[情報] Tiesto的無奈

看板electronic作者 (金屬男)時間10年前 (2014/06/18 08:43), 編輯推噓50(50036)
留言86則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
這是我看到最不可思議的新聞了 看不懂英文的我大概翻譯一下 TIESTO因為昨天在邁阿密的Mansion夜店放了經典的TRANCE而被遭到夜店除名 太扯,真的太扯了! 只因為他不撥EDM的垃圾音樂,就被噓下台 一個傳奇DJ竟然落魄到這種地步? “I’d just like to apologise to the people that came out. I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to spoon feed you the aural urine that you’re used to,” confessed Tiesto. TIESTO也做出回應:意思是我很抱歉,我沒有辦法在餵你們聽那些尿,因為你們已經習慣了(應該是這樣翻沒錯啦!) 看來....TIESTO也真的是百萬個不願意去做那些EDM的垃圾東西 他最內在還是住著TRANCE的靈魂的!! 你看看吧,我們心中的老提其實骨子裡是沒有改變的! [轉貼自https://www.facebook.com/yiwen.lin.5811] 以下是原文 Dutch DJ Tiesto was last night removed from the decks at popular Miami nightclub, Mansion, after accidentally playing classic trance instead of commercial EDM because, according to the club, “it is a genre which doesn’t fit in with the club’s music policy which has been carefully selected and dictated by our VIP clientele”. The incident took place about two thirds of the way through Tiesto’s run of the mill EDM set, which witnesses have described as “music” and “a medley of all the current big tracks played in sequence”, and is believed to have been caused by a mislabeled CD. “Tiesto was absolutely smashing it,” claimed eye witness Jack Somers. “But then just after halfway through the set he played a track that emptied the dance floor. It sounded kind of beautiful and melodic, but everyone was totally bored by it, it definitely wasn’t EDM.” “The security came in during the track and politely asked him to leave because the audience weren’t feeling the expansive trance track that he was playing, some had even begun booing, throwing away their glowsticks and eating their kandi in protest,” continued Jack. “There was no drop or big chainsaw synths in it and the melody just wasn’t basic and big room enough for me. I nearly spat out my champagne when I heard the track to be honest.” “I like my EDM to fit a rudimentary drop-build-drop formula and this track just didn’t do that,” he added. “You could see by Tiesto’s face that he knew he’d made a mistake in playing the track,” continued the 19 year old self confessed dance music expert. “He went willingly and took to the mic to apologise profusely which I thought was the least he could do for accidentally exposing those people to credible music.” Reports claim that the track which Tiesto played is believed to be Sasha’s Xpander, a classic track of the trance genre and the type of track that Tiesto hasn’t been seen to play in about 5 or 6 years and one that the Dutch megastar had no intention of playing in his set of sub par commercial EDM. “I’d just like to apologise to the people that came out. I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to spoon feed you the aural urine that you’re used to,” confessed Tiesto. “I stopped playing trance some years ago when I realised people were willing to pay me more if I just played popular EDM, but I must have mislabeled a track or something and when I thought I was playing a generic join the dots EDM record I actually played good old school trance music and for that I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” It is believed that, immediately after the show, Tiesto set about destroying his music collection in case he mistakenly plays anything good ever again “just to be on the safe side”. The club released a brief statement confirming that Tiesto was removed from stage for not adhering to the club’s music policy. “We’ve got a strict policy here at Mansion that we only play music that has been warmly approved by our clientele. They’re the ones paying into the club and buying the $1,000 bottles of champagne so their happiness and willingness to splurge recklessly is the most important thing for us. If they don’t like the music being played then they’re less likely to throw money around and so when it comes to that the DJ just has to change, we don’t care who it is.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/electronic/M.1403052238.A.D1D.html

06/18 08:54, , 1F
06/18 08:54, 1F

06/18 09:02, , 2F
06/18 09:02, 2F

06/18 09:09, , 3F
06/18 09:09, 3F

06/18 09:10, , 4F
06/18 09:10, 4F

06/18 09:44, , 5F
06/18 09:44, 5F

06/18 10:08, , 6F
The World's Highest-Paid DJs 2013 http://goo.gl/9Yegyx
06/18 10:08, 6F

