[新聞] RDJ真男人!

看板movie作者 ( )時間11年前 (2013/05/17 15:01), 編輯推噓10(10026)
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新聞網址:http://goo.gl/Dd9Cy 剛才搜尋了板上關鍵字,好像看到沒類似新聞,只有Scarlett Johansson拒演的中文新聞 所以小弟用破爛的英文獻醜,請各位別見怪 The future of Marvel's Avengers as they exist now hangs in the balance as the studio is preparing to go into talks with Robert Downey Jr. 未來復仇者聯盟能否維繫目前的成功,取決於漫威和RDJ的交涉。 However the star, who received a colossal $50 million for 'Avengers Assemble', is thought to be fighting for a pay rise for his superhero co-stars who each made a comparatively tiny $200,000 from the movie. 然而,這位藉著演出復仇者聯盟賺進5千萬美金的巨星,被認為要為其他和他一起扮演超級 英雄,但只賺進「區區」20萬美金的群星們抗爭。 Marvel Studios bosses and Downey Jr are said to be currently negotiating his role in both 'The Avengers 2' and 'The Avengers 3', heading from Marvel's 'phase two' plans and into the realm of 'phase 3'. 據說漫威高層和RDJ目前正就將在漫威二部曲及三部曲兩系列中掛頭牌的復仇者聯盟2及 復仇者聯盟3進行討論。 So far, says the Hollywood Reporter, there's no talk yet of an 'Iron Man 4', with Downey Jr remaining vague about whether he will play Tony Stark again in a stand-alone movie. 好萊塢記者表示,截至目前為止仍尚未討論到是否會有RDJ演出的鋼鐵人4,一切都在模糊 階段。 What is known, however, is that signing the actor for the 'Avengers' sequels will almost certainly cost the notoriously frugal studio heavily. 目前已經確定的是,為復仇者聯盟續集簽下RDJ的舉動,必將成為這個以節儉「聞名」的工 作室沈重的負擔。 With his various percentage and profit sharing deals, he made a colossal $50 million for 'Avengers Assemble', a fee he himself called 'crazy' in an interview with GQ magazine, adding that the studio was 'p*ssed' that he made so much from the film, despite it taking $1.5 billion at the box office. 「瘋狂!」,RDJ在GQ雜誌的專訪中提到,藉由可觀的分紅比例,他演出復仇者聯盟賺到了 驚人的5千萬美元收入。而這也惹毛了漫威,儘管復仇者聯盟的票房是更驚人的15億美元。 According to Deadline, he's already made $35 million from 'Iron Man 3', but it's now thought that Downey Jr is leading the way for the other actors in the Marvel sequels to get substantial pay rises for the future films if they want him to re-sign. 截稿之前,他已經從鋼鐵人3中賺得3500萬美元。而RDJ目前被認為將替其他演出漫威續集 電影的群星們發聲,爭取片酬的提升—如果他們還想要RDJ續簽的話。 One source told Deadline: “He’s the only guy with real power in this situation. and balls of steel, too. He’s already sent a message that he’s not going to work for a place where they treat his colleagues like sh*t.” 截稿之前,一位消息人士提到:「在目前的情況下,RDJ是唯一掌握決定權的人。而他也 已經放話,他不會替一間怠慢他同伴們的公司工作。」 Marvel producer Kevin Feige has said that the character of Iron Man will endure, with or without Downey Jr, but that would be in a future incarnation or a rebooted version some time in the future. 製作人Kevin Feige已表示,不論RDJ是否繼續擔任,未來鋼鐵人這個角色都將持續下去, 以重生或重新開機的方式。 But while Downey Jr would be near impossible to replace as Tony Stark without ruining continuity in the current series, it's possible that other Avengers could be replaced in the forthcoming films, particularly the likes of the Hulk, who has been played by several actors in recent years. 但是在不破壞此一系列電影連續性的情況下,RDJ幾乎是不可能被取代的;其他演出復仇 者聯盟的演員或許可能在將來的電影中被替換,尤其是浩克,在近年內已經有好幾位演員 扮演過此一角色了。 'The Avengers 2' is due for May 1, 2015, while other Marvel projects in the offing include Edgar Wright's 'Ant-Man', 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and mooted projects including 'Dr Strange', 'Iron Fist' and 'Black Panther'. 復仇者聯盟2預定在2015年5月1日上映。(後面的應該是一系列美漫超級英雄將參戰,但是 小弟對此沒有研究,請其他大大補完吧。) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 如果小弟的翻譯沒錯,RDJ真是個好人啊! :D -- Many times I've been alone And many times I've cried Any way you'll never know The many ways I've tried -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/17 15:11, , 1F
05/17 15:11, 1F

05/17 15:12, , 2F
05/17 15:12, 2F

05/17 15:20, , 3F
05/17 15:20, 3F

05/17 15:20, , 4F
05/17 15:20, 4F

05/17 15:21, , 5F
有啊 比思嘉那篇新聞還早幾天
05/17 15:21, 5F

05/17 15:26, , 6F
RDJ的 #1HYcG0ka 黑寡婦的 #1HaynwOe 隊長真樂天知命
05/17 15:26, 6F

05/17 15:27, , 7F
05/17 15:27, 7F

05/17 15:27, , 8F
啊 跟其他人比 他的片酬好像是最低的 出場時間又蠻長的
05/17 15:27, 8F

05/17 15:31, , 9F
05/17 15:31, 9F

05/17 16:24, , 10F
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05/17 17:00, , 14F
05/17 17:00, 14F

05/17 17:26, , 15F
05/17 17:26, 15F

05/17 17:54, , 16F
等你有那麼多錢 自然就會找到花光的方法XD
05/17 17:54, 16F

05/17 18:25, , 17F
05/17 18:25, 17F

05/17 19:42, , 18F
要是找台灣人演 22K就解決了
05/17 19:42, 18F

05/17 19:54, , 19F
05/17 19:54, 19F

05/17 22:34, , 20F
下一則要輪到鷹眼做標題嗎(嘆) 到目前除了RDJ在節目上說正
05/17 22:34, 20F

05/17 22:36, , 21F
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05/17 23:41, , 26F
05/17 23:41, 26F

05/18 00:04, , 27F
以前鋼鐵人第一集RDJ 80萬吧 泰倫斯霍華也是片酬問題
05/18 00:04, 27F

05/18 00:07, , 28F
米基洛克一開始也是只想給25萬 又不是RDJ沒那麼貴,
05/18 00:07, 28F

05/18 00:09, , 29F
他們就會對其他演員好一點。 有拿獎、資歷夠、有票房
05/18 00:09, 29F

05/18 00:09, , 30F
05/18 00:09, 30F

05/18 00:12, , 31F
05/18 00:12, 31F

05/18 00:32, , 32F
美國隊長 去看"先生你哪位"和 Anna Faris 的爆笑演出
05/18 00:32, 32F

05/18 04:38, , 33F
我的意思不是說美隊不好喔 米基洛克後來談判成功,漲
05/18 04:38, 33F

05/18 04:39, , 34F
05/18 04:39, 34F

05/18 04:40, , 35F
米基洛克因為那年得獎 片酬很現實啊
05/18 04:40, 35F

05/18 06:23, , 36F
05/18 06:23, 36F
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