[新聞] 阿凡達2再度往後推延上映時間至2018年

看板movie作者 (hoover)時間8年前 (2016/01/23 11:15), 編輯推噓19(291032)
留言71則, 44人參與, 最新討論串1/1
新聞網址: http://bit.ly/1S0uL4Z For anyone who was excited to see James Cameron‘s long-gestating Avatar 2 take on Star Wars: Episode VIII for a Christmas box office battle royale, we have some bad news. Avatar 2 will not be ready to meet the Christmas 2017 release that was staked out for the sequel. Though the release date was never officially claimed by 20th Century Fox, Cameron himself said they were targeting the holiday release window just last month. But now we have no idea when the sequel might hit the big screen. 原本預計要於2017年聖誕節正面對決的兩部大片,阿凡達2和星戰8,可能沒機會成真了, 20世紀福斯對阿凡達2的正式上映日期從未鬆口,雖然大導演本人上個月才透露他們目標 是在聖誕節檔期,但現在看來又是遙遙無期。 The Wrap has the news of Avatar 2 delayed, though at this point we’re not surprised. For the past few years Avatar 2 has been rumored for 2014, 2015, 2016 and most recently 2017. But when Cameron did mention the previous Christmas 2017 target, he added that meeting that date wasn’t as important as “the fact that when we get all three films done, we drop them a year apart.” 對大多數的影迷來說聽到阿凡達2再度延遲的消息並不意外,畢竟可能上映的日期已經 從2014年->2015年->2016年,傳到最近的2017年,但當大導演談到視2017年聖誕節為目 標時他也提到,把這3部曲完成的重要性還是大於上映檔期。 There was already speculation that Avatar 2 wasn’t going to meet the estimated release when Star Wars: Episode VIII moved to December 15th, 2017, a full seven months after the previously planned May 2017 release date. Disney clearly knew they weren’t going to have any major competition at the box office and also wanted that Christmas money for their merchandise release. Plus, there’s no way Disney would willingly take on Avatar 2 with the chance of having a smaller IMAX screen count, especially when there’s an Avatar installment planned for their theme parks. 之前就有人揣測,星戰8之所以將預計的上映日期從2017年的5月延到2017年的12月是早 就知道阿凡達2無法趕上這個檔期,也就是這段期間不會有任何強大的競爭對手,所以 要伴隨著週邊商品及過節氣氛好好地賺一筆。 So perhaps now that Star Wars: Episode VIII has laid claim to December for at least the next couple years, 20th Century Fox will take Avatar 2 to the summer of 2018 with the third and fourth movies following in 2019 and 2020. As of now Fox isn’t making any new date estimates, and it’s probably best to just let Cameron make the movies and then figure out when to release them when they’re done. 所以當星戰系列確定攻佔接下來幾年的12月檔期,20世紀福斯會將阿凡達2放在2018年的 暑假,並緊接2019年和2020年推出阿凡達3和阿凡達4,不過最好還是讓大導演本人好好 完成這幾部電影的時間再來談上映日期也不遲。 As of now, all we know about Avatar 2 is that Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana are reprising their lead roles, underwater performance capture technology will be used, and there’s a chance that Sigourney Weaver might be back in some capacity. Otherwise, any story details are being kept under tight wraps. 阿凡達2目前所釋出的情報是還是會由原先的男女主角領銜主演,海底動態補捉技術將會 應用在這部電影中,異形女王也有出場機會,除此之外,其他細節尚未向外界公布。 In the end, the fact that it’s taking this long for Avatar 2 to come to fruition isn’t all that surprising. James Cameron first announced Avatar as a future project of his in 1996, and audiences didn’t get to see it until 2009. Hopefully fans won’t have to wait 13 years for Avatar 2, though at this point they’ve already waited a little over six, so what’s another seven years? 總結來說,大家對阿凡達2耗費這麼長的時間完成並不太意外,大導演說阿凡達這部 電影是他在1996年的概念,而觀眾一直要等到13年後的2009年才能夠觀賞,雖然截至 目前為止,阿凡達2已經等超過6年了,不過還是希望大導不要再湊滿13年才讓影迷們 能看到這部大作。 -- The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals. We haul your trash. We connect your calls. We drive your ambulences. We guard you while you sleep. DO NOT FUCK WITH US. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1453518957.A.496.html

01/23 11:20, , 1F
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01/23 11:59, , 14F
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01/23 12:04, , 15F
01/23 12:04, 15F

01/23 12:09, , 16F
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01/23 12:20, , 17F
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01/23 12:21, , 18F
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01/23 12:22, , 19F
01/23 12:22, 19F

