Re: [GG ] Ed Westwick接受seventeen雜誌訪問

看板YAseries作者 (moi)時間15年前 (2008/12/20 01:58), 編輯推噓24(24015)
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恕刪上面 我來翻譯了XD Ed Westwick Ed Westwick may play a bad boy on Gossip Girl, but in our hearts, he’s oh so good! Ed或許在GG中飾演壞男孩的角色,但在大家的心目中,他是最棒的! 1. When was your first kiss? Um ... 6? Well, what are we talking, we're not talking proper kiss, right? Okay, 6 and ... 10. No, is that bad? Should I say 11? I'm pure and innocent. 你的初吻是何時? 呃...六歲?我們現在是在討論什麼...應該不是正式的吻吧? 好吧...六歲和十歲。噢,那聽起來很糟嗎??我是不是應該說十一歲?我真是純潔! 2. Who's your celebrity crush? Scarlett Johansson — she has been for a while, and always will be. I love her style. 哪一個名人是你的夢中情人? 史嘉蕾喬韓森,我哈她一陣子了,而且永遠都會是我的夢中情人,我喜歡她那型的。 3. What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you? None. As long as it's done the right way, I think it'll be attractive. It's not about what it is, it's about who's wearing it. From my limited knowledge of women's fashion, everything is pretty good. 你會被什麼樣的女性流行走向迷惑呢? 不會,只要是穿的正確,我就覺得那吸引我。這跟什麼樣的衣服無關,而是跟誰穿著它有 關。這是根據我對女人的有限知識而言。 4. What's the girly movie you secretly love? There was a really good one, but I can't think of it. 你有特別喜歡哪部浪漫電影嗎? 嗯有呀,但我想不起來了。 5. What's your TV guilty pleasure? Watching Gossip Girl [laughs]. I can't stand watching myself on TV. I think I share the opinion of my character that a lot of the audience shares: It's a "love to hate" kind of thing. As the season's progressed, I think everyone's had sympathy for him. I think he's an alluring character; he's very interesting. He has these slices of his personality. He can be the devil, but at times he can be very charming. It can be a very dangerous concoction. I think he has a good heart, but his heart is often tempted by corrupt desires. 你看電視時會感到罪惡但又有愉悅感嗎? 當我看GG時(笑)我沒辦法忍受看著電視上的自己。我覺得我同意很多觀眾的意見,這角 色是個由愛生恨之類的。當影集持續拍攝,每個人應該都會為Chuck感到同情。我覺得他是個誘人 且有趣的角色。他有多種特質,他可以是惡魔,但有時候可以非常迷人。這是種危險的 組合。我覺得他應該心腸很好,但是他的內心卻常被腐敗的慾望誘惑。 6. Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Chace Crawford! No, no. I don't know. Chace Crawford can play the villain. I'd like to see Daniel Day-Lewis spend three months getting into my character. 如果你的人生有電影版,你覺得誰會飾演你? Chace Crawford!噢,不,我不知道。Chace Crawford是個可以扮演反派的演員。我想 看Daniel Day-Lewis花三個月的時間來適應我的角色。 7. What's your dream job? Probably landscape gardening. I think gardens are fantastic, and I'd love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There's something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful. When I need to think of like a peaceful scene or something, I think of my back garden in summertime. And whenever I hear the lawnmower next door, I always think it's really peaceful. 你夢想中的工作是什麼? 或許是造景吧,我覺得園藝是門很奇妙的學問,而且我會畫跟設計那些東西。我喜歡在 夏天時種種花。種花能讓人感到謙恭,並且非常自然跟美麗。當我需要靜下來思考時,我 總是想到我夏天時的後花園。而當我聽到隔壁的除草機時,我真的覺得那使人覺得非常 安詳。 8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be? I'd probably choose an explorer in the Amazon or Vietnam. That'd be pretty cool! 如果你可以跟世上任何一人交換地點,你想換成什麼? 我想選一位在亞馬遜或越南的探險家!那應該很酷! 9. Who in your family are you closest to? Oh, I'm close to them all. We're a really tight-knit group. I have two older brothers. I am the baby. We're all very, very close. We're great communicators, so we get along really well. 你跟哪位家人最親近? 噢,我跟每一位都很親呀!我們是一個非常緊密的組合,我有兩個哥哥,而我是最小的。 我們非常非常親密,而且都溝通良好,所以我們處的非常融洽。 10. What's your favorite Website?, because I feel like I should know what's going on a little bit in England, and I can read about sports or something. 你最喜歡的網站是什麼? 英國的MSN,因為我覺得我應該需要知道現在英國發生什麼事情,我可以在網站上看一些 運動相關的新聞或其他東西。 11. What's the fast food you can't live without? I can pretty much live without fast food. I haven't eaten McDonald's in so long, but it's okay. I think the McDonald's in England is a little bit better than it is over here. My favorite thing on the menu is the Happy Meal. It's just enough. 你不可或缺的速食是什麼? 我其實不太吃速食,我很久沒吃麥當勞了,而那並未帶給我困擾。我覺得英國的麥當勞 比這邊的好一點點。我最喜歡的餐點是快樂兒童餐!那個就夠了。(真是容易滿足的人) 12. What's your worst habit? I bite my nails. I've been chewing on them for years. As long as you don't chew through flesh it's all right. I wouldn't want a manicure. I'm a man's man! 你最壞的習慣是什麼? 我會咬指甲,而且咬很多年了。只要你不要咬到肉就好啦,我不喜歡修指甲,我是男人 中的男人!!! 13. What's the last song you listened to on your iPod? "Our House" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. 你最近在ipod上聽的歌是什麼? Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young的"Our House"。 14. What's the last thing you bought? The last thing I bought was probably a phone charger because I left my phone charger somewhere. Actually, I don't think it was. It was probably chips and dip. 你最近買了什麼? 我最近買了個手機充電器,因為我不曉得我把之前那個丟哪去了。事實上,我覺得那應 該不算,我最近買的應該些是薯片跟沾醬。 15. What did you dream about last night? I can't remember. I went to the IMAX, though, the other week, and watched The Rolling Stones' Shine a Light. It like brainwashed me, so I spent the whole night dreaming I was the drummer, but that I didn't know any of the songs! 你昨晚夢到什麼? 我記不得了耶。我前幾週去了IMAX,並看了The Rolling Stones' Shine a Light (暫譯:音速青春),他簡直就是把我洗腦了。所以我花了整個晚上做了一個我是鼓手卻 連一首歌都不知道的夢。 16. How much money is in your wallet right now? I don't have a wallet. 你現在皮夾裡有多少錢? 我沒有皮夾。(可能放了信用卡在口袋吧XD) 17. Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ____________. Learning to drive. 請填空,當我十七歲時,我_________             在學開車 Ed Westwick plays Chuck on Gossip Girl. He is also in the movie Son of Rambow, which is in theaters now. Ed飾演GG中的Chuck,他也有參與現正熱映的"Son of Rambow"。 (早知道我就全部打完一次發...分次打批幣比較少T^ T) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/20 02:04, , 1F
Good job :D
12/20 02:04, 1F

