[討論] Ford Mondeo vs Mazda 6 by Autoguide已回收

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前面有板友提到想知道兩台車的比較 剛好外國媒體Autoguide就有針對兩台車的集評 網站: http://ppt.cc/GojT 影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhHPIcEdG0c
以下附上簡短翻譯: 2013 Ford Fusion vs 2014 Mazda6 Comparing the two most stylish, efficient and fun family sedans 咱們來評評目前市面上兩台最有型、有效率、且最有駕駛樂趣的家庭房車。 A lot can change in eight years. Just a short time ago, 2006 to be exact, Ford still held a one-third ownership stake in Mazda. The two companies were producing vehicles based on the same platform, and it was this year that the Mazda6-based Ford Fusion came to be. But like a Hollywood marriage, we all knew it had to end and Ford told Mazda “it’s me, not you” and left the zoom-zoom company behind. 八年可以改變很多事情,2006年之前福特還持有馬自達1/3的股票,兩間公司常常使用同 一個平台來造車,但現在他們卻分道揚鑣了。 噢!就像好萊塢的螢幕夫妻一樣,總有離婚的一天。 As the life-cycles of these shared platform vehicles came to an end, it was time for the two companies to develop all-new models on their own. No longer would Ford and Mazda go on like a high school project, getting equal marks for a project in which one side did all the work. 當他們分道揚鑣之後,各自造車就是理所當然的事情。他們無法再像寫高中報告那樣 你分一半我分一半來完成整件事情。 ON THEIR OWN Ford was first up with a complete reinvention of the Fusion last year while Mazda unleashed an all-new Mazda6 this year. Interestingly, despite parting ways, the core qualities and competencies that each car possesses are remarkably similar. Both are gorgeous. Both promise exceptional fuel economy. And both deliver an engaging driving experience. Mondeo(Fusion)和Mazda6一前一後發表,他們的核心能力和品質都相當接近,兩台車都 提供了很不錯的燃油效率,駕駛感受也都很好。 For this comparison we have gathered mid-level versions of the two vehicles outfitted with their most efficient engines and automatic transmissions. The 2014 Mazda6 is a Touring model that begins at a base price of $24,495. After items like the technology package, fog lights and destination charges are added, our vehicle comes in at an as-tested price of $27,985. The 2013 Ford Fusion is a front-drive SE model with the optional 1.6-liter EcoBoost engine and 6-speed automatic. This package has a base price of $24,625, but quickly escalates to $29,105 after options and destination charges are added. 為了公平起見,我們找了兩台價格相近的車型作比較:2.5升汽油六速手自排的馬自達六 和1.6升EcoBoost的Mondeo,兩者價格分別是 $27,985和$29,105。 The all-new 2014 Mazda6 is the latest vehicle to wear the company’s new Kodo design language. Like the CX-5 released last year, the 6 looks great and rivals the Fusion for the beauty crown in the mid-size sedan segment. These two sedans definitely stand out in a crowd of overly conservative designs like the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry and Chevrolet Malibu. Mazda 6是最新一台使用魂動"Kodo"理念設計的車款,看起來棒極了!在中型房車中大概就 只有他和Mondeo可以爭奪選美比賽的后冠。Camry、Accord和Malibu的設計都過於保守了。 K.I.S.S. vs ROCKET SCIENCE Inside, however, it becomes a tail of two very different designs. The Fusion is the technology leader offering their latest version of MyFord Touch, two customizable 4.2-inch screens beside the odometer and a large touchscreen that handles most of the infotainment duties. As cool and high-tech as the various screens are, they can’t mask the fact that the rest of Fusion’s interior is bland and uninspiring. It looks like all the money and development resources went into the fancy technology. 講到內在,兩台車的設計就大相競庭了。Mondeo的設計充滿了科技感,有MyFord Touch、 儀表板有兩個4.2吋的螢幕、中控台還有一個超大的觸控螢幕,幾乎所有事情都能在這個 觸控螢幕完成。欸...但是扣掉這個又酷又高科技的駕駛區,整台車其他的地方就略顯平 淡了,感覺像是Ford把整個開發的經費與資源都投資在豪華科技上。 