Re: [問題] 菜花的迷思

看板feminine_sex作者 (焚膏繼晷的日子)時間16年前 (2008/06/11 02:33), 編輯推噓21(21015)
留言36則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)

06/09 23:06,
好慘 這是不會好的 而且就算戴套也還是會傳染給別人
06/09 23:06
^^^^^^^^^^^^ ★zfnakj 直接給予嚴厲的指正 有理論跟實證的話 應該很不錯 [05/01/2008 00:45:41] ★zfnakj 呣 看有沒有論文或是國外研究也不錯呀 [05/01/2008 00:46:39] 對於妳的錯誤 雖然妳是正妹 但是奉版主之命 我不得不把妳斬了... Science 2000 Dec 1;290(5497):1651. "Screening for Cervical Cancer" The majority of HPV-infected women will spontaneously clear their infections over time. 大多數的HPV感染會隨著時間過去而被清除掉。 Science 2005 Apr 29;308(5722):619. "HPV's Peculiarities, From Infection to Disease" If the virus dodges the initial immune response and wangles its way into the epithelium, immune cells that specifically eliminate infected cells, combined with a continued antibody assault, typically clear the infection. 如果HPV侵入,宿主會啟動免疫反應排除遭感染的細胞,加上抗體協助,大都能清除感染。 The New England Journal of Medicine 2001 May 24;344(21):1603-7 "Current Approaches to Cervical-Cancer Screening" Most infections clear within 24 months. 大多數人會在兩年內清除掉HPV。 The New England Journal of Medicine 1998 Feb 12;338(7):423-8 "Natural History of Cervicovaginal Papillomavirus Infection in Young Women" The median duration of HPV infection was 8 months (95 percent confidence interval, 7 to 10). By 12 months after the incident infection, 70 percent of the women were no longer infected, and by 24 months only 9 percent continued to be infected. HPV感染時間大約持續8個月,過了一年有70%女人清除HPV,過了兩年有91%女人清除HPV。 The New England Journal of Medicine 2003 Feb 6;348(6):489-90 "Adding a Test for Human Papillomavirus DNA to Cervical-Cancer Screening" These tens of millions of infections are usually transient and clinically nonsignificant, although they frequently produce temporary cytologic changes. Fortunately, few HPV-infected women actually become persistently infected (for example, approximately 10 percent remain infected at five years). HPV短暫感染的案例不計其數,僅有10%的案例會發展成持續感染。 The New England Journal of Medicine 2007 Oct 18;357(16):1589-97 "Human Papillomavirus and Papanicolaou Tests to Screen for Cervical Cancer" The infection is usually transient. HPV感染通常是短暫的。 The Journal of the American Medical Association 2007 Feb 28;297(8):813-9 "Prevalence of HPV Infection Among Females in the United States" Although HPV infection is common, studies suggest approximately 90% of infections clear within 2 years. HPV感染非常常見,90%案例會在兩年內清除感染。 The Journal of the American Medical Association 2007 Jul 4;298(1):38 "HPV Prevalence and Transmission—Reply" Most HPV infections will clear and only a small fraction of infections persist. 大多數HPV感染會被清除掉,只有小部分會變成持續性感染。 Nature Reviews Cancer 2007 Jan;7(1):11-22 "The Natural History of Cervical HPV infection: Unresolved Issues" HPV infections are usually transient. HPV感染通常是短暫的。 The Lancet 2007 Sep 8;370(9590):890-907 "Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer" Most cervical HPV infections (with cytological abnormality or not) are cleared or suppressed by cell-mediated immunity within 1–2 years of exposure. 大多數HPV感染在兩年內(無論有無細胞型態異常),宿主會啟動細胞免疫清除或壓制HPV。 以上幾篇的統計並不單純統計引起菜花的HPV 6 和HPV 11 即使是高風險的HPV 16和HPV 18感染案例 絕大部分的人也都能清除掉 只是比率不會到9成那麼高 特別是HPV 16 連高風險的的HPV尚且如此 何況菜花病毒是HPV中的肉腳 無可否認 一次治療電燒後 不代表患處沒有病毒或不具傳染性 因此常有復發案例 但總的來說~不會沒完沒了的復發 電燒冷凍雷射本身就是一種大量消滅菜花病毒的動作 再輔以免疫藥物 菜花絕對是可以根治的 意即達到HPV DNA陰性的最終目的 相信有點程度的鄉民 都知道上面幾個Journal的威力 希望以後不要再出現獅子鬃毛的說法 沒有根據的說法不只是不負責 更會害人生出沒必要的心理陰影... 若再出現... 我只好再用版主正義之言斬人了 -- 怕只怕,做告白,關係不保 怕只怕,做暗戀,她心異域 怕只怕,做宅男,永為單身 怕只怕,做好人,牛馬服事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ximena 來自: (06/11 02:44)

