Re: [新聞] The dark moment of nurses in Taiwan.

看板medache作者 (ILoveMyWife)時間12年前 (2012/04/19 10:25), 編輯推噓4(404)
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※ 引述《glorz (血管裡流的是茶)》之銘言: : By Maggie Lin, RN, TAIWAN : The dark moment of nurses in Taiwan. : By jkljkl999 | Posted April 14, 2012 | Taipei : CNN PRODUCER NOTE : The working environment of nurses in Taiwan has entered an extremely serious situation due to working environment changes. : Taiwan National Health Insurance system seems created a wonderful medical market which is very easily to obtain treatment with low bill for everyone. In the end, all of hospitals are impaired by medical staff shortages and Taiwan government even didn't know what the real problem is! : Because of National Health Insurance System, resulting low salaries of nurses, long working hours without pay, and high nurse patient rate. Few days ago, we saw the news from CNN reported that The National Health Insurance System in Taiwan is a successful policy, which is a big joke. Especially The United States seems planning to set up a similar policy. We strongly recommend that journalist and the government officials in the United State should come to Taiwan a couple of days for field trip, and then : they would be able to understand how the insurance system has pushed the majority of medical workers into a huge hell. : When all of medical personnel in hell, the patient must be very close to the hell definitely. : When all of the medical workers in an unhealthy working environment, the patient must to facing a high risk care quality, because in Taiwan, every nurse should take care of at least eight patients in morning shift, even more. Over twelve patients in afternoon shift and almost take care of nearly twenty patients in night shift! That’s pretty incredible. : Nurses in Taiwan are not only superwomen or supermen, but are also patients. Staff shortages happened in past ten years, the trickiest thing is that Nurses do not have right to sick anymore, only because of nurses shortages. Taiwan's hospitals manager will not let their nurse get a sick leave if the nurse still able to walk even in public hospital system. : The Nurse’s working hour in Taiwan often over ten hours every shift, even more. However, the hospital did not give overtime fee; they only give nurses unreasonable pay to buy their break off. The medical environment of the culprit was created by the National Health Insurance System. : I want to tell all my friends around the world that it’s not a good thing for you to let your government implement this kind ridiculous policy in your country. : TAGS: taiwan, national, health, nurses, system, insurance : GROUPS: Election 2012, Sound off 我相信最黑暗的時候還沒有到來 其實醫療從業人員都知道最核心的問題就是國家對醫療的支出趕不上民眾對醫療品質 的要求,政府並沒有從根源處理問題,反而用評鑑的手段逼迫醫院做假資料、利用壓 榨醫療人力的方式來達到先進國家的醫療品質。 本來醫療支出沒人家多,卻要求無限制的就診、檢查,一卡在手、通行無阻,住院期 間最好可以全權交給護理人員把屎把尿,你又不是汶萊皇室,怎麼可能。不過當年的 政策買票成效太好,導致歷來執政黨都不敢動這一塊的改革,於是乎修修補補,一年 又一年,而醫療從業人員的狀況越來越糟糕,導致各個專業紛紛使出其他求生存的怪 招。 很多醫生就去走醫美,或是從健保項目裡面去想辦法 很多藥師當起密醫,賣起處方藥,或是加入連鎖藥局,連尿布都賣 很多護士索性不跟你玩這個遊戲,直接離職,加入別的行業 我們的健保從來沒打算處理病患的道德危機(醫療濫用),卻把這個成本加諸在醫療 人員上面,製造醫療人員的司法危機,於是乎,醫師人人都是健保小偷,護士個個都 是草莓族。 加入勞基法有辦法解決這個問題嗎? 我很悲觀,目前討論的方向完全偏離問題的核心,就算納入勞基法,資方可以玩的手 段依舊太多,只有反應醫療原本應該有的價值,才有可能讓人力回歸常態。例如,提 高病房費與加收護理照護費,讓護理這一塊的收入能到應有的水平,才有可能找到新 的人,例如病患住院一天健保給付從伍佰調到一千五,再加上分級的護理照護費,就 能有二到三倍的人力,並且能改善護理的薪資水平,而不致於影響到其他專業領域。 否則就現有的改善計畫,增加的護理人力、醫師人力,再加上油電等漲價導致的營運 成本墊高,卻未改善源頭,亦即未改善台灣總體醫療支出的比例,等於拿其他醫療人 員的獲利來轉支出這一塊,醫療薄利化的時代即將會到來,人力是夠了,但是這樣的 低收入,最終會迫使更多醫療人員走向其他行業,特別是醫師這一塊。 想想,加了人,能不減薪嗎?水電物資的漲價已經造成很多醫院營運上的壓力,醫院 可是24小時空調開啟,難道以後為了省電,我們就把病人推到走廊曬太陽?還是都帶 去麥當勞喝飲料?(台灣需要的不是省電、省油達人,而是治國達人) 這一篇文章讓我看到了一個簡單的CNN投書,可以佔據版面的效果。 或許,過去醫療界從事的方向都錯了,我們應該跟國際人權組織合作/ 國際媒體,揭 露台灣醫療人員工作時數比起富士康血汗工廠更不遑多讓的事實,揭露我們的醫療薪 資遠遠低於應該有的價值(診察費一個人兩百多,卻要負擔誤診可能造成的天價賠償 ,比例原則何在?這就好像手機貼鑽,貼歪了要賠iphone一樣荒謬),能夠產生的效 應大多了。 在國際媒體爭取話語權,會比在台灣已被大頭壟斷解釋權的媒體更具有可行性,翻譯 回台灣來也更具殺傷力。 或許往後其他議題也可以比照辦理。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/19 10:51, , 1F
04/19 10:51, 1F

04/19 10:52, , 2F
04/19 10:52, 2F

04/19 11:12, , 3F
04/19 11:12, 3F

04/19 11:21, , 4F
推 醫療從業人員實在不需要互鬥
04/19 11:21, 4F

04/19 11:21, , 5F
互鬥是政府衛署健保局 醫院財團最樂見的結果
04/19 11:21, 5F

04/19 11:22, , 6F
04/19 11:22, 6F

04/19 20:57, , 7F
the darking moment
04/19 20:57, 7F

04/20 23:46, , 8F
04/20 23:46, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1FZtUQxS (medache)
文章代碼(AID): #1FZtUQxS (medache)