,我一定會去試試看的。 =================== 順便更新趣味推特,不然每次都堆好多XD ================= (順序改成越下面越新,方便閱讀) (隨便翻,有誤還請指教^_^) (他人在正台北車站附近XD) Be sure to check out http://t.co/VBUCpWn for Custom #baseball #gloves! Fully customizable! Top #pro quality. they ship to the #USA 來看看這個棒球手套網站,全客製化,高製作水準,而且他們可以運送到美國喔。 http://t.co/VBUCpWn Hilarious #Timberlake and #Fallon #Rap Skit http://t.co/heiJwHW Timberlake(知名歌手) 與 Fallon(脫口秀主持人) 的RAP http://t.co/heiJwHW (背景可參考http://syachien.pixnet.net/blog/post/27197578 ) Headed over to the field at CC Lake…game tonight at 630…Ken Ray on the hill for the #lamigo #monkeys 出發前往澄清湖球場囉,今晚比賽時間為6:30,銳爺將率眾猿出征!! (銳止敗奪勝,眾吱吱砲轟喵喵,可喜可賀XD) Check out Nip the Grip its a tobacco-free alternative for dipping, http://t.co/KcogsN2 Lee, the owner is a great guy who came by #tigertown 來看看NiP吧,戒菸好伙伴http://t.co/KcogsN2 老板是個來自老虎城的好人呢 (老虎隊的春訓基地) Talking to good friend and former podcast guest @Utbaseball30, who is pitching in Taiwan. The star of his team is Chin-Feng Chen #Dodgers [別的網友寫的] 告訴你們的好朋友們,鬍子哥在台灣打球,他們對上的球星是道奇隊的陳金鋒!! (有網友回應他還記得鋒哥,是第一個上大聯盟的台灣人) #AllStar break in #Taiwan…Day off today & what do you know practice tomorrow & sunday…Guess its not really an allstar break. #Lamigomonkeys 台灣的明星賽假期要來囉......今天開始就放假了呢!! 不過你們知道嗎,星期六日還是要練球耶Orz......這不是明星週 這不是明星週>_< Ground balls on the marble floor in the lobby of the stadium on our practice day due to the rain http://t.co/0s5KQvc 在大理石地板上面的滾地球練習,正在體育館的大廳進行著XD 今天是練習日,但是卻下雨了....所以.....http://t.co/0s5KQvc @Kevin_Goldstein @Utbaseball30 No THIS is Taiwan baseball youtube.com/watch?v=aP5hjj… [別的網友貼的] 這才是正港的台灣棒球 http://yfrog.com/kjjdzaij dying for some good #mexican food in #Taiwan….any chance I can find some? 我快死了,哪裡有好吃的墨西哥食物呢? 這裡能找的到嗎? Just had some Shabu Shabu for dinner…hot plate where you cook your own meat in soups and on a grill 晚餐吃了涮涮鍋....有個盆(盤)子讓你能在湯裡面煮肉,或是用烤的。 (我想這應該是火烤兩吃XD) Nice to be told at 11pm that we don't have practice tomorrow now…would have planned something to do in #taiwan but too late 現在時間是晚上11點,被告知明天不用練習真是很不錯啊.... 要計劃一些事情來做呢.....但實在是太晚了阿..... Another day off in #taiwan, looking for something to do…go into #taipei? stay local in #Taoyuan? 今天又是休息的一天 耶~~~~~要做什麼好呢? 去台北,還是留在桃園? Walking around the Taipei main station #mrt gonna grab some grub at #alleycats whats the red line night market that's the big one? 在台北車站附近晃,想去吃Alley Cats ,好像很夯。 #Taipei is def the #scooter capital 台北鐵定是個摩托車城!!http://t.co/JgfuRNc (那為什麼二手車還要賣我5000 Q_Q) If anyone is awake you can watch our homerun derby live now here http://t.co/EAalE6w 如果(美國)有人還清醒的話,來看看我們的全壘打大賽吧!! 一樣找假斯汀 ^ http://t.co/EAalE6w ^ =================================================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 21:07,
07/23 21:07
※ 編輯: topjojo 來自: (07/23 21:10)

07/23 21:20,
07/23 21:20

07/23 21:40,
北:GoodDay 南:冒煙的喬
07/23 21:40

07/23 21:55,
Alley Cats不就華山那一間?
07/23 21:55

07/23 22:13,
07/23 22:13

07/23 22:35,
07/23 22:35

07/23 22:41,
07/23 22:41
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/31 11:53, , 1F
他到底買了什麼樣的摩托車阿= = "
07/31 11:53, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1EAjsw8l (young-jiang)
文章代碼(AID): #1EAjsw8l (young-jiang)