Fw: [情報] IGN The Evil Within 邪靈入侵評論

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※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1KFHDs0q ] 作者: nemesisred (某踢西) 看板: PlayStation 標題: [情報] IGN The Evil Within 邪靈入侵評論 時間: Tue Oct 14 20:13:38 2014 自從上一次翻譯邪靈入侵搶先看之後已經過了一年半了, 從菸酒生到現在也快退伍了,覺得時光荏苒。 想要趕快退伍買遊戲機玩 Yeah ------------ 原文網址 http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/14/the-evil-within-review 原文作者 LUCY O'BRIEN 乾淨網誌版 http://nemesisred.blogspot.tw/2014/10/ign-evil-within.html 此篇文章值5P幣QQ ------------- After my 23.5 hours with The Evil Within on its standard Survival mode, I was informed I had been eaten alive, had my head shattered, and my torso sliced into thirds a whopping 218 times. This wickedly creative, tense, and yes, tough game does not suffer fools gladly, yet I was compelled to return to it after the screen bled to red every time. That, I believe, is the definition of a great survival horror experience. 在我的23.5小時《TEW》故事模式結束之後, 我發現在這段時間中我總共被生吃、暴頭、肢解達218次。 這個饒富創意、張力,以及難度的遊戲當然不會甘心忍耐愚妄人(2 Corinthians 11:19) , 不過我卻無法自拔的在每次螢幕變紅之後按下接關。 我覺得,這就是所謂極佳的生存恐怖遊戲體驗。 The Evil Within is aesthetically, functionally, and spiritually in step with director Shinji Mikami’s last foray into the genre, the iconic Resident Evil 4. It’s not simply a rehash of that game, though, as Mikami and his new development studio Tango Gameworks have delivered a harder, bleaker game this time around. 本作在美學上、技術上,以及精神上都繼承了《惡靈古堡4》的特色, 也就是三上真司最近一次在這遊戲類型上所作的作品。 本作當然不是只是《惡4》的重作版, 而是在三上與其新工作室Tango Gameworks的調教下,風格更加灰暗的遊戲。 Not that the plot is a strikingly original work for the horror genre. The Evil Within is an investigation of what appears to be a multiple homicide at Beacon Mental Hospital in its fictional Krimson City, before you realize things are not as they seem (an understatement). While its central mystery starts off as compelling, it gradually veers off course, and eventually buckles under the weight of its own unfocused ambition. I found its ending in particular, complete with an unnecessary boss battle apparently inserted only to serve the story, disappointing. 劇情在恐怖遊戲中原不原創不算太重要。 《TEW》故事描述一個在虛擬的Krimson市中Beacon精神病院中調查看起來像是多人殺人案 的過程, 不過你慢慢會發現其實事情沒有憨人想得這麼簡單。 當你慢慢踏入中心謎團之後,一切都變得有點荒腔走板, 接著最後劇情被這些製作者野心勃勃加入,卻缺乏重點的要素壓垮了。 我覺得結尾特別讓我失望, 在一個沒必要的boss戰結束之後,我發現這明顯只是故事需要硬插進來的。 In part, this narrative wrapper is undermined by the rather lifeless player character, Detective Sebastian Castellanos, who is emotionless and cool to the point of parody. Sebastian still quips mundanities like “what is going on here?” after hours of facing the kind of monsters that would drive the average person into a jabbering wreck. It’s hard to care about the stakes when it appears that he doesn’t, even if his calm detachment - “I must be losing it!” - is on occasion darkly comic. 說起來,這包袱抖的不好部分也要怪罪到不鮮明的角色上。 Sebastian Castellanos探長,這個人根本毫無感情,而且耍酷到一個蠢蛋的境界。 這傢伙在對抗這些會把正常人搞瘋的怪物數小時後,仍會在那邊碎念 "這是發生了啥事啊?" 所以在他也不在意的時候,我們也很難在意。 "我一定會發瘋。"好像也只是偶爾說說。 While far from subtle - this is about as excessive as a horror game gets - Tango has created some incredibly strange and wonderful places in The Evil Within’s 15 chapters. Even the usual horror cliches have been twisted and contorted in imaginative ways; meat lockers, clanging industrial interiors, and mannequins have been granted new and ghastly life. 