[情報] Mazda 3 與 Fabia 試駕報導 (英國Autocar

看板car作者 (夜鷺食穀)時間8年前 (2016/06/26 12:43), 8年前編輯推噓26(26021)
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看到有人在談論Mazda 3和Fabia的操控,在此節錄英國Autocar的試駕報導, 給大家做參考。 (圖) Mazda 3抓地力和轉向表現都很好 http://i.imgur.com/DwSuK0I.jpg
(source: Autocar) Mazda 3的試駕報導節錄 一般的掀背車操控並沒有比Mazda 3更好,Mazda 3轉向很俐落,底盤很甜美。 Normal hatchbacks don't handle much better than this.....(略) the new 3 has such crisp steering and such a sweet chassis underneath it. Mazda 3是一台駕馭導向的車,它開起來感覺很誠實、老派作風、安靜(沒有多餘的干擾) ,Mazda 3轉向靈活度很乾淨俐落、連貫、沒有墮落腐化(uncorrupted)。 Mazda 3不玩花招,它不會操弄你的駕馭感受,它奔馳的時候,感覺很直接, 它不會突然改變調整車子回應的速度和程度,也不會(過度)加重方向盤的力道。 This is an honest, old-fashioned, quiet kind of driver's car with a clean, coherent, uncorrupted agility about it. There are no tricks in its armoury; it doesn't manipulate your perception of its handling with darting directness, sudden changes in the rate of response or excess control weight. Mazda3開起來有緊實感,很中庸,車身控制也很漸進。抓地力的平衡性很好, 對於駕駛人的指令,Mazda 3也會正確連貫的給予回應。 It has taut but progressive body control and medium, well balanced grip levels, and it's unerringly consistent in its replies to your inputs. Mazda 3動態很平衡、有可預測性、有良好的本質。 對於駕駛人的要求,Mazda 3使命必達,即便用光失去抓地力了,也能保有控制性。 The 3 is balanced, predictable and benign and does all you can ask of a hatch when it runs out of grip: it remains controllable. Fabia 的試駕報導節錄 操控方面,Fabia有充足的抓地力,但沒有太多樂趣。 方向盤轉向精準,但感受不到前輪輪胎的狀況。 Fabia靈活度不如Fiesta,他過彎不如Fiesta那麼敏捷,車尾也不會幫助過彎。 行車品質方面,Fabia的避震器阻尼調教不錯,但有時候會很吵。 As for the handling, there's plenty of grip, but it's unlikely you'll have much in the way of fun. The steering is precise but fails to inform you of what the front tyres are doing, while it never feels agile in the same way a Fiesta does. It doesn't turn in as keenly, and you'll never feel the rear of the car helping it around corners. The ride remains well damped but noisy at times. 駕駛樂趣從來都不是Fabia的強項,實用性才是它的重點。空間比Fiesta和Polo大的多。 But fun has never been the Fabia's forte. Instead, practicality is where the Skoda really scores. The boot is much bigger than those you get in a Ford Fiesta or Volkswagen Polo. (圖) 駕駛樂趣從來都不是Fabia的強項,實用性才是重點 http://i.imgur.com/VZGmqm0.jpg
(source: Autocar UK) 出處 Mazda 3 Review https://is.gd/cDyHSQ 2016 Skoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90 Colour Edition review https://is.gd/VMuyBq -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1466916188.A.3BB.html ※ 編輯: bearland (, 06/26/2016 12:49:01

06/26 12:50, , 1F
06/26 12:50, 1F

06/26 12:51, , 2F
06/26 12:51, 2F

06/26 13:18, , 3F
06/26 13:18, 3F
不客氣 ^^

06/26 13:37, , 4F
兩台都試乘過 都不錯 馬川外型被女友嫌台客車 f開起來比
06/26 13:37, 4F

06/26 13:37, , 5F
較紮實穩定 後來就選f combi
06/26 13:37, 5F

06/26 13:58, , 6F
06/26 13:58, 6F

06/26 14:02, , 7F
06/26 14:02, 7F

06/26 14:04, , 8F
06/26 14:04, 8F

06/26 14:05, , 9F
06/26 14:05, 9F
※ 編輯: bearland (, 06/26/2016 14:49:02

06/26 15:06, , 10F
呵呵 評審眼光真愛台
06/26 15:06, 10F

06/26 15:26, , 11F
ㄏㄏ 前面有人講馬三操控贏還被噓哩 XDD 頗ㄏ
06/26 15:26, 11F

06/26 15:34, , 12F
06/26 15:34, 12F

06/26 15:34, , 13F
old-fashioned就是保有轉向回饋 不會因電子輔助
06/26 15:34, 13F

06/26 15:35, , 14F
06/26 15:35, 14F

06/26 15:35, , 15F
有這種女友才要珍惜吧 眼光獨到
06/26 15:35, 15F

06/26 15:35, , 16F
06/26 15:35, 16F
Mazda3的同級對手是Focus和Golf。 只是因為這邊有人在討論 Mazda 3 vs Fabia,我才發文的 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1466832981.A.3A6.html

06/26 15:38, , 17F
還有建議多看幾家雜誌,別只用一間下結論, 許多評比換媒
06/26 15:38, 17F

06/26 15:38, , 18F
06/26 15:38, 18F

06/26 15:45, , 19F
06/26 15:45, 19F

06/26 15:45, , 20F
06/26 15:45, 20F

06/26 15:50, , 21F
06/26 15:50, 21F

06/26 15:50, , 22F
06/26 15:50, 22F

06/26 15:51, , 23F
06/26 15:51, 23F

06/26 16:17, , 24F
三十幾歲大叔別再用注音文了行不行 我如果是你早就挖
06/26 16:17, 24F

06/26 16:17, , 25F
地洞把自己埋了 丟臉到爆
06/26 16:17, 25F

06/26 16:29, , 26F
06/26 16:29, 26F

06/26 17:02, , 27F
06/26 17:02, 27F

06/26 17:02, , 28F
06/26 17:02, 28F

06/26 17:02, , 29F
06/26 17:02, 29F
※ 編輯: bearland (, 06/26/2016 17:23:03

06/26 18:11, , 30F
06/26 18:11, 30F

06/26 19:17, , 31F
XD 女友我就不換了 那可是要當老婆的
06/26 19:17, 31F

06/26 19:21, , 32F
她本來就不懂車 馬3外表很好看 是看到改很台的刻板印象
06/26 19:21, 32F

06/26 19:47, , 33F
看錯車了吧 至少台北的新馬三幾乎都原廠未改
06/26 19:47, 33F

06/26 19:57, , 34F
06/26 19:57, 34F

06/26 20:03, , 35F
怕眼光變正常後 車跟男友都換了
06/26 20:03, 35F

06/26 20:14, , 36F
06/26 20:14, 36F

06/26 22:04, , 37F
06/26 22:04, 37F

06/26 22:21, , 38F
06/26 22:21, 38F

06/26 22:21, , 39F
06/26 22:21, 39F

06/26 22:21, , 40F
06/26 22:21, 40F

06/27 00:02, , 41F
歐洲車 心靈+10
06/27 00:02, 41F

06/27 00:26, , 42F
06/27 00:26, 42F

06/27 00:50, , 43F
06/27 00:50, 43F

06/28 15:38, , 44F
推 實測文
06/28 15:38, 44F
不客氣 ^^ ※ 編輯: bearland (, 06/28/2016 19:07:35

06/30 12:07, , 45F
06/30 12:07, 45F

07/01 12:01, , 46F
07/01 12:01, 46F

07/01 12:01, , 47F
07/01 12:01, 47F
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