Fw: [情報] IGN絕命異次元三評論

看板XBOX作者 (某踢西)時間11年前 (2013/02/07 23:40), 編輯推噓9(905)
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※ [本文轉錄自 PlayStation 看板 #1H4yXk-r ] 作者: nemesisred (某踢西) 看板: PlayStation 標題: [情報] IGN絕命異次元三評論 時間: Thu Feb 7 23:29:46 2013 原文網址 http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/02/05/dead-space-3-review 以下我流翻譯,有些我自己不是很興趣的地方就只講個大意。 ------ I’m low on ammo and health when the attack comes but I’m not alone. Backed into a corner, my partner and I improvise. Every second counts as we systematically dismember the Necromorph front line, using our Jedi-like kinesis to impale enemies with their own torn off limbs. We stomp their corpses, loot the precious resources, and quickly reload in preparation for the next wave. 在我又遇到另一批怪的時候,我的體力近乎耗盡,彈藥存量也所剩無幾。 所幸我並非孤軍奮戰,我和我的夥伴在角落會了合。 在我們於前線不斷按照過去經驗有條不絮的肢解著Necromorph, 同時應用像絕地武士般的原力一次一次的用怪物自己的尖銳軀體刺回它們體內時, 我們心中清楚,在這地獄中的每分每秒都攸關著性命存亡。 我們踐踏過它們終於不再扭動的屍身,並撿走各式珍貴的資源; 而我們知道,在下一波怪物襲來之前,我們必須將我們手上的槍枝重新上膛。 It’s in frantic moments like this that Dead Space 3 truly shines - its superb combat and addictive new collection and upgrade system brought to life by the game’s crackling production design. The same can’t be said about the frequent errand-running, poor story and overwhelming sense of deja vu that marks much of the 19 chapter adventure. Dead Space 3 consequently becomes caught in the dissonance of the extreme glory of its combat and presentation, and the pervasive tedium of almost everything else it does. Despite its problems, one fact remains: I can’t stop playing it. Allow me to explain. 戰鬥系統和收集、做裝系統超棒的! 但是故事性貧弱,在總共19章的遊戲中重覆率也太高, (註:這邊沒有詳述是事件、場景、或是人物) 讓人很容易產生既視感。 所以這個遊戲是由超讚的戰鬥和戰鬥以外的無聊東西的組合而成, 而這讓遊戲變得有點感覺怪怪的。 不過我卻停不下來啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,且讓我娓娓道來。 Dead Space 3 follows the galaxy’s unluckiest engineer, Isaac Clarke, as he takes up the fight to protect the human race from the mysterious Markers and its Necrospawn. This begins with Isaac heading off to rescue Ellie, his missing girlfriend who returns from Dead Space 2 with barely a mention about her missing eye (or busty chest makeover). Isaac is joined by John Carver, the first playable co-op character in the series. DS3的主角依然是我們宇宙最衰工程師Isaac Clarke, 這次他依舊是為了全人類的幸福,捨身對抗Markers和Necrospawn現象。 故事從Isaac跑去救Ellie開始,這個Ellie就是Isaac在DS2裡面的女友; 沒錯,就是那個向你嚷嚷"你欠我眼睛!", 而且遊戲中對她的眼睛(與她的大奶)卻幾乎隻字未提,的那個Ellie。 這次Isaac還有個同伴喚作John Carver,在這個系列中第一個合作角色。 Few games boast as rich an atmosphere as Dead Space 3. Visceral Games' highly modified Godfather engine handily renders everything in glistening, crystalline clarity (the game performs best on Xbox 360 and PC, with the PlayStation 3 version suffering some minor slowdown). The haunting depths of space stretch out indifferently in a solar haze, channeling the spirit of '80s matte paintings and pulpy sci-fi and horror movies, while the ice-driven snowscapes of Tau Volantis reimagine the Antarctic terror from John Carpenter’s The Thing. 很少遊戲像DS3有這麼讚的氣氛營造。 Visceral Games把Godfather引擎的好處發揮得淋漓盡致。 (但是我只推薦XB360、PC版,因為PS3版有一點小卡。) 這遊戲的宇宙風有接景 (http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%A5%E6%99%AF) 和B級科幻恐怖片的FU。 Tau Volantis的雪景也讓人想到John Carpenter的《突變第三型The thing》 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084787/) The music and sound design are top-notch as well, supporting the world class visuals with crunchy, unsettling noises, and a rousing score from Jason Graves and James Hannigan that traces lines between classic genre soundtracks from Brian May (The Road Warrior), James Horner (Alien), and Hans Zimmer (Inception). The voice-acting is high quality throughout, albeit a bit cliched. Oh, and props to whoever chose Pelican’s “Ephemeral” for the credit roll. Bravo for using metal tastefully. 音樂超讚 The addition of co-op moves the franchise from the fringes of core survival horror onto the mainstream stage of action thriller. Playing in co-op erodes the sense of isolation, but the scares and the persistent sense of dread the series is known for remain intact (single-player purists can still play alone and enjoy a relatively faithful Dead Space experience). The game responds well to the addition of a second player, and in some of the tougher encounters the help is welcome, especially on higher difficulties. Carver’s presence introduces new lines of dialogue and a bunch of great optional co-op missions that explore his tragic past. These are actually some of the best parts of the story. It’s odd that these missions require an extra person in co-op to access. It would've been ideal if Carver’s side quests were also available as separate singleplayer missions. co-op把這款遊戲從生存恐怖變成不太恐怖的動作遊戲了。 當然該恐怖的地方還是恐怖,但是一個人玩才能感受到這系列真正的醍醐味。 不過這遊戲co-op做得還不錯,Carver他也有許多對話和關於他本人過去的co-op任務。 如果把這些co-op任務作成單人遊戲就更好了。 Editor's note: Many of you have asked how long the game is in the comments section below - played slowly and methodically, looking for every artifact, hidden item and Peng! , you can spend between 15-20 hours,including all the optional side missions. Once you beat it and start grinding for overclocked and supercharged weapon parts in New Game+, you can run it in 8-10 hours-ish. Same goes for co-op (it's a faster playthrough). 編按:你慢慢破,連支線可以可以玩15~20小時; 第二輪大概8~10左右,co-op也差不多。 