值得稱道的是,Tango在細節上是非常講究。 Tango在本作的15個章節中創造了一些令人難以置信的奇異場景。 一些一般的恐怖遊戲老耿也被改造扭曲成比較有想像力的呈現方式; 吊肉櫃、人體模特等等都被賦予新的生命。 Zooming in, these places are small and linear level designs, yet with the aid of excellent lighting, they become claustrophobic and labyrinthian. Despite a little roughness around the edges - I noticed texture pop-up and clipping issues in the PS4 and Xbox One versions - the game has been beautifully designed. 靠近點看,這些地方很小而且是線性的關卡設計,不過輔以超棒的打光, 它們就變成一個一個令人有幽閉恐懼的迷宮了。 儘管邊緣有點鋸齒,在PS4和XB1的版本上有點材質問題,這遊戲還是設計得很漂亮的。 Tango has employed a keen eye for composition in The Evil Within, and interiors are grimy, full of looming shadows, ornate architecture, and ominous escape routes. They create a terrifying mood of expectation. Once or twice I found myself ducking to avoid an attacker that was revealed to be my own (harmless) shadow, or running from an unseen enemy only to realize nobody was chasing me bar the groans of some distant foe. Tango在製作的時候還是不放過一絲細節的,環境都被布置的骯髒不堪, 滿是幢幢的影子,華麗的建築架構。 他們創造的環境讓玩家充滿恐怖的期待心理。 有數次我因為附近反射的我自己的影子而嚇到龜起來, 或是聽到怪物的聲音後轉身逃跑 - 在我甚至還沒見到牠的時候。 Otherwise, the threat here is very real. Enemies that pepper these places are plentiful, unpredictable, and smart. Initially evoking Resident Evil 4’s shambling ganados, they get weirder as The Evil WIthin progresses; not quite The Infected, more The Perverted; designed with an eye toward childhood nightmares and heavily inspired by Japanese horror movies. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of these foes - in particular, the unforgettable Keeper boss - come to define The Evil Within as time moves on, cosplayed for years and endlessly re-imagined in fan art. 除了上述情形之外,其實怪物的威脅還是很真的。 在這些場景裡面的怪頗多,而且很難預測,且很聰明。 在《惡4》中的那些詭異鄉民們,在本作中變得更加詭異啦。 這些鄉民比較不像是"被感染者",更像是"墮落者", 設計目標朝向兒時惡夢的方向而行,也大大的受到日本恐怖電影啟發。 如果以後有些令人難忘的Boss-如Keeper-會成為這個遊戲的標誌, 會被長年的cosplay或是有一堆同人圖我也不會意外。 It is The Evil Within’s most unnerving juxtaposition that combat with these terrors is so grounded in reality. You are given only a modest but well-balanced arsenal - the usual pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, grenade and crossbow combo - with which to fight, as well as basic melee. And while the crossbow caters to a variety of special attacks (freeze, electrocute, harpoon, etc) and shooting is as satisfyingly crunchy as you would expect from Mikami, you have little ammo, first aid, or even stamina at your disposal. Cruelly, for a game where I spent a lot of time running away, Sebastian runs out of puff very quickly. Checkpoints are scarce, so the stakes in this hostile world are high, making for exhilarating experiences regardless of whether you decide to flee or fight as these creatures run - screaming - towards you. 在本作中,令人最手足無措的組合就是用著最普通的武器 -普通的手槍、散彈槍、狙擊槍、芭樂,與十字弓-甚至是用肉搏,與這些恐怖的玩意作對 。 雖然十字弓可以提供各式各樣不同的特殊攻擊(冷凍彈、電擊彈、魚叉彈), 射擊本身也有三上式的爽感,不過玩家可以拿到的彈藥很少, 急救包也很少,甚至是體力也是。 嚴酷的是,以一個我大部分時間都在落跑的遊戲而言,Sebastian似乎運動能力不太好。 檢查點也很稀少,所以在這個充滿敵意的世界裡生存並不容易, 所以當這些怪物怪聲吼叫的衝向你時, 不管玩家是選擇正面對決還是腳底抹油,都是一個很來勁的體驗。 The Evil Within does cater somewhat to those who wish to choose the stealth route, although the AI feels unfairly tuned in on you. You can lay traps or distract enemies by throwing bottles and sneak up behind them for a stealth kill, but more often than not they’ll turn around at the last second, or will have already spotted you several seconds ago. Playing stealthily works in fits and starts, but I did not find it the most accessible gameplay style to adopt. 