[心得] 美國時間1/7 RAW Punk超棒promo翻譯簡介

看板Wrestle作者 (SoWii)時間11年前 (2013/01/10 17:15), 編輯推噓16(1606)
留言22則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大部分都邊聽邊打了,有些比較不重要就省略,不會上色,希望看起來不會很吃力 然後沒有翻譯Rock的部分,Punk一開始獨白跟後面最精彩的那段都有 很建議大家邊聽影片對照整段英文,他講得超好的QQ 廢話不多說 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The time has come to tell you all something very personal, I keep my ear to the ground and I hear everything everybody says. And for the past year and a half, the word “pipebomb” has been completely misunderstood and misused; it doesn’t seem anybody in the “universe” understands what it means, anybody in the company understand what a “pipebomb” is. Basically what a pipebomb is, in its truest form, the TRUTH, it is honesty. You boil it down and the essence of a pipebomb is exactly what all of you lack, honesty. Seems the perception of me is somebody who was a bit disgruntled, sat down on a stage in Las Vegas and aired his grievances and said pipebomb. I became the Voice of the Voiceless, and then maybe my ego was like a runaway train, and I suddenly bitched and moaned about respect, and how I didn’t get enough of it. And then I turned my back on the people. 這段Punk說似乎很多人都搞錯pipebomb的意義了,其實所謂pipebomb其實就是敢說實話, 一年半前他在拉斯維加斯開了先河,說出了很多不滿;成為了Voice of the voiceless, 然而似乎他的自尊(ego)越來越強烈,開始要求大家更尊重他,最後他背叛了觀眾 (就是GTS the Rock那時候)。 Well that’s a lie. Don’t be mistaken, I meant everything I said when I said it. Except the part about ice cream, ‘cause I look out here and the last thing any of you people need is more bars of ice cream. But I was short-changed and I was disrespected. Sure, I could’ve just swallowed that bitter pill and accept my position in the company like everybody else in the back. Or I could have left, instead I made a conscious decision and I sold out, to you. To you I sold out, to me, I cashed in. See, I created this persona, this rebel, this antihero that you all loved to cheer for. Because I know you all loved to cheer for your superheroes. Because here’s the truth about Las Vegas, here’s the truth about the WWE is that it doesn’t matter if you’re the best wrestler, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best talker, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best overall performer, it doesn’t matter if you make the two clowns sitting to my left on commentary look like amateur hour. There is a glass ceiling, and nobody is allow to break it. 他接著說,剛剛說的都是謊言;別誤會,他當時說的都是實話(還不忘嗆一下觀眾不需 要再吃冰了XD),他的確沒有受到尊重,但他大可向其他人一樣接受這樣的待遇,或選擇 離開。但他做了正確的決定:那就是sell out(類似說降低自己,迎合觀眾),不過對他 而言那是cash in。他說他創造了這個人格,叛徒般的角色,大家都愛歡呼的反英雄。因 為他知道,觀眾們最愛這種角色了。他接著說,WWE就是如此,不管你是不是最佳摔角手 ,不管你是不是最有MIC技的選手,甚至你是整體最佳的superstar,或是你成功讓旁邊 兩位評論員看起來像是業餘的都一樣,高高在上有一個隱形的天花板,而沒人可以打破它 That’s simple story about this place: the more popular you are, the more money you make. The more YOU people cheer for any given superstar, the more opportunities you’re afforded. Why do you think a guy like John Cena, who has admittedly had the worst year of his career gets title shot after title shot after title shot after title shot. Or why a lethal grappler, why a serious submission specialist like Daniel Bryan, puts a smile on his face and saddles himself, belittles himself with catchphrases. Or why a 400 pound monster, Brodus Clay, soils his hands by touching your filthy ugly little children to get in the ring so he can shuck and jive for ya. Or why an invisible child, Little Jimmy, is better positioned on the flagship show Monday Night Raw than a workhorse like Tyson Kidd. 那是最簡單明瞭的說法了:你越受歡迎,你賺越多錢;觀眾越愛你,你越多機會。 不然為什麼Cena,可以說過了他生涯中最慘的一年,還是可以一直拿到挑戰腰帶的機會? 為什麼一個像美國龍那麼殺的技巧選手,這麼強悍的固定技專家,會堆起笑容,貶低自己 去喊YES!YES!YES!? 