Re: [閒聊] 穿球衣的樂趣

看板jersey作者 (Schadenfreude)時間18年前 (2006/08/13 05:51), 編輯推噓6(601)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Well... in Canada the jersey-wearing population is quite large, and the thing is is that Vancouver is really multi-ethnic... 1) There is a really visible Italian/Ethnic Italian population here. It's August, and some people STILL have their Italian flags hanging from their houses. I see Team Italy WC2006 Championship T-shirts here ALL THE TIME. Havne't seen a Materazzi jersey though... I have to get one XXXDDDD 2) Second jersey I've seen around: Team Ireland jersey. A lot of people here have Irish backgrounds, and they choose to support Ireland over England... 3) There are a lot of other Naitonal Team Jerseys, representing their own ethnicities... England, GREECE (This one is huge here), Korea and Japan (SOO many Koreans and Japanese here) 4) Last week we had the final day of Fireworks Festival in Vancouver... it was Team Mexico's turn. The beach was FILLED with Green Mexico jerseys. FILLED. I saw this guy with autographs, he said it was everybody from the Mexico National Team... it was pretty sweet. 5) People who wear jerseys here... well they support each other. If we see a jersey we like on the street, we'd all be like "NICE JERSEY MAN!!" I've gotten props for my Holland jersey... ※ 引述《Zidane55555 (鐵頭功)》之銘言: : 最近實在是太熱 : 出門就是球衣+百慕達短褲+拖鞋 : 本來也是一直擔心遇到穿一樣的或是都穿球衣 場面會尷尬 : 大家有想過嗎, 就是一個跟你穿一樣的迎面走來, 不是在球場上, 感覺很難言喻 : 想著想著, 今天就遇到了... : 不過我穿的是日本主場 對方是西班牙主場 雖然沒什麼交集... : 但是感覺不是尷尬, : 是一種詭異的氣氛, : 雖然都故意不去看對方的眼神, : 但是擦肩而過的瞬間, : 好像有一股殺氣, : 有點像是搞笑影片: : 瞬間停格..只聽到腳步聲...然後會有足球突然飛出來...兩個人就這樣幹起來.... : 後來過了之後越想越好笑... : 以上~ : 沒有什麼重點的文章~謝謝閱讀~ : 好啦我承認我是來賺錢的.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/13 09:38, , 1F
08/13 09:38, 1F

08/13 10:55, , 2F
08/13 10:55, 2F

08/13 12:11, , 3F
******* sucks
08/13 12:11, 3F

08/13 13:20, , 4F
08/13 13:20, 4F

08/13 13:21, , 5F
Chelsea ????XDDD
08/13 13:21, 5F

08/13 13:44, , 6F
08/13 13:44, 6F

08/14 07:06, , 7F
08/14 07:06, 7F
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