[分享] Number (N)ine @ TUANTUAN

看板street_style作者 (Back to British)時間16年前 (2008/07/14 16:39), 編輯推噓5(508)
留言13則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Number (N)ine:Everything is clearer when you're in love. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Back2British/13616691 Everything is clearer when you're in love. 趁著這次TUANTUAN換季五折的折扣, 購買了Number (N)ine所出的一系列向搖滾英雄致敬的標語Tee, 特殊故意不清楚的印刷處理,要在一定適當的距離前才能看清內心所要緬懷的搖滾英雄。 既然是如此當然就要購買與Number (N)ine這品牌淵源最深的搖滾巨星, 不是Kurt Cobain,而是與品牌名稱相關的Beatles:John Lennon! 當然又因為是John Lennon的關係,也讓我當初一看到此件衣服就有不得不買的念頭 哈。 胸前的文字: Everything is clearer when you're in love. 則是來自於John Lennon所說過的話 http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/johnlennon167355.html 完整的句子是: John Lennon said: "Everything is clearer when you're in love." and:“As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot” 簡單的拍下衣服細節照片分享: (請直接點選開頭的網址 觀看blog) 另外要稍微更正一下眾人對於Number (N)ine品牌名稱來源的小錯誤, 以下取自於TUANTUAN官方網站上的介紹: Number (N)ine 1996 年秋天,Number (N)ine 創立, 一個取自於英國 Beatles 樂團著名歌曲 Number Nine 的日本品牌, 由擅長演繹日系男孩陰鬱氣質的設計師宮下貴裕(Takahiro Miyashita)領導演出。 我想很多人都會這樣認為Number (N)ine的品牌名稱 就是來自於Beatles的著名歌曲 Number Nine, 但是正確的來說Beatles 並沒有Number Nine這首歌曲, 而應該是來自於Revolution 9這首實驗性極為強烈的歌曲, 或者就是由John Lennon離開Beatles之後所發行的專輯Walls and Bridges 其中的一首歌曲 #9 Dream, about #9 Dream http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_Nine_Dream 其中有一段的歌詞: Ah! bowakawa pousse, pousse 沒有任何意思也不知道如何正確發音,則句歌詞來自於John Lennon的夢境呢喃自語! 'Bowakawa pousse pousse' were the words John heard in a dream as well as two female voices whispering his name, obviously Pang and Yoko." 不屬於世界上任何存在的語言,只是專屬於John夢中NO WAR place夢想國度的語言! 所以 #9 Dream就是Number (N)ine設計師宮下貴裕心中的完美世界? 或者是說他的設計發起一場街頭與潮流間的九號革命? 這兩首歌曲都與宮下貴裕的Number (N)ine的有著密切的關係, 其中歌曲Revolution 9更是充滿著詭異暗黑深沉的迷幻神秘感, 似乎也與宮下貴裕內心的黑色搖滾異想世界不謀而合, Revolution 9是採用一種利用唱片倒轉撥放錄製的技術,稱為Backmasking, about:Backmasking http://blog.fm-lab.com/index.php/2007/04/04/55/ 試著倒轉撥放Revolution 9則有著非常恐怖尖銳的聲音叫喊著: SATAN LOOK AT ME,DAWNING THE DAWNING...... 尤其是後面的傳出PAUL IS DEAD的聲音 更是令人毛骨悚然! about Revolution 9 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_9 "Revolution 9" played an important part in the infamous "Paul is dead" controversy. Most notably, the repeated "number nine" played backwards can be heard as "Turn me on, dead man." If one listens carefully, the "babble", many believe, includes other hints left by the band about Paul's alleged death, including "My wings are broken," "Paul is Doomed!" "Paul is Dead... Since the..his suicide was..." and "Get me out!" As the "Paul is dead" rumours were quickly debunked, these "clues" are creative misinterpretations of "Revolution 9", but they remain an interesting footnote to the Beatles' history. The mob sounds throughout are believed to be the people circling around Paul McCartney's "fatal car crash". In the "Paul is dead" hoax, people claimed that Paul McCartney died on September 11th, 1966 Revolution 9 Backmask (backwards) http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=PG0wksBzKSc -- Back to British: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Back2British http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/ninehommy -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hommy 來自: (07/14 16:42)

07/14 16:42, , 1F
推! 上了一課
07/14 16:42, 1F

07/14 16:47, , 2F
請問5折到啥時阿? 多謝~~~
07/14 16:47, 2F

07/14 17:08, , 3F
抱歉我不知道到什麼時候 可能要打去團團問喔
07/14 17:08, 3F

07/14 17:09, , 4F
裡面有很多好貨 ~~ 02-2758-0800
07/14 17:09, 4F
※ 編輯: hommy 來自: (07/14 17:56) ※ 編輯: hommy 來自: (07/14 17:58)

07/14 20:57, , 5F
07/14 20:57, 5F

07/14 21:01, , 6F
07/14 21:01, 6F

07/14 21:04, , 7F
07/14 21:04, 7F

07/14 21:05, , 8F
恩 我是禮拜五購買的,打折算有一段時間囉 ~
07/14 21:05, 8F

07/14 21:06, , 9F
除了門口寫五折起外,裡面的折扣牌放的很低調 很不明顯
07/14 21:06, 9F

07/14 21:06, , 10F
所以購買的時候 就直接詢問店員有沒有打折吧~~
07/14 21:06, 10F

07/14 21:31, , 11F
07/14 21:31, 11F

07/14 22:57, , 12F
07/14 22:57, 12F

07/14 23:03, , 13F
我上禮拜五購買的 有折扣
07/14 23:03, 13F
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文章代碼(AID): #18Un30jP (street_style)