06/11 03:00, , 1F
06/11 03:00, 1F

06/11 04:10, , 2F
06/11 04:10, 2F

06/11 06:33, , 3F
06/11 06:33, 3F

06/11 07:39, , 4F
06/11 07:39, 4F

06/11 09:32, , 5F
06/11 09:32, 5F

06/11 11:13, , 6F
那好了之後根別人愛愛 別人會被感染嗎?
06/11 11:13, 6F

06/11 11:41, , 7F
06/11 11:41, 7F

06/11 12:29, , 8F
06/11 12:29, 8F

06/11 12:31, , 9F
復發的案例也不少 說可以根治太誇張
06/11 12:31, 9F

06/11 12:48, , 10F
06/11 12:48, 10F

06/11 12:57, , 11F
06/11 12:57, 11F

06/11 13:47, , 12F
06/11 13:47, 12F

06/11 14:30, , 13F
06/11 14:30, 13F

06/11 15:51, , 14F
06/11 15:51, 14F

06/11 16:08, , 15F
cleared or suppress 還只把clear加顏色
06/11 16:08, 15F

06/11 16:08, , 16F
06/11 16:08, 16F

06/11 16:11, , 17F
推文獻 但版主要m板主應該連下一篇都m的
06/11 16:11, 17F

06/11 16:25, , 18F
只能說對沒知識的人 真的要慢慢教了
06/11 16:25, 18F

06/11 19:45, , 19F
06/11 19:45, 19F

06/11 23:02, , 20F
06/11 23:02, 20F

06/11 23:17, , 21F
我的意思是原po專業 但不要以為被m就怎樣 也只是專業而已
06/11 23:17, 21F

06/11 23:25, , 22F
06/11 23:25, 22F

06/11 23:31, , 23F
想問就PO文阿 法西斯有很多專業的可以為你解答
06/11 23:31, 23F

06/11 23:33, , 24F
18046 想站就跟他戰 他也被M了
06/11 23:33, 24F

06/12 00:43, , 25F
只要朱去打電腦 豬太太就會得子宮頸癌 豬的威力太強!
06/12 00:43, 25F

06/12 01:39, , 26F
06/12 01:39, 26F

06/12 01:40, , 27F
要反駁什麼 站在我的立場 只要沒有治好 就依然有傳染力
06/12 01:40, 27F

06/12 01:41, , 28F
如果你只是以「不要嚇壞病患了」的立場發言 這是不負責的
06/12 01:41, 28F

06/12 01:41, , 29F
在依然有傳染性的可能之下他性交了 傳染了 誰要負責?
06/12 01:41, 29F

06/12 01:43, , 30F
希望你有看完下面那篇板友的回文 這不是普通的病 是性病
06/12 01:43, 30F

06/12 01:44, , 31F
06/12 01:44, 31F

06/12 01:45, , 32F
06/12 01:45, 32F

06/12 01:46, , 33F
06/12 01:46, 33F

06/12 01:46, , 34F
可是我不同意你提出的文獻 也不認同你的看法!
06/12 01:46, 34F

06/13 01:17, , 35F
06/13 01:17, 35F

07/06 03:28, , 36F
07/06 03:28, 36F
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