The Mazda6 on the other hand may lack the large screens of the Fusion, but the rest of the interior is better designed and richly detailed. Nearly every surface of the Mazda is soft touch and those that are not feature properly used piano black trim. It not only out-classes the Fusion’s interior, but most others in the family sedan segment. Mazda6就和Mondeo不一樣了,他沒有大螢幕,但是其他的內裝設計就比起Mondeo有更豐富 的細節:幾乎所有物品的表面都是軟質或是鋼琴烤漆材質,這不只大大優於Mondeo,也贏 過大多數的的家庭房車。 Like a slap to the face of current design wisdom, Mazda has created an infotainment unit with more redundancy built-in to the controls than a CVT automatic with paddle shifters. Want to control the radio by touch screen? Go ahead. Or, how about using the buttons beside the touch screen and on the steering wheel? Those work too. Not enough? Ok, there is also the BMW iDrive-wannabe knob and button system just north of the armrest in the center console. Finally, of course for safety’s sake, most operations can be controlled though voice commands as well. 不過Mazda6的多功能資訊幕就有點冗贅了,就像在CVT變速箱的車上裝換檔撥片一樣。 例如你要聽音樂,你可以按螢幕,你可以用方向盤控制鍵,還可以用類似BMW的iDrive旋 鈕來控制,然後基於安全理由,還可以用語音控制! (譯者按:這段是指美版的TomTom系統,國內並沒有這些困擾XD) MORE MFT RANTING And then there is the Fusion sporting the iron-maiden of automotive infotainment units, MyFord Touch (MFT). Improved over past versions in terms of simplicity, it continues to be buggy, freezing on regular intervals. Add in overly sensitive HVAC buttons and we were quickly longing for the Mazda6’ s anyway-you-like-it controls. 講到Mondeo的多功能資訊幕 - MyFord Touch,他有點兒古怪,有時會自己當掉不動, 螢幕下方的空調按鈕也太敏感,常常輕輕按就Jizz了,所以我們覺得馬六的多功能資訊幕 的那些控制問題都不算是問題了! But it’s not a total loss inside the Fusion. Front seat comfort, feel of the actual steering wheel and audio sound are a dead wash between the two vehicles. The Fusion’s sightlines trump those of the Mazda6 and the 16.0 cu-ft trunk beats the Mazda over a cubic foot. As well, despite giving up 0.4-inches of legroom to the 6, we found the Fusion’s backseat a more comfortable place to be. That said, neither are tops in this segment and the Honda Accord or Toyota Camry are better suited to those who will regularly transport adults in the rear. 但是Mondeo的內在也沒那麼糟糕啦!兩台車的前座的椅子都很好坐,路感也很好,但是 Mondeo在車室空間的表現贏過Mazda6一些,後座的椅子也比Mazda6舒服,但是兩台車在 空間和後座舒適性的表現都不如Accord或者Camry。 EFFICIENCY IS THE GOAL A big marketing point for both of these vehicles is their efficiency. Mazda goes about this with a system they call SkyActiv. One aspect of SkyActiv is to reduce overall vehicle weight and this is evident in the Mazda6’s curb weight which, at 3,232 lbs. is nearly 200 lbs. lighter than the Fusion. Powering the Mazda6 is an all-new 2.5-liter four cylinder engine that produces 184 hp and 185 lb-ft of torque. 兩台車的賣點都是燃油效率,Mazda6用了SkyActiv科技,讓車重比Mondeo還輕大約200磅 ,2.5升的四缸引擎則提供了184匹馬力和251牛頓米的扭力 Ford aims at superior efficiency using their now ubiquitous family of EcoBoost engines. In a segment filled with 2.4-2.5-liter engines, Ford offers up a diminutive 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine strapped to a turbocharger. It produces 178 hp and 184 lb-ft of torque. Like the Mazda6, torque is sent to the front wheels via a 6-speed automatic transmission. 福特則是採用逐漸在家族裡普及的EcoBoost引擎,1.6升四缸引擎合併渦輪,提供了178匹 馬力和249牛頓米的扭力 Power delivery is more evident and more immediate in the Fusion thanks to the turbo. But, the power band feels narrow and after the initial thrust of torque, the engine begins to run out of steam. Around the city this engine is great, but take the 1.6-liter onto a country road or freeway and the power begins to tail off rapidly. 