[新聞] Tesla在挪威與車主的紛爭落幕了

看板car作者 (non)時間7年前 (2016/12/12 21:50), 7年前編輯推噓15(15045)
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大約在一年多以前,一群挪威的Tesla車主不滿他們買到的Tesla Model S狂暴模式 不夠快,於是向Tesla提出了集體訴訟。這些車主說他們的P85D馬力根本沒有Tesla 宣稱的有691hp,這影響到了它的加速性能,所以聯合了一百多位車主提出告訴。 經過了將近兩年後,這些車主們與Tesla達成了和解。 Tesla的說法是他們在官網上宣稱的0-100加速只需3.3秒甚至是被低估的,實際上 有第三方測得的數據是3.1秒。 這些車主不滿的原因是Tesla官網寫了P85D具備了前224hp、後467hp的馬達動力 加起來有691hp,但實際上把車拉到馬力機上面去測只有560hp左右 而Tesla對此的解釋是馬達動力必須考慮到電力系統的分配與電池的特性,並不能像 燃油引擎那樣相加(這是真的,土豪哥Let's talk about cars yo有一集有提到) 這件事情的影響就是從此以後Tesla的官網都把馬達動力規格都刪掉了,只提加速成績 所以現在在Tesla官網上都看不到他們用的馬達動力有多少了。 這些提出告訴的車主們(總共有132位車主提告,但挪威有超過1200位車主,看來也是很多 車主們不認同他們提告)最後與Tesla達成和解,Tesla會提供每位車主相當於7700元美金 的現金或是讓他們選擇一些車輛的升級包,例如解鎖狂暴模式、一組新的輪圈、 或是Tesla商店折扣。 Tesla真的還蠻大方的,就因為理解上的差異而不是車子瑕疵就對車主做出賠償 有些傳統車商製造的車真的有瑕疵被抓到了,也大都是只負責修車召回了事 很難看到車商會給車主金錢上的賠償。 Tesla這次花錢了事了,不過也算是又再打了一次廣告做公關 就算真實馬力測得是560hp,一台接近兩噸重的大型車0-100加速只需3.1秒也是很嚇人的 更別說現在最新的P100D已經有人測得了2.4秒的誇張成績 ============================================================================== 原文連結: https://goo.gl/depOaa 原文內容: Tesla finally settles with disgruntled Model S P85D owners in Norway, offers cash or upgrades After almost two years, it looks like the disagreement between Tesla Model S P85D owners in Norway and the electric automaker over the representation of the power output of the vehicle is now officially over. The issue moved from consumer protection agencies to the court and it has now been resolved out of court after Tesla agreed to partly refund the owners. As we previously reported, the issue revolved around the way Tesla was listing the power of its motors for the Model S P85D, which has two motors. When first introducing the vehicle, Tesla was marketing the vehicle as having a combined motor output of 691 hp (467 in the back and 224 in the front). While those are indeed the correct outputs of each motor, the vehicle was never able to achieve those numbers due to several other limitations than only the combined potential output of the motors, like the battery. Tesla claimed that they always made it clear that the numbers were for the motors and not the vehicle itself, but some owners felt deceived. Earlier this year, the Consumer Disputes Commission asked the automaker to pay 50,000 Norwegian Krones (~$6,000 USD) to each Model S P85D owners. Following the verdict, a Tesla spokesperson sent us the following statement: “Testing done by Tesla and independent third parties has demonstrated that the Model S P85D’s acceleration and motor power numbers have always been accurate, even understated. With respect to acceleration, Tesla described the P85D as having a 0-100 kph time of 3.3 seconds, and Motor Trend and others actually achieved a time of 3.1 seconds. Similarly, the motor power numbers used by Tesla were legally required and confirmed as accurate by European regulatory authorities. Based on this information, the Consumer Council previously resolved these issues in Tesla’s favor. Tesla will be reviewing the decision by the Consumer Disputes Commission to better understand the conclusion that it reached.” The company later disputed the decision and the matter was going to court today, but a settlement was reached at the last minute yesterday, according to local paper Dagens Naeringliv. Owners were asking for 129,700 Norwegian Krones, which represent the difference between the Model S 85D and the P85D at the time. The idea being that those owners would have chosen the former if the power output difference would have been more clearly defined. Under the terms of the settlement, Tesla only offers 65,000 krones ($7,700 USD) to each owner or the option to choose between several other packages, including a ‘ Ludicrous battery upgrade’, a new set of wheels, and Tesla store credits. DN reports that “most of the 132 Tesla owners” who filed the suit have agreed to the settlement – though there are about 1,200 Model S P85D registered in Norway. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1481550608.A.614.html

