Re: 看到一本不錯的書:晨間日記的奇蹟

看板t-management作者 (l'Erudit)時間19年前 (2005/12/31 02:16), 編輯推噓9(904)
留言13則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/7 (看更多)
Why don't we run a game here. If you continuously get up 7 days in a raw, you come here and make a post to tell everybody your achievement. Then we will encourage each other, and make more friends. How does everybody think about this? I personally have get up by 7am more than 7 days in a raw. ※ 引述《fourcats (肥貓)》之銘言: : : 今天逛書店看到的,大致翻完 : 覺得概念清晰,也有明確的實行方法,滿不錯的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/31 05:39, , 1F
Could you share your methods?(about get up early)
12/31 05:39, 1F

12/31 07:00, , 2F
i am also in the habit of got up about 7 am even
12/31 07:00, 2F

12/31 07:02, , 3F
i am also in the habit of got up about 7 am even
12/31 07:02, 3F

12/31 07:03, , 4F
such a day.
12/31 07:03, 4F

12/31 19:35, , 5F
12/31 19:35, 5F

01/01 12:12, , 6F
Just go to bed early. The others are just minor.
01/01 12:12, 6F

01/01 22:12, , 7F
Agree~:) Though it's hard for me to do this period.囧
01/01 22:12, 7F

01/01 22:14, , 8F
Still thank you for offering the advices. ^^
01/01 22:14, 8F

01/01 23:54, , 9F
是在國外用台灣的七點起床 還是用國外的七點起床?
01/01 23:54, 9F

01/02 08:03, , 10F
it looks like great!
01/02 08:03, 10F

01/04 00:18, , 11F
01/04 00:18, 11F

01/10 10:43, , 12F
等好幾天嚕~~ cc.....
01/10 10:43, 12F

01/18 22:13, , 13F
I already did!!
01/18 22:13, 13F
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