Combat reigns supreme in Dead Space 3 - physical, viscous, feral combat. The dismemberment mechanic is the equivalent of Dead Space’s headshot. Severing enemy appendages slows them down and kills them faster than a bullet to the brainpan. Other tools like the slow-mo inducing stasis and gravity-manipulating kinesis put a fresh spin on typical shooter fare. Even if you played the first two games, Dead Space 3’s combat is still some of the most unique and satisfying of this console generation. The new weapon crafting and upgrading systems really adds to the combat experience. You’re constantly on the hunt for materials and resources to build a new weapon, to modify a favorite stand-by, or tune-up the performance of your RIG suit, but everything comes at a cost. Do you craft a Tungsten Torque Bar to access locked rooms (answer: YES) or do you make an Acid Bath modification for your Ripper blade (answer: DOUBLE YES)? Do you upgrade the hit points on your RIG or do you craft a surplus of med packs and stasis kits? This makes for tough decisions and creates a terrific tension all its own. 斷人肢,戳人,緩人超爽的。 做裝超爽的。 These systems work together powerfully to create a reward structure you’ll want to come back to. This is especially evident in New Game+ mode, which I immediately started once I beat the game. And I’m so glad I did. I very soon realized that I love Dead Space 3 for the same reasons I love playing replaying Diablo. Focusing solely on combat, collection and upgrades, the thrill of the fight and Visceral’s exquisite world had me hooked, despite the game’s shortcomings - of which there are plenty. 因為以上原因我狂玩,就跟我們不斷重玩玩Diablo一樣。 除了一些個缺點。 First and foremost, Dead Space 3’s story feels forced. Isaac has retreated from society, left his girlfriend, and turned his back on the fight against the Markers, but then he sets off to find Ellie when she’s in trouble? Why now, and not the other dozens of times earlier when she called and left messages for him? This leads to a fairly unbelievable love triangle and a long series of increasingly far-fetched events. I won’t get into spoiler territory, but let’s just say there’s no way in God’s green galaxy that the work that Isaac uncovers on Tau Volantis would just go unnoticed for 200 years. With what they found, what they knew, and what it meant in the long-term struggle against the Markers and Necromorphs, it’s just too big. The writers must have known this because there’s an entire Lindelofian prologue dedicated to trying to sell this exact single plot point. But when Isaac and his crew begin to serendipitously put the pieces together in the second half of the game, things just materialize way too conveniently. 這遊戲最大的缺點是故事有點牽強。 在我們的衰小工程師好不容易回歸社會之後又因為聽說Ellie有麻煩而去找她? 那怎麼之前Ellie留訊息給你的時候你都沒去找她? 而這個開端導致以後大大小小雜七雜八的事件。 我不想雷人, 不過Isaac在Tau Volantis中發現的大陰謀為什麼兩百年來沒有其他人先發現? In addition to the stumbling story, much of Dead Space 3’s progression involves a list of chores and errands. Poor Isaac. Anything bad that can possibly happen does, and the solution is almost always finding some lost thing in a building on the other side of wherever you are. This routine feels so similar to the structure (and weaknesses) of the first game, at times Dead Space 3 feels more like Dead Space Again. 除了卡卡的故事以外,DS3裡面也包含了一系列的跑腿瑣事任務。 咱Isaac真是宇宙第一衰小工具人, 常會遇到一連串衰事,而這些衰事的解法通常是跑到某棟建築找某某東西而已。 而這種跑腿的感覺就像第一代一樣,所以某種程度上DS3跟DS1很像。 This makes it appear that Visceral had nothing really new of substance to say. Isaac is a broken shell of his former self, and as a result he's flat throughout the majority of the game with very little arc. And instead of some of the clever subversive gameplay we saw in Dead Space 2, like the straightjacket intro or the grueling eyeball needle sequences, we’re instead treated to a bunch of middling mini-games and fetch quests. Other nagging issues include a reoccurring boss fight with a creature you must face three separate times, a terrible fight against an angry drill, and a truly generic final boss fight that makes the giant Terminator encounter from Mass Effect 2’s finale feel fresh. Considering the elegance and sophistication of the world, combat and upgrade design, it’s a shame everything else seems so ho-hum. 二代有些小遊戲還有梗一點, 有點可惜了這代的世界觀和做裝系統。 THE VERDICT The combat system and the world Visceral has crafted in Dead Space 3 is so expertly built and well-wrought, I found myself consciously overlooking my main criticisms, because I love playing it and spending time with it. This is an important distinction to make: loving a game while being fully aware of its faults. Dead Space 3, when played the way I've been playing it, on New Game+, is an engrossing and satisfying experience. But it requires ignoring the bad story and the numbing to-do lists. It then becomes all about building up the most powerful, best outfitted Isaac you can imagine. It’s here and here alone that Dead Space 3 succeeds, mostly in spite of itself. 結論 戰鬥系統和Visceral的世界觀很棒。 因為我實在很喜歡花時間玩這款遊戲,我發現自己會有自覺的忽略我先前的批評。 這其中必須涇渭分明地畫出界線,在完全了解這款遊戲的短處時卻也同時喜愛這款遊戲。 在盡情享受遊戲的同時,我們必須忽略他的爛劇情以及一長串的任務列表; 在這之後,就是一點一滴的打資源,拿Isaac來玩紙娃娃囉~ 這就是DS3的精髓所在。 7.8分 Good 瑕不掩瑜,堪稱佳作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nemesisred 來自: (02/07 23:32)

