Re: [心得] Yundi Li plays Chopin & Mussorgsky@T …

看板clmusic作者 (吃經濟學家的恐龍)時間15年前 (2009/05/03 20:07), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《hyperion (吃經濟學家的恐龍)》之銘言: : Chopin: Four Mazurkas, Op. 33 : 以前沒聽過李雲迪彈馬厝卡舞曲,但這四首的感覺可說是相當詭異。 : 最詭異的地方,在於節奏感的處理。馬厝卡舞曲都是以三拍子搭配轉 : 換重音的一拍,具有節奏上的共通性,這是因為既然是舞曲,原始的 : 目的就是要讓人隨之起舞,若沒有一個明確穩定的節奏,則跳舞的人 : 在踩腳步將無所適從—想想Pub的電子舞曲,不也是遵循類似的原則? : 這個「舞蹈節奏感不明確」的現象在第一號升g小調的慢板舞曲還不特 : 別嚴重,至少還能延續前一首夜曲的清麗綿密感覺;到了氣氛應該是 : 歡欣熱烈的第二號D大調舞曲,問題來了:三拍子搭配轉換重音的那一 : 拍,有非常明顯的「頓挫」,若用唱歌為比方,好像在不該換氣的地 : 方大大地透了一口氣,優雅明快的舞蹈感覺消失了,剩下一個「上氣 : 不接下氣」的中年人拖累了主旋律。到了第三、第四號,連主旋律的 : 歌唱性也受到了影響,被李雲迪「拆解重組」的非常具有「現代感」 : ,一不留神竟有不知身在何時何地之慨,還以為自己正在重溫Keith : Jarrett的太陽熊現場實況。 : (當然,這樣寫絕無對李雲迪有苛評之意:如果Sviatoslav Richter : 都可以把貝多芬第32號奏鳴曲第四樂章的大賦格「拆解」成1930年代 : 的搖擺爵士風,李雲迪又為何不可把蕭邦的馬厝卡變成Keith Jarrett : 式的現代即興風?) 這個連結是紐約時報對李雲迪去年十月在卡內基音樂廳演出的評論, 同樣指出了他在馬厝卡舞曲節奏處理上的問題。所以這的確是他個 人有意識的作為,很難單純推給「狀況不好」.... But in Chopin’s Four Mazurkas (Op. 33), which followed, his performances, for all their splendors, were restless and jerky. These pieces are hard to bring off. A mazurka is a Polish dance in triple meter with the second beat accentuated, though exactly how is a matter of debate. And Chopin’s mazurkas are pianistic impressions of the dance, not the real thing. Mr. Li showed a tendency to overdo the accentuations. And his playing was sometimes rushed and impetuous. These problems arose also in his wildly rhapsodic account of Schumann’s song “Widmung,” in its incarnation as a virtuoso solo piano piece by Liszt, and also in his mostly exhilarating performance of Chopin’s Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise (Op. 22). The arching melody of the Andante, nobly phrased, sang out over a steady, undulant, rippling accompaniment. The polonaise, which festoons a jaunty dance tune with dazzling runs and passage work, was exciting but so breathless that it became hectic. -- Yours truly, Chiaheng Seetoo Attorney at Law (California) Juris Doctor, Class of 2007 College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hyperion 來自: (05/03 20:07)
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