[新聞] 紐約舉辦了第一場 Formula E 賽事

看板car作者 (缺鈣缺很大)時間7年前 (2017/07/19 12:01), 7年前編輯推噓7(706)
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很多年來FIA(國際汽車聯盟)都嘗試要在紐約舉辦 F1 賽事 但因為噪音與政治問題一直無法成真 但在上周,Formula E 在布魯克林進行了一場50圈每圈約1.2英哩的比賽 而且開賽前幾天門票都賣光光了 Formula E 主要的規則如下: 10支車隊,20位車手,40輛賽車 每支車隊會包括2位車手和4輛賽車。 會在10個不同城市舉行。 賽道都會在市區內,大約2.5至3公里長。 賽車會在3秒內由0加速至100公里/小時,最高速度為220公里/小時。 噪音水平:一般汽車=70dB;電動方程式=80dB;巴士=90dB。 比賽時一位車手會有兩輛賽車,在第一輛賽車電力耗盡時車手進站換車 目前電動馬達最大功率上限限制為200kW (上限會隨著賽季做調整) 另外還有一些詳細的規則例如車重等,就不一一列了 跟F1不同的是,FE將自由練習、排位賽、正賽壓縮在兩天內,而且全部都是街道賽 紐約賽事精華: https://youtu.be/GNNB1i4BJQ4
============================================================================== https://goo.gl/qgTZmU New York's First Formula E Race Electrifies Fans For years Formula 1 organizers have tried to bring Formula racing to New York City, but to no avail. Budget constraints, noise concerns, and political challenges within the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) stymied attempts. But last week the FIA Formula E Qualcomm New York City ePrix—a race that pits electricity-powered cars against each other for nearly 50 laps around a 1.2-mile hairpin course—did it. More than 15,000 fans attended the ePrix, which ran for two days along the water in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Tickets sold out days before the gates opened. The backdrop proved as compelling as any. From the main grandstand, spectators could see the Statue of Liberty and the Freedom Tower as they watched Sam Bird win for his team, DS Virgin Racing. Richard Branson attended—he is the primary backer behind DS Virgin Racing, of course. So did Leonardo DiCaprio, Catherine Zeta Jones, and Chris Hemsworth, along with a robust mix of European racing enthusiasts, Manhattan dignitaries, and Brooklyn locals—all whom roared loudly whenever one of the electric racers would hit a wall or hitch itself on one of the turns. When I asked team owner Michael Andretti how he'd approach the course himself, he simply said: “Try to survive.” He also predicted that electric cars will dominate U.S. roads in 10 years' time. “This is the future of racing,” Andretti said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1500436901.A.C5F.html ※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/19/2017 12:02:26

07/19 12:41, , 1F
07/19 12:41, 1F
形容的真好XDDD ※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/19/2017 12:45:18

07/19 12:53, , 2F
跟美國職籃的BIG 3一樣嗎? XD
07/19 12:53, 2F

07/19 13:13, , 3F
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07/19 13:46, , 6F
FE跟F1比起來成本相對低 那顆方向盤倒是無敵貴
07/19 13:46, 6F

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07/19 23:34, 13F
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