02/07 23:34, , 1F
02/07 23:34, 1F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: nemesisred (, 時間: 02/07/2013 23:40:07

02/07 23:43, , 2F
02/07 23:43, 2F

02/07 23:52, , 3F
02/07 23:52, 3F

02/08 02:20, , 4F
02/08 02:20, 4F

02/08 09:26, , 5F
02/08 09:26, 5F

02/08 09:55, , 6F
這代劇情..印象薄弱 比起2代沒甚麼謎團的感覺
02/08 09:55, 6F

02/08 09:56, , 7F
我只感覺到其他人一摔一被摸就死了 ISAAC怎麼摔怎麼
02/08 09:56, 7F

02/08 09:57, , 8F
跌就是不會死 終盤DAINIK稱讚了他一句話真的超好笑
02/08 09:57, 8F

02/08 09:59, , 9F
02/08 09:59, 9F

02/08 10:00, , 10F
Issac you are unbelievably hard to kill
02/08 10:00, 10F

02/08 10:06, , 11F
02/08 10:06, 11F

02/08 12:39, , 12F
02/08 12:39, 12F

02/10 00:46, , 13F
02/10 00:46, 13F

02/10 01:09, , 14F
02/10 01:09, 14F

02/10 13:52, , 15F
這代絕對要玩合作 支線不同 操控的人不同劇情差很多
02/10 13:52, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1H4yhPn0 (XBOX)