06/18 10:11, , 7F
富比士2013的資料 前12名才一個Trance DJ (Armin)
06/18 10:11, 7F

06/18 11:10, , 8F
06/18 11:10, 8F

06/18 12:53, , 9F
06/18 12:53, 9F

06/18 13:34, , 10F
說到Trance,Dash Berlin給我的感覺比起以前落差更大了..
06/18 13:34, 10F

06/18 14:16, , 11F
Cash Berlin XD
06/18 14:16, 11F

06/18 14:23, , 12F
06/18 14:23, 12F

06/18 14:49, , 13F
有個FB page叫Trance Producers Trolls 2
06/18 14:49, 13F

06/18 14:49, , 14F
06/18 14:49, 14F

06/18 15:01, , 15F

06/18 15:43, , 16F
純Trance現在人聽不太下去 這就是社會啊...
06/18 15:43, 16F

06/18 15:43, , 17F
但Armin還是會找機會放純Trance!! XD
06/18 15:43, 17F

06/18 15:44, , 18F
06/18 15:44, 18F

06/18 15:44, , 19F
之前有一段專訪Armin 的影片我覺得讓我感受很深刻
06/18 15:44, 19F

06/18 15:44, , 20F
Armin說: 他很佩服那些在夜店放歌的DJ 因為他們面對的群眾
06/18 15:44, 20F

06/18 15:45, , 21F
是口味變化最多最快最難搞的 不像成名DJ你放個成名曲
06/18 15:45, 21F

06/18 15:45, , 22F
底下就嗨到翻掉了 他說DJ是要放聽眾喜歡聽的歌而不是
06/18 15:45, 22F

06/18 15:46, , 23F
自己喜歡的歌 因為你是一個表演者 你要做的就是讓台下的人嗨
06/18 15:46, 23F

06/18 15:46, , 24F
就算自己不喜歡又如何 粉絲 聽眾喜歡才是他該做的 :)
06/18 15:46, 24F

06/18 15:49, , 25F
06/18 15:49, 25F

06/18 16:19, , 26F
其實edm是統稱 電子舞曲 但現在被拿來當做
06/18 16:19, 26F

06/18 16:20, , 27F
big room house 跟一些粗制濫造的音樂吧o.o
06/18 16:20, 27F

06/18 16:29, , 28F
06/18 16:29, 28F

06/18 16:39, , 29F
所以avicii、david guetta、romero、aoki等知名DJ
06/18 16:39, 29F

06/18 16:40, , 30F
06/18 16:40, 30F

06/18 16:45, , 31F
06/18 16:45, 31F

06/18 16:46, , 32F
06/18 16:46, 32F

06/18 16:47, , 33F
很少聽。所以想釐清 不然都不太確定要怎麼跟朋友說
06/18 16:47, 33F

06/18 16:50, , 34F
像是我最近很喜歡的http://ppt.cc/YRgm 這首算EDM嗎?
06/18 16:50, 34F

06/18 17:04, , 35F

06/18 17:52, , 36F
spinnin的幾乎都bigroom http://i.imgur.com/LadEkVd.jpg
06/18 17:52, 36F

