[買賣] Darkglass alpha omicron 效果器

看板bass作者 (土豆)時間5年前 (2019/02/20 10:09), 5年前編輯推噓1(100)
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【物品內容】:Darkglass alpha omicron 【商品介紹】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MBIT_687_8
試聽demo 這顆是近年來很火的AlphaOmega的小弟 擁有和大哥一樣的獨家雙Distortion 引擎,截然不同的兩種失真電路 以下附上一些外國網站的評論 1. I had the Alpha Omega, but I think my preference would be the smaller footp ri 2. I have both and prefer the Omicron. If you tend to run other pedals that ha ve 3. *Alpha omicron - Lots of tonal variation - Alpha side is very punchy even at high gain/blend - Omega side rips paint off the walls - It's a very "saturated" drive - Very full sound with open high mids, more punch than the B3K - More grind than you can shake a stick at 4. I have had B3K/ AlphaOmicron/After shock, just traded the B3k away. I prefer l ight-medium overdrive on the darkglass and I greatly prefer the alpha omicron. The B3K was great at home but not in a mix.The alpha omicron cut through whil e still being full in the mid and buttom. 5. I want an onicrooooooon! 總體來說,若你已經有一顆慣有的Preamp,Omicron 非常值得你入手, 在國外網站幾乎是無負評的選擇 價格與體積都較大哥omega來得親民 我也是意外獲得這顆,僅拆封未使用過,我是玩民謠的XD 降價出售,希望有緣人能帶走並發揮他狂野的本性。 By the way 現在Darkglass為成本考量幾乎都是美廠的,但這顆依然是純正的北歐血統, Ma 【所在地點】:台北市 【欲售價格】:5500 【交易方式】 : 雙北面交,↓外縣市店到店 【拍賣照片】: https://imgur.com/g4ogkpI
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04/12 00:22, 5年前 , 1F
04/12 00:22, 1F
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