Re: [劇研] 109-part 02 (翻譯)

看板wearefriends作者 (閒祭秋)時間12年前 (2012/03/25 18:19), 編輯推噓6(6014)
留言20則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言: [Scene: Carol and Susan's apartment, Susan is there. Ross enters.] [場景:卡蘿和蘇珊家,蘇珊在。羅斯進去。] Ross: Hi, is uh, is Carol here? 嗨,呃,卡蘿在家嗎? Susan: No, she's at a faculty meeting. 不在,她去開教職員會議了。 Ross: Oh, I uh, just came by to pick up my skull. Well, not mine, but... 喔,我呃,只是來這裡拿我的頭骨。 呃,不是我的啦,但是... Susan: Come in. 進來吧。 Ross: Thanks. Yeah, Carol borrowed it for a class, and I have to get it back to the museum. 謝謝。對,卡蘿借去上一堂課,我要把它拿回去還博物館。 Susan: What's it look like? 長什麼樣子? Ross: Kinda like a big face without skin. 大概就是一張大臉,少了皮膚。 Susan: Yes, I'm familiar with the concept. We can just look for it. 對喔,我有印象看到類似的東西。我們就一起找吧。 Ross: Ok. (browsing the apartment) Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about bein' a lesbian. 好。 (環顧公寓)哇,你們倆真的有一堆當女同性戀的書耶。 Susan: Well, you know, you have to take a course. Otherwise, they don't let you do it. 呃,知道嗎,你必須去上相關課程。不然的話,他們不會讓你當的。 Ross: (picking up a book) Hey, hey, Yertle the Turtle. A classic. (拿起一本書)嘿,嘿,烏龜大王耶爾特。經典耶。 Susan: Actually, I'm reading it to the baby. 事實上,我正在對小寶寶念這本書。 Ross: The uh, the baby that hasn't been born yet? Wouldn't that mean you're... crazy? 小呃,還沒有出生的小寶寶?這不會顯得你們很...神經嗎? Susan: What, you don't think they can hear sounds in there? 什麼?你不覺得他們在裡面也聽的到聲音嗎? Ross: You're not serious, I mean, you really... you really talk to it? 你不是認真的吧,我是說,你真的...你真的跟它說話? Susan: Yeah, all the time. I want the baby to know my voice. 是啊,隨時隨地。我想要寶寶認得我的聲音。 Ross: Do you uh, do you talk about me? 那你有呃,你有說我的事嗎? Susan: Yeah, yeah, all the time. 有啊,有啊,隨時隨地。 Ross: Really? 真的啊? Susan: But um, we just refer to you as Bobo the Sperm Guy. 但是,我們只提到你是提供精子的波波。 [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is there but Rachel.] [場景:莫妮卡和瑞秋家,除了瑞秋以外都在。] Ross: Look, if she's talking to it, I just think that I should get some belly time too. Not that I believe any of this. 聽著,如果她在跟它說話,我只是想說我也應該有一些肚皮時間。 也不是說我相信這種事情啦。 Phoebe: Oh, I believe it. I think the baby can totally hear everything. I can show you. Look, this will seem a little weird, but you put your head inside this turkey, and then we'll all talk, and you'll hear everything we say. 喔,我相信啊。我覺得寶寶完全聽的到每件事情。 我可以證明。聽著,這聽起來有點奇怪,但是你把頭放到這隻火雞裡, 然後我們開始聊天,你會聽見我們說的所有事情。 Chandler: I'd just like to say that I'm totally behind this experiment. In fact, I'd very much like to butter your head. 我只是想說我百分百支持這個實驗。 事實上,我非常非常樂意幫你的頭抹奶油。 (Rachel enters.) (瑞秋進來) Monica: Hey, Rach, did you make your money? 嘿,瑞瑞,你賺夠錢了嗎? Rachel: No, not even close. Forget Vail, forget seeing my family, forget shoop, shoop, shoop. 沒,還差的遠呢。不要想韋爾,不要想跟家人見面,不要想咻咻咻了。 Monica: Rach, here's your mail. 瑞瑞,這是你的信。 Rachel: Thanks, you can just put it on the table. 謝啦,你可以把它放桌子上就好。 Monica: (insistently) No, here's your mail. (堅持地)不行,這是你的信。 Rachel: Thanks, you can just put it on the table. 謝啦,你可以把它放桌子上就好。 Monica: (gives her an envelope) Would you just open it? (把信封拿給她)你能不能就打開啊? (Rachel opens it. Inside is the money she needed.) (瑞秋打開它。裡面有她需要的錢。) Rachel: Oh my god, oh, you guys are great. 喔天啊,喔,你們大家好好喔。 Monica: We all chipped in. 我們全都有份喔 Joey: (to Monica) We did? (對莫妮卡) 全部? Monica: (to Joey) You owe me 20 bucks. (對喬伊) 你欠我二十元。 Rachel: Thank you. Thank you so much! 謝謝你們。真的很謝謝你們! Monica: (hands Chandler a bag) Chandler, here you go, got your traditional Thanksgiving feast, you got your tomato soup, your grilled cheese fixin's, and your family size bag of Funyuns. (給錢德一個袋子) 錢德,拿去吧,你的傳統感恩節餐點, 裡面有番茄湯、烤起司三明治、還有家庭號的炸洋蔥圈。 Rachel: Wait, wait, Chandler, this is what you're havin' for Thanksgiving dinner? What, what, what is it with you and this holiday? 等等,等等,錢德,你的感恩節晚餐就吃這樣子而已? 什麼,怎樣,你到底為什麼要跟這節日過不去啊? Chandler: All right, I'm nine years old. 好吧,那是在我九歲的時候。 Ross: Oh, I hate this story. 喔,我討厭這個故事。 Chandler: We just finished this magnificent Thanksgiving dinner. I have--and I remember this part vividly-- a mouthful of pumpkin pie, and this is the moment my parents choose to tell me they're getting divorced. 我們剛吃完一頓非常豐盛的感恩節晚餐。 我還...我還清楚的記得這部分...滿嘴的南瓜派, 而就在這個時候,我爸媽決定告訴我他們要離婚了。 Rachel: Oh my god. 我的天啊。 Chandler: Yes. It's very difficult to appreciate a Thanksgiving dinner once you've seen it in reverse. 是的。一旦你看過反芻回來的感恩節大餐之後,你就很難再享受它了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/25 18:34, , 1F
03/25 18:34, 1F