12/12 21:53, , 1F
12/12 21:53, 1F
Tesla也不是一開始就給,而是在上法庭前由挪威的Consumer Disputes Commission 來調解,算是和解吧。一般奧客太過分的話可能就不會理他了

12/12 21:57, , 2F
因為我們是顧客 當然要鼓勵公司大方
12/12 21:57, 2F
※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:00:11

12/12 22:01, , 3F
解鎖狂暴模式 XD
12/12 22:01, 3F

12/12 22:02, , 4F
其實這蠻好的 因為電動車牌照稅由馬力看 如果馬力實
12/12 22:02, 4F

12/12 22:02, , 5F
測較小 之後沒優惠免稅後 稅也是較少
12/12 22:02, 5F

12/12 22:03, , 6F
12/12 22:03, 6F

12/12 22:07, , 7F
12/12 22:07, 7F

12/12 22:07, , 8F
12/12 22:07, 8F
其實不只一千多台喔,那些1200多位車主指的是85的車主 因為有補助的關係,挪威前幾年Model S賣的很多 13年賣了兩千多台,14年跟15年各賣了4000多台 16年補助減少,人們跑去買其他比較便宜的電動車,但也還有將近2000台 如果再加上Model X 16年賣了大約1000輛,挪威這個地方有一萬多名Tesla車主

12/12 22:12, , 9F
12/12 22:12, 9F

12/12 22:12, , 10F
其他一千位車主知道了會不會很肚爛? 鼓勵集體訴訟啊
12/12 22:12, 10F
※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:24:42

12/12 22:31, , 11F
真是不錯的國家 在台灣 車廠講什麼你都得吞下去
12/12 22:31, 11F

12/12 22:32, , 12F
12/12 22:32, 12F

12/12 22:33, , 13F
上馬力機 每台汽油車都不準啊
12/12 22:33, 13F

12/12 22:36, , 14F
它在台灣上市後沒公布過馬力啊 如果未來需要繳稅 政
12/12 22:36, 14F

12/12 22:37, , 15F
12/12 22:37, 15F
不曉得台灣會怎麼做,比較好的方式當然是直接用儀器測 如果是用前後兩個電機功率相加直接換算成馬力那就太冤枉了 (總覺得台灣會這麼做QQ) ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:43:29

12/12 22:42, , 16F
那就公布值改成560就好了 會買的人還是會買 不買的也是一樣
12/12 22:42, 16F

12/12 22:42, , 17F
12/12 22:42, 17F
應該沒有車廠會用馬力機測定當作自己標示的依據吧 大都是直接測量引擎出力來標示 而且Tesla當初是直接公佈前後兩個電機馬力"分別"是多少 他把規格完整揭露反而惹來一身腥 ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:46:43

12/12 22:47, , 18F
就單純修理車商華而不實的廣告文宣啊 自動駕駛不是也乖
12/12 22:47, 18F

12/12 22:47, , 19F
乖修正成輔助駕駛了嗎 tesla愛搞小聰明被打臉了
12/12 22:47, 19F
Tesla明白的標示前電機馬力多少、後電機馬力多少哪來的華而不實? 他又不是隱瞞這兩項資訊直接告訴你車子有691hp ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:51:16

