[新聞] Billy Corgan Confirms Smashing Pumpk …

看板pumpkins作者 (晴格格愛勞爾王子)時間17年前 (2007/01/09 21:52), 編輯推噓4(404)
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http://tinyurl.com/yh3kzp 01/05/07 Categories: Music News Billy Corgan Confirms Smashing Pumpkins Album & Tour Smashing Pumpkins lead singer Billy Corgan has confirmed the band will release a new album and tour later this year. The singer posted a message on his MySpace web page announcing the band's plans, but did not say whether or not founding members James Iha and D'arcy Wretzky would be joining him and drummer Jimmy Chamberlin. Corgan wrote, "This year for us will see a new album of songs and a world tour of tears, and we truly look forward to playing again for fans young, old and missed. Tunes are being dusted off, while others are being asked to kindly submit to an upstart millennia and all it's asking. When we opened the lid on this music box, we were pleasantly surprised at the music that played: familiar yet unknown, welcoming but not sentimental." (This news article provided by World Entertainment News Network) -- 部落格:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nitelv Myspace:http://blog.myspace.com/ihasaidsadly SP 4Ever!! 工作室:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/GiselAtelier -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/09 22:18, , 1F
If this new album without Iha and D'ancy is not SP.....
01/09 22:18, 1F

01/09 22:25, , 2F
maybe I'll call them Smashing Potato If only Billy and
01/09 22:25, 2F

01/09 22:26, , 3F
Jimmy...Ok , maybe Smashing Papaya...
01/09 22:26, 3F

01/09 23:12, , 4F
It is Zwan2!!
01/09 23:12, 4F

01/10 00:04, , 5F
ha XD smashing papaya
01/10 00:04, 5F

01/10 06:13, , 6F
Smashed Pumpkins
01/10 06:13, 6F

01/10 10:15, , 7F
smashing papaya!!hahahaha~~ yeah it's more like swan2
01/10 10:15, 7F

01/10 11:24, , 8F
2wan or Ztwo
01/10 11:24, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #15evueBH (pumpkins)