01/23 12:52, , 20F
01/23 12:52, 20F

01/23 12:52, , 21F
01/23 12:52, 21F

01/23 12:56, , 22F
01/23 12:56, 22F

01/23 13:09, , 23F
劇情很普通 可是拍片品質算很好了 良心作~~
01/23 13:09, 23F

01/23 13:35, , 24F
AVATAR是改變電影史的里程碑 居然會有低能兒說它爛片
01/23 13:35, 24F

01/23 13:42, , 25F
AVATAR 2還沒開鏡,加上後製趕不上很合理,要是跟星戰8同
01/23 13:42, 25F

01/23 13:42, , 26F
01/23 13:42, 26F

01/23 13:44, , 27F
01/23 13:44, 27F

01/23 13:50, , 28F
高能兒星戰粉又來了 我們不看星戰的品味都很差 你們最高能
01/23 13:50, 28F

01/23 14:35, , 29F
星戰粉:會怕就好 姆斯粉:謝謝信心加持
01/23 14:35, 29F

01/23 14:37, , 30F
01/23 14:37, 30F

01/23 14:59, , 31F
01/23 14:59, 31F

01/23 15:03, , 32F
一部片的價值不只有劇情跟效果 當你亂噓被嗆也只是剛
01/23 15:03, 32F

01/23 15:03, , 33F
好 懂?還腦羞呵呵
01/23 15:03, 33F

01/23 15:17, , 34F
推 一部片的價值不只有劇情
01/23 15:17, 34F

01/23 17:01, , 35F
推一部片的價值不是只有劇情 +1
01/23 17:01, 35F

01/23 17:15, , 36F
爛片 論技術星際效應也是屌打阿凡達zZ
01/23 17:15, 36F

01/23 17:59, , 37F
阿凡達超好看 但元素 深度太夠 很多人無法理解
01/23 17:59, 37F

01/23 18:12, , 38F
阿凡達粉別那麼玻璃心好嗎 說爛片給噓就說亂噓喔
01/23 18:12, 38F

01/23 18:17, , 39F
還是說這是神片不容許噓阿 被噓就罵對方低能兒 好棒棒呵呵
01/23 18:17, 39F

01/23 18:18, , 40F
所以我說那個銃夢呢 開始弄了沒啊老詹
01/23 18:18, 40F

01/23 18:26, , 41F
很期待阿凡達2 當時阿凡達真的超熱門的啊 3D效果絕佳
01/23 18:26, 41F

01/23 19:26, , 42F
01/23 19:26, 42F

01/23 19:48, , 43F
01/23 19:48, 43F

01/23 19:48, , 44F
01/23 19:48, 44F

01/23 19:57, , 45F
阿凡達是第一部票房大好的3D電影 之前的3D電影沒這麼成功
01/23 19:57, 45F

01/23 20:29, , 46F
01/23 20:29, 46F

01/23 20:29, , 47F
01/23 20:29, 47F

01/23 21:03, , 48F
在電視台播都不太想看 因為劇情太好猜了 不會想再看
01/23 21:03, 48F

01/23 22:15, , 49F
01/23 22:15, 49F

01/23 22:16, , 50F
01/23 22:16, 50F

01/23 22:17, , 51F
01/23 22:17, 51F

01/23 23:25, , 52F
阿煩答就高級芭樂片 爛稱不上 也不到意猶未盡就是
01/23 23:25, 52F

01/23 23:26, , 53F
但顆賣龍拍有質感的娛樂片 已經是非常成熟高階了
01/23 23:26, 53F

01/23 23:27, , 54F
01/23 23:27, 54F

01/24 00:05, , 55F
01/24 00:05, 55F

01/24 01:37, , 56F
阿凡達真的就風中奇緣 只是3D效果太好而已
01/24 01:37, 56F

01/24 01:53, , 57F
01/24 01:53, 57F

01/24 02:10, , 58F
某M也太好釣了…我只有說阿凡達的價值 劇情本來就見
01/24 02:10, 58F

01/24 02:11, , 59F
01/24 02:11, 59F

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01/24 12:07, , 65F
01/24 12:07, 65F

01/24 12:37, , 66F
01/24 12:37, 66F

01/24 20:48, , 67F
01/24 20:48, 67F

01/24 22:35, , 68F
柯麥隆知名脫稿王欸 鐵達尼也是延後上映啊
01/24 22:35, 68F

01/25 13:55, , 69F
淚推統夢 又是一部很怕受傷害的片阿
01/25 13:55, 69F

01/30 01:56, , 70F
01/30 01:56, 70F

02/02 00:17, , 71F
不爽不要看啦 這樣我們比叫好訂票
02/02 00:17, 71F
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