[住宿] Le club Platinum 白板 match IHG失敗

看板points作者 (基礎才是根本)時間11年前 (2013/06/05 23:54), 編輯推噓14(1405)
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近來接觸這個points版.. 也跟風申請到Le club Platinum.. 看到早早前鄉民們match的經驗.. 本身是IHG gold, 也想衝衝看能否成功.. 自己拼拼湊湊寫了一版台式英文..(沒文法的那種.. XD) 以下是我寫到IHG的mail..提供參考.. Tittle: About Priority Club Platinum Status Match by Le Club Accorhotels Platinum membership 受件人: PriorityClub@ihg.com 內文: Dear Sirs I would like apologize for bothering you by the following matter. I have the Le Club Accorhotels Platinum membership. Therefore, I would like to match the Priority Club Platinum status by my Le Club Accorhotels Platinum status. Below is all the information that you requested: Priority Club Number: Name: Email: Date of Birth: Mailing Address: Tel: It’s my Le Club Accorhotels Program Loyalty Platinum membership. Please find this list attached. I am looking forward to hearing good news from you. Yours sincerely, 收到被打槍的回信如下.. Dear Mr. XXX Thank you for contacting Priority Club Rewards regarding your Gold Elite account. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your account discrepancy. Unfortunately, Le Club Accor is not part of the Competitor Program where we can match your status. Please see below lists of the Competitor Programs: A|Club Best Western Rewards Carlson GoldPoints Plus Choice Privileges Hilton HHonors Hyatt Gold Passport Marriott Rewards Starwood Preferred Guest We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you as we value your patronage. Should you require further assistance, please feel free to contact the Priority Club Rewards Service Center again. 本身除了跟風成功的Le club有白金外, 其他都是普通會員.. 結果就是match失敗.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wizcard 來自: (06/05 23:55)

06/05 23:59, , 1F
可以拿去match best western喔,很快就變鑽石級了
06/05 23:59, 1F

06/05 23:59, , 2F
看起來現在status match有標凖了?
06/05 23:59, 2F

06/05 23:59, , 3F
然後再去match IHG不知道可不可以XDDD
06/05 23:59, 3F

06/06 00:01, , 4F
印象申請Hyatt就直接是gold passport, 是否申請再送一次?
06/06 00:01, 4F

06/06 07:42, , 5F
06/06 07:42, 5F

06/06 08:28, , 6F
06/06 08:28, 6F

06/06 08:56, , 7F
06/06 08:56, 7F

06/06 08:59, , 8F
06/06 08:59, 8F

06/06 09:04, , 9F
06/06 09:04, 9F

06/06 10:58, , 10F
有Chase的IHG 信用卡 只要你一直持有 就一直是Platinum
06/06 10:58, 10F

06/06 12:15, , 11F
06/06 12:15, 11F

06/06 13:15, , 12F
Best Western只給我P...好想哭
06/06 13:15, 12F

06/06 13:34, , 13F
我剛剛拿Hyatt D 去BW match. 希望也是diamond
06/06 13:34, 13F

06/06 13:38, , 14F
06/06 13:38, 14F

06/06 13:45, , 15F
06/06 13:45, 15F

06/06 13:57, , 16F
我寫e-mail去 marriott直接被打槍
06/06 13:57, 16F

06/06 14:10, , 17F
可是A|Club不就是Le Club Accor的舊名嗎? 還是我記錯了?
06/06 14:10, 17F

06/06 14:17, , 18F
Le club就是新的A club
06/06 14:17, 18F

06/06 14:20, , 19F
那不就是回這封信的人搞錯了 XD
06/06 14:20, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1Hhryzne (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1Hhryzne (points)