12/20 02:21, , 2F
簡單的說 只要ctrl+v 然後 在ctrl+c就可以編輯色彩
12/20 02:21, 2F

12/20 02:21, , 3F
不過 我都直接ctrl+c直接填色碼
12/20 02:21, 3F

12/20 02:30, , 4F
我今天有研究一下 但還是很難 囧
12/20 02:30, 4F

12/20 02:40, , 5F
獎勵翻譯 ! 送P幣500
12/20 02:40, 5F

12/20 02:46, , 6F
他在son of rambow裡很瘦 超級瘦XDDDD
12/20 02:46, 6F

12/20 02:49, , 7F
12/20 02:49, 7F

12/20 03:35, , 8F
我覺得girly是指很女性化的電影 不是指色情耶
12/20 03:35, 8F

12/20 04:18, , 9F
其實口語上來說泛指romantic movie
12/20 04:18, 9F

12/20 04:18, , 10F
ex. Twilight
12/20 04:18, 10F

12/20 04:19, , 11F
有問題可以多提出來討論 :D
12/20 04:19, 11F

12/20 07:27, , 12F
chips & dip 應該是薯片與沾醬 /I'm pure and innocent
12/20 07:27, 12F

12/20 07:27, , 13F
12/20 07:27, 13F

12/20 07:29, , 14F
I didn't know any of the songs 不是記不得,是不知道 @_@
12/20 07:29, 14F

12/20 07:30, , 15F
12/20 07:30, 15F

12/20 07:34, , 16F
推ppr的校對 :D
12/20 07:34, 16F

12/20 07:37, , 17F
妮口 不要被嚇到了捏 :p 有錯誤可以再接再厲 :)
12/20 07:37, 17F

12/20 09:16, , 18F
12/20 09:16, 18F

12/20 09:26, , 19F
你翻譯一篇5page的我就發給你500p XD
12/20 09:26, 19F

12/20 09:28, , 20F
要翻譯情報 or interview 啊 而且要像妮可一樣逐字翻喔
12/20 09:28, 20F

12/20 09:29, , 21F
簡略翻我很會翻 XD
12/20 09:29, 21F

12/20 09:51, , 22F
嗯嗯 沒關係 翻譯這種事本來就是要多參考旁人意見XD
12/20 09:51, 22F

12/20 13:36, , 23F
妮口加油 ~ 再找一篇來翻吧 XD
12/20 13:36, 23F

12/20 13:36, , 24F
12/20 13:36, 24F

12/20 13:48, , 25F
12/20 13:48, 25F

12/20 17:57, , 26F
12/20 17:57, 26F

12/21 23:29, , 27F
感謝翻譯 沒想到Ed竟然是個綠手指:D
12/21 23:29, 27F

12/21 23:39, , 28F
12/21 23:39, 28F

12/22 17:51, , 29F
1.I'm pure and... not I was, 所以不是"當時"
12/22 17:51, 29F

12/22 17:52, , 30F
我(現在還)是很純潔無辜的 XD
12/22 17:52, 30F

12/22 17:56, , 31F
5.我想我同意大多數觀眾的意見 I think I share...
12/22 17:56, 31F

12/22 17:59, , 32F
我這個角色是"love to hate"之類的...
12/22 17:59, 32F

12/22 18:08, , 33F
15.我雖然是個鼓手卻連一首歌都不知道... 的夢
12/22 18:08, 33F

12/23 17:18, , 34F
12/23 17:18, 34F

01/01 17:52, , 35F
(...) but at times he can be very charming
01/01 17:52, 35F

01/01 17:55, , 36F
01/01 17:55, 36F

01/01 17:56, , 37F
but his heart is often tempted by corrupt desires
01/01 17:56, 37F

01/01 17:57, , 38F
01/01 17:57, 38F
※ 編輯: natanicole 來自: (01/02 12:44)

01/09 01:55, , 39F
腐敗 改成 墮落會比較順口
01/09 01:55, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #19I-3RPn (YAseries)
文章代碼(AID): #19I-3RPn (YAseries)