動力的傳輸在Mondeo上面更為明顯和直接,這都是渦輪的功勞,但是在起步的高扭力之後 動力帶感覺有點窄,引擎會軟腳。在市區開這個引擎游刃有餘,但是到高速公路上就顯得 有些力不從心。 The Mazda6 behaves in quite the opposite fashion. Initial throttle tip in is delayed, in an obviously attempt to improve fuel efficiency , but once underway, it comes alive. The engine gets more powerful as the rpms increase and really moves the 6 above 5000 rpm. The 2.5-liter though, does not become buzzy at higher rpms and remains smooth and quiet no matter how hard it is being punished. It may be due to this quieter engine, or maybe the Mazda6 has fewer sound deadening materials, but more wind and road noise make their way into the Mazda’s cabin than the Fusion. 馬六和Mondeo的特性完全相反,大概是為了節能,起步時完全感覺不到他的扭力有這麼大 ,但是持續加速之後卻還是生龍活虎,尤其是在轉速超過5000rpm之後!而且這具2.5升引 擎在高轉時仍然相當安靜,也許是引擎安靜,也可能是馬自達用了一些隔音材料將引擎的 噪音阻絕在外,但是相對引擎噪音,風噪和輪拱噪音比起Mondeo就杯具了。 ONE DELIVERS, ONE DOES NOT So exactly how fuel efficient are they? The Mazda6 is officially rated at 26 mpg in the city and 38 mpg on the highway. This bests the Ford Fusion’s 23/36 mpg rating. But that’s just on paper. In the real world, after a week of testing, the gap widened further. The Mazda6 returned an average of 30.4 mpg of mixed driving while the Fusion could only muster 25.0 mpg, which continues a recent trend of Ford test vehicles lately not living up to their fuel efficiency ratings. 但是講到燃油效率,真的有像廣告那麼好嗎? Mazda6標榜市區26mpg(約11.05 KM/L), 高速38mpg(16.16 KM/L),而Mondeo標榜市區23mpg(9.78 KM/L),高速36mpg(15.31 KM/L) 經過我們一星期的實測,Mazda6的實測成績是30.4 mpg(12.92 KM/L),而Mondeo只有 25mpg(10.63 KM/L) On the road, vehicle dynamics tip slightly in favour of the Mazda6. It feels more tossable in the corners and agility is better than average. At the same time, despite weighing less than the Fusion, the 6’s ride feels more refined. The suspension is set up with a nice balance between sport and comfort. Not only is it one of the more engaging vehicles in the segment, but it features a ride comfort on par with the likes of the Honda Accord and Volkswagen Passat. In fact, only the squishy soft-riding Malibu can beat it in this department. 開在路上的動態表現,我們愛馬六多一些,他很靈敏,而且轉向的準確性比起Mondeo高 一些,懸吊在運動與舒適之間取得很好的平衡。 Just like with the interior, the Fusion does have its own strong points when it comes to chassis dynamics. It has a more precise steering feel, better braking feel and also overall better brakes. 但是Mondeo也是有強過馬六的地方,底盤的動態表現比起馬六更好,剎車的表現和Fu也比 馬六為佳。 The Fusion was in tough during this comparison test. Not only is the Mazda6 cheaper to purchase, but also cheaper to fill up at the pumps. Add in a more attractive, easier to operate interior as well as a more rewarding driving experience, and the 6 is the clear winner of this comparison. That’s no knock on the Ford either as the Mazda may just be the new benchmark for mid-size sedans. Yes, the Mazda6 is just that good. 評下來Mondeo好像要贏馬六有些困難,而且馬六還比較便宜(遮臉),如果馬六能夠加強那 個多媒體控制系統的話根本就不用比了,但是這不能怪福特,因為馬六就是這麼好,其實 這兩台車都是中型房車的標竿啦! 總結 2013 Ford FusionSE 1.6L EcoBoost LOVE IT 愛他 Attractive exterior 吸引人的外表 Three display screens 三個顯示螢幕 Torquey motor 扭力表現 Large trunk 粉大的車廂 LEAVE IT 恨他 Heavy 車重 MyFord touch MyFord touch Not overly efficient 沒標榜的那麼省油 Pricey 有點貴 2014 Mazda6 Touring LOVE IT 愛他 Good driving dynamics 駕駛動態表現很好 Attractive exterior 吸引人的外表 Near-premium interior 內裝質感 Fuel economy champ 省油一哥 LEAVE IT 恨他 Slow off the line 產能不足等很久 Cramped rear seat 後座杯具 Smallish trunk 車廂小 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1398347834.A.E86.html

