Re: [請益] 求問一首詩原文

看板poetry作者 (apple)時間18年前 (2006/05/14 00:22), 編輯推噓3(300)
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※ 引述《sommes (他不看我時我在嗎)》之銘言: : 想找一首英詩原文 : 它的大意是這樣: : 有一位老師問一個小女孩說 : "如果你在美術館遇到火災,你會救一個老婦人還是一幅鉅作?" : 小女孩每年都回答不一樣的答案,而老師期待他有所成長就每年都問 : 於是今年回答救畫作,明年就救老婦人... : 到了有一年,小女孩突然回答說"為何不讓那個老婦人自己決定呢?" : 老師就說"妳這樣根本就沒有解決問題麻"(這句是不是這樣不確定...) : 於是過了幾十年, : 小女孩變成了老婦人. : 在一個美術館裡遇到了火災,她才明瞭~ : 生命和藝術的價值,根本就不是一個小女孩可以去衡量判斷的. : 大意是這樣 : 可能會有點記錯,不過不知道有沒有人能提供原文或是出處 : 感謝~ Linda Pastan Ethics In ethics class so many years ago our teacher asked this question every fall: if there were a fire in a museum which would you save, a Rembrandt painting or an old woman who hadn't many years left anyhow? Restless on hard chairs caring little for pictures or old age we'd opt one year for life, the next for art and always half-heartedly. Sometimes the woman borrowed my grandmother's face leaving her usual kitchen to wander some drafty, half imagined museum. One year, feeling clever, I replied why not let the woman decide herself? Linda, the teacher would report, eschews the burdens of responsibility. This fall in a real museum I stand before a read Rembrandt, old woman, or nearly so, myself. The colors within this frame are darker than autumn, darker even than winter--the browns of earth, though earth's most radiant elements burn through the canvas. I know now that woman and painting and season are almost one and all beyond saving by children. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Astrophil 來自: (05/14 00:29)

05/14 00:57, , 1F
05/14 00:57, 1F

05/14 08:44, , 2F
...real Rembrandt, old woman,
05/14 08:44, 2F

05/15 10:42, , 3F
對對對 Linda Pastan!!!
05/15 10:42, 3F
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