[閒聊] 你們做過最色的事情是什麼?已回收

看板sex作者 (人間殺氣)時間12年前 (2012/07/01 20:38), 編輯推噓35(3503)
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我在reddit看到老外前幾天分享的故事,就這留言超扯的XDD 所以粗略翻譯了一下,有些地方沒有翻譯的很精準,應該有些地方譯錯之類的0rz 如果你英文行的話,請直接看原文吧 來源:Reddit網站 askreddit版 http://redd.it/vnw7g 提問的帳號是 _AskRedditThrowaway 回答的帳號是 AlphaRedditor Q: What is the sluttiest thing you've ever done? Obvious start... I blew my boyfriend behind his work in broad daylight when he was on his ten... Nothing too extreme. You? 問:你們曾經做過最色的事情是什麼? 顯然由我先開始講......我曾在大白天時,趁男友還在工作的時候幫他吹30cm... 沒啥了不起的,說說你們的經驗吧? A: I had sex for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 答:我曾經為了吃肉桂吐司脆片(一種營養榖片)跟人做愛。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamon_Toast_Crunch A couple years ago I was on a trip to Chicago, ended up staying at one of those older hotels in the downtown area. I was visiting potential law schools and decided to stay for a few days to catch in some sights. 好幾年前我去芝加哥旅遊,住在鬧區的一間舊旅館裡。我拜訪了幾間有潛力的法學院後, 決定多待幾天參觀一些觀光景點。 It wasn't the nicest hotel since I was still a student and not able to afford something nicer for five days, but it did offer a continental breakfast...which turned out to be completely terrible. The only thing I ate during breakfast for the first two days was cereal, and they happened to have Cinnamon Toast Crunch, aka, Cinnamon Holy Shit I Love this Shit. I must have had a dozen boxes in the first three days, I packed my backpack with it and ate a box while visiting the Sears tower. Fuck bagels, the Sin Crunch was where it was at. 那不是一間最好的旅館,因為我那時還是窮學生沒法找個好一點的旅館住上五天,但至少 它有提供歐式早餐......但事後證明那真是爛爆了。我前兩天唯一吃的早餐是營養榖片, 那玩意兒叫「肉桂吐司脆片」,又叫做「它媽的肉桂我超愛」。我前三天肯定吃了一打脆 片吧。我還塞了一盒脆片在背包裡,在參觀西爾斯大廈的時候(芝加哥的摩天大樓,樓高 442.3公尺)把它嗑掉。去它的貝果,罪惡的脆片才該在這地方。(最後一句不確定是否翻 譯正確。不過貝果有三種作法,一個蒙特婁式的;一個紐約式;另一種式芝加哥式的,可 能跟這有關吧@@") So over the course of those few days, I couldn't help but get to know the hotel staff members. I was travelling alone and I didn't know anyone in town, so friendly conversations were welcomed. One of the girls that worked on the kitchen staff noticed my penchant for the Cinnacrack and joked that I had an addiction. Fucking right, too. She was in her early 20s, my age, seemed cute, and a little flirty. I didn't mind the attention. 過了這麼多天,我只有跟旅館員工很熟。我獨自旅行,城裡也沒半個認識的,所以很歡迎 友善的對話。有一個在廚房工作的女生注意到我特別愛吃肉桂吐司脆片,還笑我有脆片癮 。靠,她說的沒錯。她大概20初頭,跟我差不多年紀,看起來有些可愛、俏皮。我那時沒 有很在意她說的話。 But then on the fifth and final day, I went to the lobby for my normal bowl of Sweetened Cinnamon goodness, everything fell apart. The cereal boxes were gone. All that were left were what looked to be week-old croissants. Crestfallen I turned to go back to my room when I heard a whisper, "Mr. AlphaRedditor? I think I may have something you're looking for." There was Ms. Staff Member, beckoning me from a doorway labelled for employees only. 但到了最後一天,我走去大廳準備吃一碗心愛的脆片女神時,一切灰翻湮滅。脆片紙盒突 然消失了。那裡只剩下放了一個禮拜的牛角麵包。我氣餒的走回房間,突然聽到有人低聲 喊到:「AlphaRedditor先生?我想我有些你正在找尋的東西。」是那個女員工的聲音,她 示意我走到限定員工進入的房間門口前。 Curious, I approached her, thinking she was joking, hiding my Orgasm Crunch from me. When I got to the door she ushered me inside the room. It had a bed, dresser, no window, and barely separated restroom area (I later found out that this was an overflow room for emergencies when a spare guest room was absolutely needed). She was very business like in her proposition: if we have sex, I get the goods. She then pulled out a large cardboard box filled with about 50 Cinnamon Toast Crunch boxes inside. 我好奇的走向她,想說她開我玩笑,把我愛的脆片藏起來了。等我走到門前時,她帶我進 去房間,裡頭有張床、衣櫥、沒窗戶,還有一個勉強分出來的浴室(後來我才發現這房間 是為了避免房客太多沒房可睡時,應急用的。)她的提議非常商業口吻:如果我們做愛的 話,我就能拿到我想要的東西。然後她拉出一箱塞滿五十盒肉桂吐司脆片的大紙箱。 I looked at her as if she had to be joking. She wasn't. I ate like a king for weeks. 我看著她像是在開玩笑吧。但是她沒有。之後我像個國王一樣吃了好幾個禮拜的脆片。 tl;dr: I'm a cereal whore. 長話短說:我是榖片男妓。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/01 20:42, , 1F
07/01 20:42, 1F

