[情報] 為何還在賣iPad 2: 銷售量依然很不錯已回收

看板iOS作者 (真的不錯....)時間10年前 (2013/10/25 11:53), 編輯推噓14(14016)
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Apple Continues to Sell the iPad 2 Because Customers Are Still Buying It 蘋果為何還在賣iPad 2:銷量不錯 Some observers may have wondered why Apple would continue to sell the iPad 2 for $399 after announcing the iPad Air and Retina iPad mini on Tuesday. The answer, according to new research from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, is because customers are still buying the two-year old tablet. 很多人也許有疑問, 更加輕巧新款iPad Air和配備視網膜的iPad mini發售在 即,但蘋果卻依然沒有停售已經發布了近三年的iPad 2。來自美國市場調查公 司CIRP的調查報告顯示,iPad 2銷量依然不錯,這也是蘋果為何沒有停售iPad 2 的原因。 The iPad 2 accounted for some 22 percent of iPad sales in the September quarter, down significantly from prior quarters, but it appears there is still more than enough demand for a cheaper, full-size iPad, particularly for the education sector. 到2013年9月為止的這一季,iPad 2佔據所有美國iPad銷量中的22%。雖然比之 前一季的35%下降了許多,但依然是一個相當不錯的比例。很顯然,iPad 2的相 對便宜及大尺寸螢幕在市場依然有一席之地,尤其是在教育市場這一塊。 "Despite this quarter including back-to-school sales, the iPad 2, which accounted for a third of sales for the prior six months, seems to have started to show some age, after several strong quarters," said Josh Lowitz, Partner and Co-Founder of CIRP. "Yet, the iPad Mini continued its relative share in the past few quarters, as customers seem to continue to like it as a low-price tablet alternative." “在更之前6個月, iPad 2強勁到佔iPad銷售比例的三分之一。但在9月為止這一 季, 雖然包括了開學旺季, 長青的iPad 2開始擋不了歲月的無情,有些下滑。" CIRP創始人約什‧洛維茨(Josh Lowitz)表示說。"同時, iPad mini的銷售比例 一直很穩定,消費者一直喜歡相對便宜的iPad mini。" "The full-size iPad 4 remained the most popular iPad in the quarter, accounting for nearly half of total sales in the U.S., while CIRP says the iPad mini tallied about a third of sales. 上一季賣最好還是iPad 4, 佔所有iPad將近一半的比例, iPad mini約佔三分 之一。 Apple's new iPad lineup sees the older iPad mini starting at $299, the new Retina iPad mini and the full-size iPad 2 available for $399, and the new iPad air beginning at $499. 蘋果將上一代iPad mini降到$299, 新發表的Retina iPad mini從$399開始出發, 長青大螢幕iPad 2依然維持$399, 新iPad air則承接iPad 4的$499價位。 http://cdn.macrumors.com/article-new/2013/10/cirpipad.png
http://www.macrumors.com/2013/10/24/apple-continues-to-sell-the-ipad-2-because-customers-are-still-buying-it/ ====================================================================== iPad 2 不死神話.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/25 11:56, , 1F
10/25 11:56, 1F

10/25 11:58, , 2F
還有一些是教育機構買去用。不然只差 $100,現在還買 2
10/25 11:58, 2F

10/25 11:59, , 3F
10/25 11:59, 3F

10/25 11:59, , 4F
不上 Air 的真的是傻了 XD
10/25 11:59, 4F

10/25 12:00, , 5F
iPad2 iPhone4S 都是神機
10/25 12:00, 5F

10/25 12:04, , 6F
10/25 12:04, 6F

10/25 12:10, , 7F
10/25 12:10, 7F

10/25 12:12, , 8F
the New iPad 超級悲劇
10/25 12:12, 8F

10/25 12:20, , 9F
10/25 12:20, 9F

10/25 12:28, , 10F
399當然太貴 不過說不定企業/教育採購的價格不一樣
10/25 12:28, 10F

10/25 12:31, , 11F
有人酸 都有錢買ipad了 幹嘛不加些錢買螢幕+效能好的
10/25 12:31, 11F

10/25 12:31, , 12F
10/25 12:31, 12F

10/25 12:39, , 13F
A6表示:我還有iPhone5C!!!!! 我還沒死!!!
10/25 12:39, 13F

10/25 12:42, , 14F
10/25 12:42, 14F

10/25 12:56, , 15F
IPAD2 +4 才是神機..尤其是4新辦的時候才3000...
10/25 12:56, 15F

10/25 13:06, , 16F
ipad mini 2螢幕差1.8吋 效能全都一樣 螢幕多air
10/25 13:06, 16F

10/25 13:09, , 17F
62ppi多棒呀 ipad air才264ppi mini 2是326ppi
10/25 13:09, 17F

10/25 13:16, , 18F
iPad2很好用 沒retina但瀏覽也很夠了 電池沒加大充電快
10/25 13:16, 18F

10/25 13:17, , 19F
再戰一兩年都夠 反而現在iPad3跟iPad4很尷尬了
10/25 13:17, 19F

10/25 13:33, , 20F
鍵盤魯蛇小弟來說說iPad 3優點:若手邊有很多30-pin
10/25 13:33, 20F

10/25 13:33, , 21F
裝置 (小弟有iPhone/iPhone 3G/iPhone 4s/iPad 2)
10/25 13:33, 21F

10/25 13:34, , 22F
,iPad 3可以與他們共用傳輸線,也不用買轉接頭
10/25 13:34, 22F

10/25 13:35, , 23F
少說一個,我還有 iPod Video 80GB (2006年末)
10/25 13:35, 23F

10/25 13:35, , 24F
10/25 13:35, 24F

10/25 14:20, , 25F
10/25 14:20, 25F

10/25 14:20, , 26F
to 樓上,學生價的確是$349
10/25 14:20, 26F

10/25 14:21, , 27F
10/25 14:21, 27F

10/25 14:48, , 28F
沒有吧 後來都變$50 itunes gift card之類的...
10/25 14:48, 28F

10/25 14:49, , 29F
已經沒有以前送印表機+iPod Touch那種大手筆了
10/25 14:49, 29F

10/25 16:49, , 30F
原來我手上的ipad2還在賣阿?! 哇XD 真是常青樹
10/25 16:49, 30F
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