[情報] Halo 5 Hunt the Truth ep. 01 下

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http://huntthetruth.tumblr.com/ Transcript http://www.halopedia.org/Hunt_the_Truth#Episode_01:_A_HAIRLINE_FRACTURE Episode 01. A HAIRLINE FRACTURE 第一篇 應力性骨折 It was 2524. John was thirteen. That's when the nightmare of the Insurrection that had been plaguing the Outer Colonies finally landed on John's community. Under pressure from UNSC troupes, the rebels were on thier last leg. Desperately seizing territory in the region, and launching paranoid inquisitions to find spies. Civilians abduction and interrogation became common place. They would just, you know, question you. Just these meaningless question for hours and hours. Thomas Wu was living on the neighboring colony when the rebel showed up and hit hard, sweeping up Thomas and thousands of others in raids. What followed was months of horribly overcrowded detainment, neglect, and often constant questioning. Wu: You know. "Did you know this guy? what are the encryption codes for this system, that system?" And you have no idea what they're even asking you. In the final couple months, Thomas says his captors started coming unhinged. And then toward the end, they just disappeared, leaving Thomas and hundreds of others locked up, starving. I don't want to play this part of interview, but I'll tell you—it got bad. He talks about being packed in like sardines: warm bodies, cold bodies, people dying in the dark, the smell. He doesn't how long it lasted, maybe weeks—but Thomas, and many others, survived. They made it out. Thomas: Well, you know, we, we helped each other. You know, we looked out for each other. You know, I mean that's- that's- that was the only way. And we, and we made it through to the Liberation. And then we left. You know? We, we, we, we never looked back. When I asked him where the survivors relocated to, Thomas began to list off which cities were safe for refugees at the time. Decades later, he can still recite them all from memory. I asked about John's hometown. Giraud: What about Elysium City? Thomas: No. Insurrectionist cesspool. Yeah, no, they got it bad there. Deon Govender confirms this. Govender: In Elysium City, people just disappeared back then. Just happened. Once Insurrectionists took over, whole neighbourhoods just got scooped up. This went on for months. He talks about watching his community get torn apart slowly, every day. I asked him about John. Govender: Yeah. Mmhm. Him and his parents. John missed the first practice, then the last one. Back then, seemed like everybody he. . .[break off] I'm sorry. Giraud: No, no no, it's fine. Take your time. It was hard watching Deon break down like this. He just looked defeated. These kinds of interviews are brutal. I wanted to comfort him, but it just felt condescending. Like I have any idea what it was like for him. So were quiet for a bit. Before we ended, though, he said this: Govender: I think that—if anything good can be said to have come for all of this, it's that everyone who went through it can know that their struggle wasn't for nothing. When you have a young man who can rise up from something like this and do what John has done, he honours all of us. Deon believed in John the way the rest of us believe in the Master Chief. He made it seem like this tragedy that shaped him was almost necessary. I certainly felt like I had the proper beginnings to a hero's origin story. The story made sense. It felt right. Sometimes, you have to go back, though. Look again. Because maybe you'll see something, something small, out of place. That single thread. Later that evening, after my interview with Deon, I was pretty drained, so I spent some time sifting through a bunch of file boxes. I'd paid this scavenger in the Outer Colonies to dig around and send over any Elysium City documents she could find. The only local government records left were hard copies, but I took them anyway. I was sorting through a messy box of local census registries, when I stumbled across John's name. One line of basic information , printed out in black and white. That's when I saw it. A single letter next to his name: D. I was staring at an official document that said quite plainly that in 2517, John died at six years old. Please join me for the next episode of Hunt the Truth.   當時是2524年,John十三歲,在外殖民地肆虐的叛軍此時正來到John的家鄉。叛軍 在來自UNSC的壓力下已經搖搖欲墜,他們拚了命想取得領地,並進行了近乎偏執的審問 企圖找出間諜。綁架和刑求平民成為了常態。 他們會,就是,呃,拷問你。就是一些毫無意義的問題,持續好幾個小時。   叛軍出現並發動襲擊的時候,Thomas Wu住在鄰近的殖民星球上。叛軍掃蕩了包括 Thomas在內的幾千人,之後他們就遭受到持續好幾個月的壅擠的監禁、忽視以及經常性 的拷問。 Wu: 就是,像「你認識這個人嗎?這個系統的密碼是什麼?那個系統的密碼又是什麼?」 你就是完全搞不懂他在問什麼。   在最後幾個月,Thomas說俘虜他們的人開始心神不定,到了最後,他們就消失了, 留下了Thomas和其他幾百人被困在牢房裡挨餓。我不想把這段訪問播出來,我只能說情 況變得很糟。他們像沙丁魚一樣擠在房裡,有殘有餘溫的屍體、冰冷的屍體、有些人就 在黑暗裡漸漸死去,散發出屍臭。他不知道這持續了多久,也許是幾個禮拜,但是Thomas 和其他不少人都存活了下來。 Wu: 我們就是,我們就互相幫忙,就是互相照顧。就,那就是唯一活下來的方法。然後 我們就撐過去了,我們離開以後,就再也沒有回頭了。   我問Thomas倖存者都去了哪裡,他便列了幾個當時安全的城市。雖然幾十年過去了, 這些城市還是在他的記憶裡。然後我又問了John的家鄉。 Giraud: 那Elysium市呢? Wu: 沒,那是叛軍的溫床。嗯,那裡情況很糟。   Deon Govender證實了這個說法。 Govender: 當時Elysium市民常常憑空消失,這常發生。只要叛軍掌控了權力,整個社區 都會被連根拔起。   這持續了好幾個月,Deon說他眼睜睜看著他的社區一天一天慢慢解體。然後我問了 關於John的消息。 Govender: 喔,嗯……他和他的家長嘛。他缺席了第一次練習以後,又缺席了最後一次。 在那個時候,似乎每個人都……(停下)抱歉。 Giraud: 不不不,沒關係。你慢慢講。   看到Deon這樣真的很令人難過,他看起來就像被擊垮了,這種訪問太過殘酷。我想 要安慰他,但這感覺太自以為是,好像我能體會他的感受一樣。於是我們沉默了一會。 在結束訪問以前,他說道 Govender: 我覺得,如果這一切能帶來什麼好的事情,那就是:所有經歷過這一切的人 會知道我們受的苦不是毫無意義的。如果有一個年輕人能從這樣的事件裡成長,成就了 John所成就的事,他就足以讓我們都感到光榮。   Deon對John的信念就像我們對士官長的信念,他認為這場悲劇是塑造士官長的必要 道路,我相信我有了一個英雄起源的故事。這個故事很合理,很有感覺。但有時你必須 回到原點,重新審視,因為可能你會看見某個微小、不尋常的事情,就是那一絲一縷。   訪問完那天的晚上,我感覺快虛脫了。於是我花了點時間研究一箱箱的資料。我請 來一個人在外殖民地尋找任何跟Elysium市有關的檔案,唯一當地政府的檔案都是副本, 但我還是拿了。我整理了一箱當地人口普查資料,然後發現了John的名字,有一行基本 資料就白紙黑字印在上面。我看到了,他的名字旁有一個字母D。我看著一份官方文件, 明確的寫著在2517年,John死了,他當時六歲。   請鎖定下一篇的Hunt the Truth。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/XBOX/M.1428242101.A.179.html

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哇 用心推
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hm...官方紀錄是6歲死亡 但是12歲卻有朋友
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我記得小說好像有寫過, 派人來抓走後會放複製人替代
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