03/25 18:34, , 2F
03/25 18:34, 2F
這樣小孩不會以為他是有點像超人的傢伙 超能力是提供精子?

03/25 18:35, , 3F
03/25 18:35, 3F

03/25 18:35, , 4F
03/25 18:35, 4F

03/25 18:36, , 5F
03/25 18:36, 5F

03/25 18:37, , 6F
03/25 18:37, 6F
我完全沒想到相反指的是這個 我還在想為什麼離婚會跟感恩節大餐相反 天啊!! 太有畫面了... 難怪羅斯會討厭這個故事...

03/25 21:10, , 7F
totally behind this experiment 似乎是百分百贊同的意思
03/25 21:10, 7F
又眼殘... 把實驗看成經驗了... 看來我沒什麼資格批評電視上看到的離譜錯譯... 已改正,謝謝

03/26 02:29, , 8F
雖然故事中沒強調 但Susan他們默默的做了一堆過分的事
03/26 02:29, 8F

03/26 02:30, , 9F
如果Rach要翻"瑞瑞" 那到時候Winona Ryder說RayRay的時
03/26 02:30, 9F

03/26 02:30, , 10F
03/26 02:30, 10F

03/26 03:09, , 11F
03/26 03:09, 11F

03/26 03:10, , 12F
03/26 03:10, 12F

03/26 03:11, , 13F
03/26 03:11, 13F

03/26 03:11, , 14F
03/26 03:11, 14F
我是說如果中文用「精子人」會很像「蜘蛛人」之類的感覺吧 原文是沒這個問題 加上語氣就更沒問題了 不然叫「精子先生」好了 我只想的到「豆豆先生」 這樣應該夠諷刺了

03/26 12:47, , 15F
03/26 12:47, 15F
※ 編輯: samchiu 來自: (03/26 17:32)

03/28 09:42, , 16F
behind the experiment原來是百分百贊同喔@@
03/28 09:42, 16F

03/28 09:42, , 17F
03/28 09:42, 17F

03/28 17:12, , 18F
03/28 17:12, 18F

03/28 19:50, , 19F
03/28 19:50, 19F

03/28 19:51, , 20F
在這裡的確還不到Winona Ryder的RayRay等級
03/28 19:51, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1FRl4rN- (wearefriends)
文章代碼(AID): #1FRl4rN- (wearefriends)