Re: [生活] 不管怎麼樣,還是要……

看板wisdom作者 (katsuo)時間14年前 (2010/01/03 20:56), 編輯推噓9(900)
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※ 引述《feynchard (心的方向)》之銘言: : 1、人都是邏輯不通、不講道理、只顧自己的。但不管怎樣,還是要愛人。 : 2、你做好事,別人說你是為自己打算。但不管怎樣,還是要做好事。 : 3、你成功以後,會獲得假朋友和真敵人。但不管怎樣,還是要成功。 : 4、你今天所行的善事,明天就會被遺忘。但不管怎樣,還是要行善。 : 5、誠實與坦率待人,常使你受到傷害。但不管怎樣,還是要誠實坦率。 : 6、眼光遠大的人,會被心胸狹隘的小人打擊。但不管怎樣,還是要眼光遠大。 : 7、人都會同情弱者,可是只追隨贏家。但不管怎樣,還是要為弱者奮鬥。 : 8、你多年建立起來的東西,極可能毀於一旦。但不管怎樣,還是要建設。 : 9、別人急需幫助,你幫了忙以後竟然被他們攻擊。但不管怎樣,還是要助人。 : 10、你把最好的自己獻給了世界,卻大大受挫。但不管怎樣,還是要獻上最好的你。 這本書,章跟章間還有一些小標,順便附上。 The world doesn't make sense,but you can make sense. -這世界不講道理,但你可以講道理。 If you can find personal meaning without the world's applause,you are free. -如果你不需要這世界給你掌聲,你也能夠找到生活的意義,那麼你就自由了。 Love is the greatest gift that we can give. -愛人,是我們送給別人最佳的禮物。 Love is not about approval or worthiness. -愛不是一件可以用肯不肯定、值不值得來看待的事。 Sometimes people appear to be illogical and unreasonable,when they are simply using a different logic and a different method of reasoning. They may have different worldviews,or different experiences,or see a different set of facts than we do. -有時候,別人看起來毫無道理可言,這時,他們只不過是出於一套與別人不同的邏輯和 道理,或者採用了一種不同的世界觀,或者看到了我們沒有看到的事。 People who act on their own selfish ulterior motives commonly accuse others of doing the same thing. -那些常常指責別人做某些事是出於自私動機的人,自己往往才是循私在做事。 You still need to do what is right and good and ture. That is where personal meaning and satisfaction are to be found. -你還是要做你認為正確的、良善的、純正的事–你會從中找到生命的意義與滿足感。 You would not always be the director. You would not always be in the public limelight. You would not always be in a position of influence. -你不會永遠是一級主管、不會永遠在鎂光燈下、不會永遠坐在可以呼風喚雨的位置上。 You should be kind to the people you meet on the way up,because they are the same people you will be seeing again on your way down. -你在得意時所遇到的人,要對他們好一點,因為等你失意的時候,你還會遇到他們。 People who become "successful" learn that they have "personal" friends and "positional" friends. -獲得「成功」的人會慢慢發現,朋友分成「私人」朋友和「局面」朋友兩種。 The people who attack you may be struggling with their unhappiness at the way their own lives have turned out. The attack really isn't about you–it's about them. -那些出手打擊你的人,也許正在為自己生活裡的不愉快而掙扎。 他們攻擊你,真的與你無關,卻是與他們自己有關。 If you don't treat them as your enemies,you make it easier for them to someday become your allies and friends. -如果你不把他們當敵人看,那麼將來有一天,你比較有機會使他們跟你站在同一邊, 變成你的朋友。 Treat enemies as potential allies and friends. -你要把今日的敵人看作明日可能的朋友。 If you are living authentically generously, you won't worry about whether anybody else knows or remembers. -假如你活得真實而豁達,你就不在乎別人知不知道或記不記得你做過好事。 Some of foundations for you own success were laid by your predecessors. That was their gift to you. -在你所獲得的成功裡面,有一些基礎是前人為你打下的,是他們送你的禮物。 Many of the best things we can do for each other are little things that bring a smile,or lift the spirits,as we go through daily life together. -我們能為彼些所作的最好的事,不過是那些在日常生活裡能讓人揚起微笑、打起精神的 小事。 Do good for its own sake. Do good because it is part who you are. -做好事,只是為了你要做好事。 做好事,因為這是你之所以為你。 But vulnerability can be good. When you are vulnerable,it is easier conncet with people,get to know them,and learn from them. -容易受傷也可以是好事。你假如容易受傷,你就比較容易與人結交,進一步認識對方, 從別人身上學習。 With the suit of armor, you can only grow so much,and then you have to get out of your armor if you want to grow any further. -假如你披戴盔甲,你就只能成長那麼多。如果你想進一步成長,你就得拋開盔甲。 What makes the person a "small person" is simply that he or she sees life in very small terms.A small person does't see very far beyond his own life,his own organization,his own place,and time. -一個人會是「小人」,只因他用非常窄小的角度看待人生。小人的眼界,越不過自己的 生活範圍、自己的工作場所、自已的空間與時間。 We have big problems,and we need big solutions. We need people who can see better world beyond the status quo. -我們有很多大問題,需要大的解決方案。我們需要能夠越過現狀,預見美好未來的人。 (真希望檯面上的決策者都能看到這句話。) If your big idea is shot down, simply pick it up,dust if off,and get on moving again. -萬一你所懷抱的大想法被人阻截,你就再把它捨起,拍掉它上面所蒙的塵埃,繼續前進。 Not every underdog is right,and not every underdog's issues are important. But some are. -不是所有的弱者所遇到的問題都是對的,也不是所有弱者遇到的問是都是重大的。 不過有一些弱者和他們所遇到的問題是值得重視的。 When you look back at the end of your life,you may conclude that fighting for a few underdogs was one of the most meaningful things you ever did. -將來,回顧一生,說不定你會說,幫助過那幾個弱勢者的忙,是你所做最有意義的事。 The joy,the meaning,the satisfaction are in the building. -真是的喜稅、意義和滿足感,在於「建立」的過程。 We had our moment in the time. If it was meaningful,we have reason to greateful. -我們曾經擁有屬於自己的時光,只要那是有意義的時光,我們就可以覺得感激。 Of course,it is gratifying when what you have built lasts far into the future. But don't fogo building just because it may not last. -假如你所建立的事物能夠永存於未來,那當然讓人得意。 但別因它可能無法長久就不願意建立。 Knowing when we need help,and knowing where to find it,are basic to our survival and happiness. -懂得何時可以向別人求助,以及應該向誰求助,是我們求得生存和獲得快樂的基本能力。 We need to help others in ways that support their dignity and preserve their options. -我們在幫助他人時,要維護他人的尊嚴,為他們保留餘地。 If you aren't giving your best,you aren't who you are supposed to be. -假如你不盡全力付出,你將會付出更高的代價。因為–你就不是你了。 If you're not giving the world your best,what would are you saving it for? -假如你不把最好的自己呈現給這個世界,你打算對哪個世界盡力? When you help people in both big and little ways, you know that you are not living in vain. -當你用或大或小的方式幫助了別人,你會知道你沒有白活。 Nothing is more important than what happens to the children. -發生在孩子身上的事,是最重要的事。 《The Paradoxical Commandments》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/03 22:02, , 1F
01/03 22:02, 1F

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small person 有個地方打成smell了?
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※ 編輯: katsuoli 來自: (01/04 19:05)

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