12/12 22:49, , 20F
既然特斯拉標榜的是非傳統的車廠 是個創新的
12/12 22:49, 20F

12/12 22:49, , 21F
那落實輪上馬力公布 也是該做的方向
12/12 22:49, 21F

12/12 22:50, , 22F
12/12 22:50, 22F

12/12 22:50, , 23F
一堆嘴砲馬力 到底有什麼意思
12/12 22:50, 23F
你這就是雞蛋裡挑骨頭了 誰規定創新就是要標示輪上馬力? 反過來說 若有一間車廠標示了輪上馬力,說他這是創新做法不被笑死才怪 ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:53:25

12/12 22:53, , 24F
話說回來 "一般"各種使用的電動機 標的功率 是耗能
12/12 22:53, 24F

12/12 22:54, , 25F
12/12 22:54, 25F

12/12 22:55, , 26F
你隨便買個米 也希望知道是淨重不是毛重
12/12 22:55, 26F
又在雞蛋裡挑骨頭了 車子跟你講功率多少有幾個人懂它代表什麼意思? 直接換算成馬力告訴你不行嗎? ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:57:38

12/12 22:57, , 27F
公布一些混沌不清的資訊 模糊消費者 並不是所有消費者都懂
12/12 22:57, 27F
噗 這是車子耶! 車子耶! 公佈車子用的電機有多少馬力叫做混沌不清、模糊消費者 好大一頂帽子 ※ 編輯: Scape (, 12/12/2016 22:59:01

12/12 22:58, , 28F
要是一個公司 該公布消費者重視的資訊 錯了嗎
12/12 22:58, 28F

12/12 23:02, , 29F
就我覺得 每個車廠都應該公布輪上馬力 或是中間值
12/12 23:02, 29F

12/12 23:07, , 30F
12/12 23:07, 30F

12/12 23:07, , 31F
數據3.更正中文名稱沒什麼不妥 犯錯懂得改 才是正確
12/12 23:07, 31F

12/12 23:08, , 32F
12/12 23:08, 32F

12/12 23:25, , 33F
12/12 23:25, 33F

12/12 23:26, , 34F
12/12 23:26, 34F

12/12 23:27, , 35F
12/12 23:27, 35F

12/12 23:28, , 36F
12/12 23:28, 36F

12/12 23:29, , 37F
12/12 23:29, 37F

12/12 23:30, , 38F
12/12 23:30, 38F

12/12 23:30, , 39F
12/12 23:30, 39F

12/12 23:32, , 40F
12/12 23:32, 40F

12/12 23:33, , 41F
12/12 23:33, 41F

12/12 23:34, , 42F
12/12 23:34, 42F

12/12 23:34, , 43F
12/12 23:34, 43F

12/12 23:41, , 44F
阿不就和寬頻的廣告一樣 看的到吃不到 要依照當下用戶端
12/12 23:41, 44F

12/12 23:42, , 45F
來決定流量 這種事情早就屢見不鮮了吧~不需要護航
12/12 23:42, 45F

12/12 23:42, , 46F
一般來說 電動機的最大功率 是指可承受的電壓下的最大電流
12/12 23:42, 46F

12/12 23:43, , 47F
12/12 23:43, 47F

12/12 23:43, , 48F
12/12 23:43, 48F

12/12 23:44, , 49F
可以短時間的超負載 但是會發熱 累積熱量
12/12 23:44, 49F

12/12 23:45, , 50F
大多數來說 耗用的功率跟輸出是成正比的
12/12 23:45, 50F

12/12 23:46, , 51F
但是消費者想知道的是能輸出多少功率 不是最大耗用多少功率
12/12 23:46, 51F

12/13 00:03, , 52F
12/13 00:03, 52F

12/13 02:46, , 53F
12/13 02:46, 53F

12/13 06:43, , 54F
12/13 06:43, 54F

12/13 07:48, , 55F
12/13 07:48, 55F

12/13 10:39, , 56F
12/13 10:39, 56F

12/13 10:40, , 57F
12/13 10:40, 57F

12/13 10:57, , 58F
12/13 10:57, 58F

12/13 12:26, , 59F
12/13 12:26, 59F

12/14 10:31, , 60F
Tessa 重新定義馬力 汽油車怎麼辦?
12/14 10:31, 60F
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