Re: [討論] 美國隊長3 三角關係之解析 (內有超大雷)

看板movie作者 (ambivalent)時間8年前 (2016/05/08 20:24), 8年前編輯推噓13(13024)
留言37則, 16人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
帶著各種目的(?)N刷後加到處查後,綜合起來抄到一些台詞,可能還是有不少小錯 誤,但提供給各位參考,打問號的地方是很不確定之處,每個人對台詞都有主觀解讀。 1.佩吉葬禮上雪倫的那番話 Compromised when you can. When you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right(?), even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eyes and said no, you move. 2.在柏林時東尼勸隊長簽協議,隊長拿起筆時 隊長:I’m not saying it’s impossible, we’ll have to build safeguard. (?) 3.冬兵洗腦跑走後,東尼在跟羅斯交涉時間時 羅斯:Barnes would have been eliminated in Romanian, if it wasn't for Rogers.(?) 4.機場大戰雙方開打之前 隊長:hear me out Tony, that doctors psychiatrist, he’s behind all of this. 黑豹:Captain. 隊長:Your highness. 東尼:Anyway, Ross gave me 36hr to bring you in, that was 24hr ago, can you help a brother out? 隊長:You’re after a wrong guy. 東尼:Your judgment is insecure(?), your war buddy kill innocent people…(?) 隊長:And there are five more super soldiers just like him, I can’s let the doctor find them first, Tony, I can’t. 寡婦:Steve, you know what’s about to happen, do you really want to punch your way out of this one? 東尼:Alright, I’m run out of patience, underoos! 5.機場大戰尾聲蟻人大絕前 巴奇:We gonna go, that guy probably in Siberia by now. 隊長:We got to drop the fliers, I’ll take Vision, you get to quinjet. 獵鷹:No, you get to the jet, both of you. The rest of us aren’t getting out of here. 鷹眼:Despite I (?)hate to admit it, if we want to win this one, some of us might have to lose it 獵鷹:This isn’t a real fight, Steve. 隊長:Alright, Sam, What’s the plan? 獵鷹:We need something big.(?) 6.隊長巴奇飛機前往西伯利亞 巴奇:What’s gone happen to your friends? 隊長:Whatever it is, I’ll deal with it. 巴奇:I don’t know if I worth all of this, Steve. 隊長:When you did all those years, it wasn’t you, you didn’t have a choice. 巴奇:I know, but I did it. 7.看到霍華夫妻影像後 東尼:Did you know it? 隊長:I didn’t know it was him. 東尼:Don’t bullshit me, the question is(?) did you know? 隊長:Yes. 8.三人混戰中間 隊長:it wasn’t him, Tony. Hydra controls his mind. 東尼:Move! 隊長:it wasn’t him! 9.東尼打掉屋頂抓到巴奇時 東尼:Did you even remember them? 巴奇:I remember all of them.(?)(這裡他被掐到講了啥實在聽不清楚) 10.隊長冬兵v.東尼長鏡頭前 隊長:It’s not gonna change what’s happened. 東尼:I don’t care, he killed my mom. 11.巴奇手臂被轟後躺倒,東尼計算隊長打法後海扁了隊長一頓,隊長跪在巴奇旁邊 隊長:He’s my friend. 東尼:So was I. 12.承上,東尼繼續海扁隊長 東尼:Stay down, final warming. 隊長:I can do this all day. (東尼舉起手準備放砲(?),結果被巴奇偷摳腳,鐵人回頭一踹,隊長趁隙從後方抬起 東尼摔+騎+扁+掀面罩+插反應堆) -------------------------- 自己的解讀部分,這一刷看到跟之前最大的不同是隊長「他是我的朋友。」東尼「我 以前也是。」那邊,只能說預告呈現出來的方法像是隊長在袒護冬兵幫他開脫,東尼 那句話反應著心碎。 但說真的再看一次正片,我反而覺得隊長那時是在用這句話拜託東尼放過巴奇(因為 隊長那時已經被打趴了還跪在巴奇旁邊),而東尼用so was I回應反而代表正式決裂, 當然我也同意東尼那時目睹父母死亡的影響,甚怒之下想要殺了巴奇,以及因為隊長 隱瞞父母死因,所以怒到跟隊長決裂,是情有可原的,希望鐵人粉不要因為這個噴我 謝謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: ambivalent (, 05/08/2016 20:26:33

