[台北] 國防大學徵求阿拉伯師資已刪文

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job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、性別平等工作法」、勞基法」與其他法律之文章 發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保! 此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】 ※沒有填寫公司名稱將會被刪文。 ※人資沒有填寫人資公司以及原徵人公司(共2公司)名稱將會被刪文。 國防大學 【工作職缺】 阿拉伯語外籍教師職位 National Defense University is a military academy in Taiwan, ROC. It invites applications for full-time contract-based Arabic teacher in 2023-24. 【工作內容】 The university invites applications with expertise in teaching Arabic language at beginning and intermediate levels. The successful appointees will engage in teaching 18 hours per week (mostly a small class), designing learning materials, and assisting in curriculum development and administrative assignments. This usually requires the teacher’s presence on the campus five days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a one-hour break. The paid vacation is exactly according to the law in Taiwan; however, unpaid vacation (e.g., to visit family abroad) can be discussed with the language center. Other part-time jobs are not allowed during the employment period. The probation period is 3 months. The NDU language center accounts the teaching situation every month, and the Chengchi University (NCCU) conducts an evaluation assessment every three months. The work includes confidential information; it is obligatory to keep it confidential and abide by the relevant army regulation. 【徵求條件】 1. 來自阿拉伯語系國家,以阿拉伯語為母語者。 2. 需具有大學以上之學歷(不含社區學院)及國內外教學實務經驗者。 3. 身心健康並健康檢查合格。 4.無犯罪紀錄(應提出該國主管機關出具之證明文件)。 5. 具有碩士以上學歷者優先錄取。 6.具阿拉伯語教材編譯與校稿能力者優先聘任。 7. 具有一定的中文能力優先聘任(例如,中文會話)。 Evaluation Indicators Ability to understand the requirements of teaching curriculum Ability to design and compile teaching materials that are suitable for students Ability to conduct collaborative teaching with non-native Arabic speaking teachers Ability to support extracurricular language competition and training activities Required Qualifications Native speaker of Arabic language Bachelor’s Degree or above; Master’s or PhD Degree preferred Experience in teaching Arabic at beginning and intermediate levels Physically and mentally healthy No criminal records (Home-country criminal clearance certificate is needed.) Chinese language ability (e.g., on conversational level) preferred Experience in Arabic-Chinese textbook compilation and/or translation preferred ※為保障板友就業機會平等,雇主對求職人或所僱用員工,不得以種族、階級 、語言、思想、宗教、黨派、籍貫、出生地、性別、性傾向、年齡、婚姻、 容貌、五官、身心障礙或以往工會會員身分為由,予以歧視。 【工作地點】 National Defense University in Taiwan 國防大學 【工作時間】 five days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a one-hour break. ※沒有填寫工作時間將會被刪文。 每週工時超過40小時,請寫加班費 【月休】 周休 ※一定要有數字。沒有填寫月休及排班制度 或月休過低將會被刪文。 【公司福利】 Subsidy and Stipend Round-trip air ticket subsidy (once a year) Housing subsidy and living stipend; details will be shown in the contract 請勿寫勞健保 無勞健保是違法的 此欄請寫額外的福利 【薪資範圍】 NTD 62,720 – 73,025/month A foreign teacher needs to pay individual income tax. ※行政院勞動部於112年1月1日起調漲基本工資為月薪26,400元 ※無薪資、比照科技部、比照本校規定、面議、電議,薪資不清等水桶一週 時薪工作請貼Part-Time板 月薪未達26400一樣會被刪文 【需求人數】 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 s. Huang, Yi-Ying -mail: yiying20@g.nccu.edu.tw 【其他備註】 https://www.nccu.edu.tw/p/406-1000-13363,r40.php?Lang=en -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/job/M.1673154868.A.B4E.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1Zkb4qjE (job)