06/18 18:02, , 37F
06/18 18:02, 37F

06/18 18:03, , 38F
David Guetta最有名的就是Ghost producer和預錄set
06/18 18:03, 38F

06/18 18:03, , 39F
06/18 18:03, 39F

06/18 18:03, , 40F

06/18 18:10, , 41F
可是我還是偏愛EDM啦 像wake me up 之類之類:-)
06/18 18:10, 41F

06/18 18:11, , 42F
06/18 18:11, 42F

06/18 18:12, , 43F
Turn down for ... What ?
06/18 18:12, 43F

06/18 18:14, , 44F
我也想請問EDM 的 "定義"是? 有人說是電音統稱
06/18 18:14, 44F

06/18 18:14, , 45F
06/18 18:14, 45F

06/18 18:15, , 46F
06/18 18:15, 46F

06/18 18:16, , 47F
Electric dance music 囉
06/18 18:16, 47F

06/18 18:17, , 48F
06/18 18:17, 48F

06/18 18:21, , 49F
前面幾樓有說啦 原意是電子舞曲然後漸漸變成爛貨的意思
06/18 18:21, 49F

06/18 18:22, , 50F
版上我記得有介紹阿 爬一下文囉
06/18 18:22, 50F

06/18 18:45, , 51F
06/18 18:45, 51F

06/18 18:53, , 52F
eletric house吧
06/18 18:53, 52F

06/18 18:53, , 53F
06/18 18:53, 53F

06/18 19:01, , 54F
David Guetta最近的Big Room House我真的覺得不怎麼樣
06/18 19:01, 54F

06/18 19:01, , 55F
06/18 19:01, 55F

06/18 19:21, , 56F
06/18 19:21, 56F

06/18 19:46, , 58F
edm 是統稱阿.. 但現今被拿來當作很爛的house XD
06/18 19:46, 58F

06/18 19:46, , 59F
Big room 的反彈聲浪慢慢出現了
06/18 19:46, 59F

06/18 19:46, , 60F
06/18 19:46, 60F

06/18 20:02, , 61F
應該是美國把電音的風氣搞壞了 還有速食DJ的崛起
06/18 20:02, 61F

06/18 20:03, , 62F
EDM真的很容易膩甚至感到厭惡 Trance才是王道啦
06/18 20:03, 62F

06/18 20:06, , 63F
06/18 20:06, 63F

06/18 20:09, , 64F
06/18 20:09, 64F

06/18 23:38, , 65F
06/18 23:38, 65F

06/19 10:52, , 66F
罵歸罵 大趴門票還不是滿滿滿
06/19 10:52, 66F

06/19 16:02, , 67F
那HardWell很愛混NUMB 也蠻讓我匪夷所思
06/19 16:02, 67F

06/19 16:02, , 68F
我小時候聽的電音 大概只有ARMIN 跟 ATB比較多人聲
06/19 16:02, 68F

06/19 16:03, , 69F
06/19 16:03, 69F

06/19 16:48, , 70F
06/19 16:48, 70F

06/19 16:48, , 71F
06/19 16:48, 71F

06/19 20:06, , 72F
06/19 20:06, 72F

06/19 21:06, , 73F
06/19 21:06, 73F

06/19 21:10, , 74F
EDM真的吸引到其他族群... 聽Trance都被說很吵
06/19 21:10, 74F

06/19 21:21, , 75F
吸引到原先的流行音樂popmusic 加上現在電子音樂編曲熱門
06/19 21:21, 75F

06/19 21:21, , 76F
06/19 21:21, 76F

06/19 21:21, , 77F
06/19 21:21, 77F

06/19 21:22, , 78F
pop就很容易轉到edm 然後大趴越來越盛行..商業因素加重
06/19 21:22, 78F

06/19 21:38, , 79F
我是trance掛的 ,聽EDM才覺得吵而且很容易膩.....
06/19 21:38, 79F

06/20 02:43, , 80F
trance怎麼可能比EDM吵? KPOP都比trance吵
06/20 02:43, 80F

06/20 02:44, , 81F
06/20 02:44, 81F

06/20 04:25, , 82F
I love Dubstep
06/20 04:25, 82F

06/20 04:38, , 83F
me too XD
06/20 04:38, 83F

06/20 11:21, , 84F
06/20 11:21, 84F

06/20 14:28, , 85F
我是被大家說的EDM爛歌拉進來的 後來超討厭EDM 好膩
06/20 14:28, 85F

06/20 14:37, , 86F
其實我很開心被爛歌拉進來 因為這樣認識更多的電音曲風
06/20 14:37, 86F
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