為甚麼一個400磅重的怪獸,Brodus Clay,會願意弄髒自己的手去 碰你們噁心醜陋的小孩,只為了跳舞給你們看? 為甚麼一個隱形的小孩,Littler Jimmy ,在Monday Night Raw這個旗艦節目上,能獲得比Tyson Kidd更多更好的曝光機會? (這段講得太好,觀眾開始歡呼) Look at it, they’re doing it now. You’re doing it now! You’re falling for everything I say, you’re playing into my hands. But this is the way it is, and this is the way you want it, because this is the way you handle it. It’s easy, it’s saccharin, it’s simple to digest. Because you people can’t handle anything complicated, you people can’t stomach anything interesting. This is the way it’s been since the beginning of time, we’re all here in the circus to entertain you. And nobody was ever able to attain a modicum of success without you. Except for now. Until I showed up. 你看看你!你們又來了!我說什麼你們就做出怎樣的反應,你們毫無抵抗力。不過這就 是如此,這是你們喜歡的方式。因為這很簡單,很輕鬆,很容易消化;你們沒辦法了解 太複雜的東西。從以前到現在都是如此,我們在這個馬戲團裡面,為的就是娛樂你們; 而如果沒有你們的支持,沒有一個人可以達到就算只有一丁點的成就。直到現在,直到我 出現。 I’ve become THE most successful WWE champion of ALL TIME. Not of the modern era, no that’s another little buzzword that somebody backstage wants you to say. They probably want to put it on a T-shirt. But that’s the way you get noticed, you don’t get noticed until you start to move a couple of T-shirts around here. If I competed in Bruno Sammartino’s era, I’d be champion for twenty years, too. No, I’d be champion for thirty years! Because wrestling one night a month in Madison Square Garden is easy. You never see Hulk Hogan wrestle TLC matches against a superstar like Ryback, because he had it easy. I wrestle physical demanding matches on free television week in and week out, so much that my one year equals thirty of theirs. And I have attained this success, not because of you. I’m successful not because of you. I’m successful IN SPITE OF you. 我是WWE歷史上最成功的WWE冠軍。不只是什麼modern era,那只是後台的人想拿來印在T恤 上賺錢的噱頭而已。不過現實就是這樣,在你沒有賣幾件T恤之前,沒人理會你。如果我在 Bruno Sammartino年代當摔角手,我也可以拿冠軍20年,不!我會拿30年。因為一個月 在麥迪遜花園廣場比一場很簡單;你從沒看過Hulk Hogan和像是Ryback這種怪物打TLC吧? 他們過得太輕鬆了。我在免費電視上每個禮拜摔角,耗費體力和精力多到,我的1年,等於 他們的30年。而我之所以成功,不是因為你們。而是儘管有你們(討厭我),我還是成功了 I’m the most honest man in this building; I’m the most honest man in this company. Because everybody else has the same-old tired crybaby story. They’ ll come out here and they’ll say “I do it for the people! I do it for all of you! Let’s hear it for Tampa, Florida!”(這裡講到Piper) No, because I don ’t care about the people of Tampa, Florida. There’s good guys and there’s bad guys in this world, and make no mistake about it ladies and gentlmen, I’ m a bad bad man, and I can freely admit it.(這裡講到Ric Flair, Edge, HBK退休時 都感謝人們) These men are either weak or they’re dishonest and liars, it’s either one or the other. But I, I’m neither weak or dishonest, I’m the BEST IN THE WORLD. 我是這棟建築物裡面,整個WWE公司裡面最誠實的人。其他人都有著相同的愚蠢故事,他 們會出來然後說:「我為的是觀眾們!我為的是你們!讓我們聽聽坦帕‧佛羅里達的歡 呼吧!」但我不會這麼說,因為我不在呼坦帕‧佛羅里達的人民。這世界上有好人和壞人 ,各位先生女士,不要搞錯,我是一個絕頂大壞蛋,而我也勇於承認。這些人(Ric Flair HBK, Edge)不是軟弱就是不誠實的說謊家,非此即彼。但我呢,我兩者都不是,我是Best in the World.(這裡有點奇怪XD) Two types of people on this earth: those born to be in the spotlight, and those born to pay to see the people in the spotlight. Ladies and gentlemen, there’s winners and losers, guess which one you are. You’re born to see champions like me, it’s not the other way around. And I’ll be the first guy to come out here and admit it, I’m honest, I have never ever done this for any of you. 這地球上有兩種人:出生注定活在聚光燈下的人,和生下來就注定要付錢看第一種人的人 。各位先生女士,有勝者、有敗者,猜猜你們是哪種?你們就是要來看像我這種冠軍的, 不是倒過來;而我是第一個出來承認的,我老實說,我從來不是為你們任何一個摔角。 