07/01 20:46, , 2F
I'm a cereal whore XDDD
07/01 20:46, 2F

07/01 20:53, , 3F
07/01 20:53, 3F

07/01 20:56, , 4F
07/01 20:56, 4F

07/01 20:59, , 5F
07/01 20:59, 5F

07/01 21:02, , 6F
07/01 21:02, 6F

07/01 21:02, , 7F
07/01 21:02, 7F

07/01 21:05, , 8F
07/01 21:05, 8F

07/01 21:06, , 9F
07/01 21:06, 9F

07/01 21:06, , 10F
07/01 21:06, 10F

07/01 21:07, , 11F
這.. 其實是用來練習英文的吧
07/01 21:07, 11F
如果這推文是在說我的話,我承認我翻譯生硬, 只是想說依照過去經驗,貼原文在這裡,回應的下場八成不太好 所以就直譯硬解@@"

07/01 21:08, , 12F
07/01 21:08, 12F

07/01 21:17, , 13F
cereal whore  好笑 XDDD
07/01 21:17, 13F

07/01 21:21, , 14F
07/01 21:21, 14F

07/01 21:23, , 15F
07/01 21:23, 15F
※ 編輯: ericbird 來自: (07/01 21:33)

07/01 22:20, , 16F
07/01 22:20, 16F

07/01 22:41, , 17F
07/01 22:41, 17F

07/01 22:52, , 18F
07/01 22:52, 18F

07/01 22:56, , 19F
07/01 22:56, 19F

07/01 23:13, , 20F
07/01 23:13, 20F

07/01 23:22, , 21F
cereal whore XDD It tastes like dog food!
07/01 23:22, 21F

07/01 23:34, , 22F
07/01 23:34, 22F

07/01 23:37, , 23F
幹 太酷了= =
07/01 23:37, 23F

07/02 00:13, , 24F
07/02 00:13, 24F

07/02 02:06, , 25F
推 辛苦翻譯 不然以性版版友的水準 沒啥人看得懂
07/02 02:06, 25F

07/02 05:45, , 26F
07/02 05:45, 26F

07/02 07:20, , 27F
07/02 07:20, 27F

07/02 09:15, , 28F
07/02 09:15, 28F

07/02 10:16, , 29F
我覺得那個 MARCH BAND的也很好笑xdd 多謝分享XDD
07/02 10:16, 29F

07/02 10:54, , 30F
07/02 10:54, 30F

07/02 14:08, , 31F
07/02 14:08, 31F
optimize:轉錄至看板 NTTU_CSIE99 07/02 21:34

07/02 21:41, , 32F
笑死我了 XD What the Hell
07/02 21:41, 32F

07/03 15:52, , 33F
罪惡的脆片一直都在這個地方; 表示是有始以來最棒的
07/03 15:52, 33F

07/03 16:35, , 34F
cereal whoreXDDDDDD
07/03 16:35, 34F

07/04 14:12, , 35F
07/04 14:12, 35F

07/04 22:08, , 36F
07/04 22:08, 36F

07/04 23:02, , 37F
如果我高中的英文課文都是這類文章 我現在英檢一定超高分
07/04 23:02, 37F

07/07 14:31, , 38F
太好笑了XD 感謝翻譯!
07/07 14:31, 38F
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