[情報] GameSpot試玩Dead Rising 3心得

看板XBOX作者 (MS fanboy)時間11年前 (2013/06/12 23:58), 編輯推噓22(22032)
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原文連結: http://uk.gamespot.com/features/dead...crowd-6409900/ 為各位簡單精神翻譯 Capcom Vancouver presented Dead Rising 3 behind closed doors, walking us through the demonstration that debuted during the Microsoft press conference while answering questions about the direction that they've taken. The changes that you can see in images were not a fluke. Capcom is pointedly trying to appeal to a wider audience in this latest iteration, saying it's going after the Call of Duty player. Gone is the cartoonish visual design, replaced by a more "realistic" interpretation of a viral apocalypse. That change is part of the maturation. By shifting the art style, the combat can be "more visceral" than in previous versions, with "real gore." Gamespot在不公開試玩之後的感想 就像在發表會看到的一樣 和前作比起來 DR3會更寫實一點 因為Capcom希望像COD(??????)一樣 能夠適應更廣的客層 經由這樣的改變 DR3能夠噴更多讓人有真實感的番茄醬 戰鬥也會更加的獵奇(visceral本意是內臟,感謝cloud7515大提供) Another notable shift is to the pacing. The urgency that defined Dead Rising has been turned off in the demo we were shown. Time created "extreme pressure" in the original games, and Capcom wants the zombies to be your biggest threat this time around. In Dead Rising 2, you now run around broken-down neighborhoods, killing zombies in horrific ways without real motivation to push forward. Because of the shift in artistic tone and the nonstop combat, this Xbox One launch game now looks like any other open-world game. The team is confident that the ability to create unique weapons will separate Dead Rising 3 from the crowd, but that spark of originality was absent in the demo we were shown. 不再有前作的時間限制 因為Capcom認為前作真正帶來玩家壓力的不是殭屍而是時限 DR2中玩家常常漫無目的閒晃 而沒有遊戲進展 DR3將試圖讓玩家正視殭屍為嚴重威脅 努力的戰鬥求生並向前邁進(這裡有加入我個人解讀) 雖然這遊戲目前看起來就像其他的沙盒遊戲 但是製作團隊有信心 能藉由超多樣的組合武器和其他類似作品區分 不過這次試玩並沒有展示給GameSpot看 There are some additions to the expected zombie slaying. The Kinect is used to communicate to zombies (a loud noise is enough to get their attention), and there are motion controls as well. You know how games often force you to wiggle the stick when enemies grab you? Well, in Dead Rising 3, you can shake your arms to get them off. SmartGlass is also implemented. By using your phone or tablet, you can call in an airstrike or locate items on the map. It will be handy to find a sledgehammer whenever you need one, but it clashes with how Dead Rising used to familiarize you with environments. Before, you would play and replay until you learned the layout. Now? Everything is handed to you. Kinect現在也加入在遊戲當中 大叫可以吸引殭屍注意 被殭屍抓住要藉由揮動手脫離控制 Smart Glass可以呼叫空投物資或空襲 但是GameSpot擔心這會毀掉DR的探索經驗 心得: 我比較喜歡惡搞風...見仁見智吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: XboxTwo 來自: (06/13 00:00)

06/13 00:00, , 1F
06/13 00:00, 1F

06/13 00:02, , 2F
06/13 00:02, 2F

06/13 00:02, , 3F
06/13 00:02, 3F

06/13 00:03, , 4F
感人肺腑也很奇怪啊XDD 翻腸剖肚?
06/13 00:03, 4F

06/13 00:04, , 5F
大概是 翻自內臟深處吧...XD
06/13 00:04, 5F

06/13 00:05, , 6F
06/13 00:05, 6F

06/13 00:07, , 7F
06/13 00:07, 7F
※ 編輯: XboxTwo 來自: (06/13 00:07)