05/08 20:27, , 1F
05/08 20:27, 1F

05/08 20:28, , 2F
05/08 20:28, 2F

05/08 20:38, , 3F
剛在外面正想說 漫威板這麼紅? 呃...原來是
05/08 20:38, 3F

05/08 20:41, , 4F
05/08 20:41, 4F

05/08 20:41, , 5F
05/08 20:41, 5F

05/08 20:42, , 6F
05/08 20:42, 6F

05/08 20:52, , 7F
拜託他放過巴奇不就是在袒護他嗎XD 至於so was I我自己是認
05/08 20:52, 7F

05/08 20:53, , 8F
定東尼是在怪隊長為何在知道時不告訴他父母死因 在他認定隊
05/08 20:53, 8F

05/08 20:55, , 9F
05/08 20:55, 9F

05/08 20:56, , 10F
05/08 20:56, 10F

05/08 20:56, , 11F
05/08 20:56, 11F

05/08 20:57, , 12F
05/08 20:57, 12F

05/08 21:31, , 13F
05/08 21:31, 13F

05/08 21:34, , 14F
推樓上 隊長從前面問小辣椒的事就看的出來
05/08 21:34, 14F

05/08 21:40, , 15F
05/08 21:40, 15F

05/08 23:58, , 16F
我想表達的是正片中那段He's my friend. So was I 跟
05/08 23:58, 16F

05/08 23:59, , 17F
05/08 23:59, 17F

05/08 23:59, , 18F
05/08 23:59, 18F

05/09 00:06, , 19F
真糟 我覺得兩者沒什麼差別耶XD 東尼就是一付死心的樣子
05/09 00:06, 19F

05/09 00:09, , 20F
05/09 00:09, 20F

05/09 00:10, , 21F
05/09 00:10, 21F

05/09 00:10, , 22F
05/09 00:10, 22F

05/09 01:55, , 23F
SO WAS I=過去式 決裂無誤啊+1 (這年頭誰還記得過去式
05/09 01:55, 23F

05/09 01:56, , 24F
ybxj TONY第一問是指巴奇動手 第二問是指左拉(嗨爪 美2
05/09 01:56, 24F

05/09 01:57, , 25F
(隊長:幹 我只知道左拉自爆他影響 沒細節是要怎麼講...
05/09 01:57, 25F

05/09 05:17, , 26F
05/09 05:17, 26F

05/09 06:30, , 27F
05/09 06:30, 27F

05/09 06:58, , 28F
to T大 不好意思請問你在說啥??我看不太懂什麼第一問第二問
05/09 06:58, 28F

05/09 10:40, , 29F
05/09 10:40, 29F

05/09 10:43, , 30F
Tony:隊長你讓開 這樣我殺不了那傢伙
05/09 10:43, 30F

05/09 13:08, , 31F
隊長本來就沒在看臉色 他照實回答啊(你看上面一問二問
05/09 13:08, 31F

05/09 13:09, , 32F
第一問當然是現場看影片才知道 第二問是美2左拉自爆
05/09 13:09, 32F

05/09 13:10, , 33F
差別在TONY看影片前都以為是意外 隊長沒說過嗨爪影響
05/09 13:10, 33F

05/09 13:32, , 34F
05/09 13:32, 34F

05/09 13:33, , 35F
05/09 13:33, 35F

05/09 13:35, , 36F
05/09 13:35, 36F
※ 編輯: ambivalent (, 05/09/2016 13:45:16

05/09 13:46, , 37F
05/09 13:46, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1NBp0G4R (movie)
文章代碼(AID): #1NBp0G4R (movie)