04/24 22:04, , 1F
04/24 22:04, 1F

04/24 22:06, , 2F
04/24 22:06, 2F

04/24 22:12, , 3F
04/24 22:12, 3F

04/24 22:14, , 4F
04/24 22:14, 4F

04/24 22:24, , 5F
04/24 22:24, 5F

04/24 22:37, , 6F
讚 國外的感覺比較中肯? XD
04/24 22:37, 6F

04/24 22:45, , 7F
是車板不太中肯 xd
04/24 22:45, 7F

04/24 22:48, , 8F
笑死了 日本車要怎麼跟 純種歐系血統神車 Mondeo比
04/24 22:48, 8F

04/24 22:50, , 9F
04/24 22:50, 9F

04/24 23:02, , 10F
04/24 23:02, 10F

04/24 23:02, , 11F
04/24 23:02, 11F

04/24 23:05, , 12F
04/24 23:05, 12F

04/24 23:12, , 13F
04/24 23:12, 13F

04/24 23:15, , 14F
馬自達日本母廠之後不是要收回去自己做嗎 後勤應該有差
04/24 23:15, 14F

04/24 23:16, , 15F
福特車本身不錯 是代理商的問題
04/24 23:16, 15F

04/24 23:21, , 16F
都想買 可是沒錢
04/24 23:21, 16F

04/24 23:23, , 17F
04/24 23:23, 17F

04/24 23:35, , 18F
04/24 23:35, 18F

04/24 23:39, , 19F
04/24 23:39, 19F

04/24 23:42, , 20F
04/24 23:42, 20F

04/24 23:52, , 21F
福祿仔迷以歐系自居 真是太高貴惹 太痛快了我負擔不起
04/24 23:52, 21F

04/25 00:38, , 22F
04/25 00:38, 22F

04/25 00:42, , 23F
評得更細緻 測試油耗用一個星期測耶 推
04/25 00:42, 23F

04/25 01:07, , 24F
等下 我好像看到JIZZ(疑?!
04/25 01:07, 24F

04/25 01:39, , 25F
04/25 01:39, 25F

04/25 01:58, , 26F
台灣沒有2.5 2.0今天這個review結果就不同了
04/25 01:58, 26F

04/25 02:25, , 27F
04/25 02:25, 27F

04/25 03:24, , 28F
04/25 03:24, 28F

04/25 07:27, , 29F
04/25 07:27, 29F

04/25 07:27, , 30F
04/25 07:27, 30F

04/25 08:03, , 31F
04/25 08:03, 31F

04/25 09:35, , 32F
但馬自達6設計太前衛了 能否合台灣這個級距的消費群口味
04/25 09:35, 32F

04/25 09:50, , 33F
04/25 09:50, 33F

04/25 10:03, , 34F
04/25 10:03, 34F

04/25 10:04, , 35F
04/25 10:04, 35F

04/25 13:00, , 36F
推 感謝翻譯XD
04/25 13:00, 36F

04/25 13:16, , 37F
04/25 13:16, 37F

04/25 14:52, , 38F
04/25 14:52, 38F

04/25 15:37, , 39F
04/25 15:37, 39F
※ 編輯: Liszt1025 (, 04/25/2014 17:09:51

04/14 18:04, , 40F
04/14 18:04, 40F
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