本作確實有提供玩家匿蹤的選項,雖然AI常常莫名其妙的發現你。 你可以設陷阱或是丟瓶子吸引怪物注意,接著暗殺他們, 不過實際上比較常發生他們最後一秒轉身發現愛,或是其實早就看見你了。 匿蹤玩法可能有時候會成功,不過我並不覺得這種玩法是最容易的玩法。 Of course, you’re not completely powerless. One of The Evil Within’s most enjoyable mechanics is its simple upgrade system. ‘Green gel’ is the limited resource that you use to improve your abilities, weapons, stock and crossbow bolts while in safe houses, and it’s dispersed throughout the world like hidden gold, becoming your most sought after resource. While cashing in this gel makes for strong dilemmas of choice - do you upgrade your shotgun damage, or do you want to be able to run for longer? - I liked how it let me shape my own gameplay style and gave me a brief, if generally illusory, sense of control of the situation. 當然,你也並不是手無縛雞之力。 本作其中一個有趣的機制是簡單的升級系統, "綠膠"是一個你可以在安全區域增進你能力、武器、道具欄, 以及十字弓彈的有限資源,而它被像寶藏一樣的分散在世界各地,是你追尋的第一目標。 消耗這膠的時候會讓你躊躇不定-到底要加強散彈槍威力還是要拿來增進主角的心肺能力 啊- 我喜歡這個系統可以讓我的遊戲風格更加洗鍊, 也可以給我一個短短的,虛幻的掌握全局的感覺。 Such pockets of calm are welcome because its chaos, not control, that is the point of The Evil Within. The pacing of the action and horror propels you forward at breakneck speed, moving from one climactic encounter to the next with little to no reprieve. Throughout my playthrough, I always felt on the backfoot, and the times when I was really on the backfoot - I’m talking six in the sniper rifle chamber facing a close-combat boss, here - produced some of the most incredible moments I’ve experienced in any video game for years. It had me sweaty-palmed, heart in my throat, for most of its duration. 因為這個遊戲帶給我們種種混亂、失序感覺,上述的那種喘息當然是不可或缺。 這些恐怖在後面推著你不斷的進行遊戲,從一個高潮不斷接著另一個高潮,其中很少喘息 。 在我玩的過程中,我時時感到如履薄冰,而當我真正採在薄冰上面 -那是當我僅僅拿著6發狙擊子彈面對近戰boss-的時候, 也創造了一些我好幾年沒有在遊戲中感覺到的恐怖體驗。這每每讓我冷汗直流,心跳加速 。 THE VERDICT The Evil Within is a brutal, challenging, and remarkably fun game. Its eerie world and imaginative enemies are genuinely frightening, and the scares are heightened significantly by the scarcity of resources at your disposal. It keeps the odds stacked against you to the point that they often feel insurmountable, yet it’s finely tuned to ensure that they never really are, as long as you can keep a cool head and a steady aim in the face of building panic. While its story ends up buckling under its own ambition, there is little here that takes away from the joy of experiencing survival horror under the steady hand of a master of the craft. 結論 本作是一個很有挑戰性的好玩遊戲。 裡面的陰森場景和敵人真的很恐怖,而這恐怖在你資源匱乏的時候又會倍增。 遊戲會常常讓你感覺整個世界都與你為敵,讓你覺得過關是一個不可踰越的高牆, 不過它的設計都會巧妙的讓你可以過關,只要你頭腦冷靜,在慌亂的情緒中可以好好瞄準 。 雖然它的結尾被它自身的野心所壓垮, 不過這對於在恐怖遊戲大師調教下的遊戲體驗算是瑕不掩瑜。 8.7 GREAT Superb gameplay, a breakneck pace and terrifying enemies makes The Evil Within a wonderful survival horror experience. +Fantastic survival gameplay +Terrifying enemies +Well paced – Convoluted story – Boring protagonist 8.7 讚 極佳的遊戲體驗,恐怖敏捷的敵人讓本作有很好的恐怖體驗。 +奇妙的生存體驗 +恐怖的敵人 +節奏不錯 -莫名的故事 -無趣的主角 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1413288822.A.034.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: nemesisred (, 10/14/2014 20:14:32

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