Re: [棉條計畫]組盈來信

看板female_club作者 (愛情不能只是習慣)時間18年前 (2006/07/04 22:39), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《fario (社會學公關公司)》之銘言: : As to the sponcership and money, i've bought over 30 boxes of tampns here... : it's really easy to git more if we want to. : so spicy, we can start to plan where and when to sell them. : of course we may find something else to sell, too. : not just for raiseing money but also for fun :D : lius,except Gina & fario, is there anyone want tampons too? : especially HUS~~~ do u wnat some? i can buy a lot for u XD : btw, i asked my cousin to take me to a gay bar which is nearby, : but ooooh damn it, i'm too young to get in ( i'm 20 & 21 is the least age : limit) : anyway, there is free GLBT magzines here that shows me where i can find : some interesting stuff and try to buy lots of them to sell, too~~~ 哇 原來有棉條計劃喔 我果然太少去社聚了啦~~>_<~~ 這裡指的tampon是米國的嗎 我覺得日本嬌聯的比較好用說 (純粹個人感想 而且包裝比較卡哇伊~~笑~~) 不過日本的棉條有一缺點 就是比較不環保(只有塑膠管的關係) 美國的有分塑膠管或是紙導管的 印象中紙導管的材質是可以全數沖到馬桶裡面 (好像包括棉條體本身 不過沒東西在手邊無法研究一下) 可以分解的優 讓想多做點環保的也有選擇 真的有人想做生意的可以參考一下目前網拍的價格 (這樣社員想要進貨有沒有打折阿 不過我手邊的存量好像頗多) 我是覺得社團中有人想要嘗試的可以先試看看阿 在台灣畢竟只有難用的喔逼(我是指實體店面買的到的) 最大的好處就是在這種熱天可以不用在包尿布了吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/05 10:36, , 1F
07/05 10:36, 1F

07/05 11:21, , 2F
07/05 11:21, 2F

07/05 11:22, , 3F
07/05 11:22, 3F

07/05 18:17, , 4F
07/05 18:17, 4F

07/06 00:51, , 5F
Pearl的我只有super的 太大支了 沒滿就拉會很痛說
07/06 00:51, 5F

07/06 00:52, , 6F
07/06 00:52, 6F

07/06 23:56, , 7F
來個棉條小組吧 真的
07/06 23:56, 7F

07/09 13:03, , 8F
07/09 13:03, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #14gdshud (female_club)
文章代碼(AID): #14gdshud (female_club)