06/13 00:07, , 8F
06/13 00:07, 8F

06/13 00:09, , 9F
06/13 00:09, 9F

06/13 00:10, , 10F
06/13 00:10, 10F

06/13 00:15, , 11F
06/13 00:15, 11F

06/13 00:21, , 12F
時間限制真的很鳥 想探索還怕東怕西的
06/13 00:21, 12F

06/13 00:21, , 13F
06/13 00:21, 13F

06/13 00:21, , 14F
強版 跨平台
06/13 00:21, 14F

06/13 00:25, , 15F
九成九不可能跨平台 因為是MS協力開發和發行
06/13 00:25, 15F

06/13 00:27, , 16F
跟Bayonetta2一樣 出錢的是主機方
06/13 00:27, 16F

06/13 00:31, , 17F
06/13 00:31, 17F

06/13 00:32, , 18F
不跨?!就怒買一片+主機啊 ( ′-`)y-~
06/13 00:32, 18F

06/13 00:48, , 19F
06/13 00:48, 19F

06/13 00:50, , 20F
聲控瞎小啦 以後半夜都不能玩了........
06/13 00:50, 20F

06/13 00:50, , 21F
其實有說還是有帶時間限制的模式(Nightmare mode)
06/13 00:50, 21F

06/13 00:53, , 22F
06/13 00:53, 22F

06/13 00:53, , 23F
06/13 00:53, 23F

06/13 01:32, , 24F
06/13 01:32, 24F

06/13 01:41, , 25F
中國殭屍的話 KINECT偵測得到玩家憋氣嗎
06/13 01:41, 25F

06/13 01:44, , 26F
06/13 01:44, 26F

06/13 01:45, , 27F
06/13 01:45, 27F

06/13 01:47, , 28F
微軟插手開發+資金挹注 應該是完全獨占不會跨了..
06/13 01:47, 28F

06/13 01:50, , 29F
希望2K能把平板好好運用 拿來當戰術板不是很方便嗎
06/13 01:50, 29F

06/13 01:51, , 30F
06/13 01:51, 30F

06/13 01:52, , 31F
我是指2K的XD LIVE系列完全不期待
06/13 01:52, 31F

06/13 01:52, , 32F
其實我對聲控期望沒那麼大 siri當初講的超神的...
06/13 01:52, 32F

06/13 01:53, , 33F
06/13 01:53, 33F

06/13 01:53, , 34F
比較期待這個能實現 超方便的
06/13 01:53, 34F

06/13 02:03, , 35F
X1都可以切換 PS4就不知道了
06/13 02:03, 35F

06/13 02:05, , 36F
X1可以這樣亂切 也是要歸功於那個被人嫌吃很多硬體
06/13 02:05, 36F

06/13 02:06, , 37F
資源的3個OS架構...想想MS真是瘋狂 同時跑3個OS...
06/13 02:06, 37F

06/13 02:27, , 38F
PS4有釋出宣傳影片 也是可以亂切 可到PS板看看
06/13 02:27, 38F

06/13 02:27, , 39F
06/13 02:27, 39F

06/13 02:28, , 40F
對了 X1亂切的部分有宣傳影片了嗎? 想看看差在哪
06/13 02:28, 40F

06/13 02:35, , 41F
06/13 02:35, 41F

06/13 02:37, , 42F
E3中也有啊 切去打格鬥遊戲那邊
06/13 02:37, 42F

06/13 02:38, , 43F
就是同一個發表會啊。 XD
06/13 02:38, 43F

06/13 02:38, , 44F
06/13 02:38, 44F

06/13 02:41, , 45F
格鬥那個想起來了 這樣的話 兩家好像根本沒差-.-
06/13 02:41, 45F

06/13 06:25, , 46F
06/13 06:25, 46F

06/13 07:01, , 47F
06/13 07:01, 47F

06/13 09:36, , 48F
如果要換光碟的話 切換就有差了 除非都買純下載
06/13 09:36, 48F

06/13 09:37, , 49F
但是XB1的光碟只是安裝性質 裝完跟下載版無異
06/13 09:37, 49F

06/13 09:58, , 50F
06/13 09:58, 50F

06/13 17:22, , 51F
06/13 17:22, 51F

06/13 18:44, , 52F
獨佔就....年初為了一圓Dead rising 之夢 買了一台二
06/13 18:44, 52F

06/13 18:45, , 53F
手360 破台後就沒再拿出來玩了...我還是比較喜歡PC
06/13 18:45, 53F

06/13 18:46, , 54F
現在玩PC-GAME都用360手把 但我還是喜歡PC的便利性
06/13 18:46, 54F
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