There are superstars and there are nobodies. I’m a superstar and you are all nobodies. I’m a real superstar. Those real superstars, hell, if they’re your friends, why don’t they come out here and give you the millions and millions of dollars they earn, why don’t they lie in your pockets? ‘Cause that’s not your position on earth. 有superstars和無名小卒。我是superstar,你們全都是無名小卒。我是個真正的超級明 星,你想想,如果超級明星們是你們的朋友,為什麼他們不要出來分一些他們賺的大錢 給你們呢?因為那不是你們的地位。(他說只有他說廣告的時候才能廣告,所以繼續講XD) 等等Rock會出來 講一堆屁話 不過我現在跟你們說今晚你們會聽到最重要的話 就是你們 都不重要you do not matter!你們要什麼都不重要。 接下來說他明年第一次RAW還是會是冠軍。給他動力的是是每次人們喜愛的超級英雄輸掉 時候持續的感到失望,他說Rock回來不會改變這個事實。他說他2011打敗ADR時,他打敗 了整個系統,不管任何superstar被他擊敗,他都是擊敗所有觀眾(in your face jerks!) ,你們都是輸家you are losers, 你們不能贏!you do not get to win! -------------------------------Rock屁話--------------------------------------- Be the puppets that you are. He got you chanting about ice cream the same way I did a year and a half ago. Congratulations! They still don’t get to win, you(Rock) don’t get to win. (觀眾在叫Punk Cookie puss)你們就繼續當魁儡吧!Rock用我去年讓你們呼喊we want ice cream一樣的方法操縱你們。恭喜!他們(觀眾)還是不能贏,你(Rock)還是不能贏。 -------------------------------Rock屁話--------------------------------------- 下面這段真的是超級精彩,我覺得Punk整個痛宰Rock Unlike a lot of people, I’m glad you’re back. I don’t care what your schedule is, I don’t care if you work here 16 days a year, 365 days a year, you can be Santa Claus and have his schedule. You can one day a year, I still kick your ass. I don’t care how much movies you film every year, I know how hard that schedule probably is. But every time you come back, whenever you decide to grace us with your presence, I’m gonna kick your ass. 不像許多人,我其實很高興你回來了。我不在乎你的行事曆多滿,我不在乎你一年來16天 、365天,甚至你可以像聖誕老人一樣一年只來一次,我還是會痛扁你。我不在乎你一年 拍幾部電影,我知道那行程可能很辛苦,但每當你決定要回來,你決定屈就自己來賞光, 我就是會痛扁你。 Because this isn’t Candyland, I’m like nobody you faced before. You can make fun of the color of my T-shirt, and you can talk about pie, and you can sing songs and you can rhyme, and you can do your tired lame-ass shtick. I just want you to know that come Royal Rumble, and you have about three weeks to realize this, I’m gonna kick your ass ‘cause I’m the best in the world. 因為這不是糖果國度,我不像你遇過的任何對手。你可以取笑我T恤的顏色,你可以講有 關派的笑話,你可以唱歌押韻打節拍,或是用你那千篇一律的老掉牙流程。我只想讓 你知道:皇家大戰來臨時,你還有大概3個禮拜可以明瞭,我會痛扁你,因為我是BITW。 I’m the best thing going today, I’m the best guy you’ve ever set foot in the ring with. And you need to understand: congratulations, Rock. You just graduated from the kiddie table, but you just bit off more than you can chew. You’re playing little league, with your little insults and your rhymes and your millions and millions and your finallys. And I’m in the big leagues, and I’m swinging for the fence. You need to understand your little jabs and your insults, it’s all kiddie games. You can’t leave a mark on the Champ’s face. Come Royal Rumble, understand when you step in the ring, your arms are just too short to box with God. 我是當紅炸子雞,我是WWE裡最棒的選手,我是你將遭遇過最強的對手。而你必須了解: 恭喜阿,Rock,你剛從扮家家酒畢業了,但你高估了自己的能力;你還在小聯盟打滾, 耍弄你的小侮辱、你的押韻和你的「Millions」、你的「Finally」。而我在大聯盟, 每棒都瞄準全壘打牆外。你必須了解,你的小侮辱和你的嗆聲,那都是小孩的玩意兒。 你沒辦法在冠軍我的臉上留下任何傷痕。皇家大戰到來之時,你在踏進繩圈時要了解, 你的手臂想跟上帝搏擊,實在是太可笑的短了。 (最後那句有點難翻,建議看原文,超有霸氣的) 呼~一鼓作氣翻完啦 好累XD 希望大家能更了解這段超級精彩的Promo Punk面對像Rock這種傳奇毫無懼色 真的是太太太讚了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/10 17:51, , 1F
Punk有一段時間沒有說這麼久了 很懷念跟HHH對決那段時間
01/10 17:51, 1F

01/10 17:51, , 2F
每次都講超久 聽得很過癮
01/10 17:51, 2F

01/10 18:19, , 3F
推~~ 不過說到底這也有點諷刺 畢竟這始終仍是個"角色"
01/10 18:19, 3F

01/10 18:19, , 4F
即使他非常擬真...可能讓很多人有錯覺 這仍然是一個角色
01/10 18:19, 4F

01/10 18:19, , 5F
但很讓人期待 究竟WM或RR會不會有意外勝負
01/10 18:19, 5F
比較多人在意這樣以後Punk還有轉正的機會嗎XDD 應該一輩子反派了(他當反派的確比較殺)

01/10 18:58, , 6F
許多摔角手也大讚這段 promo
01/10 18:58, 6F

01/10 18:59, , 7F
確實非常精彩! best in the world !!!
01/10 18:59, 7F

01/10 19:08, , 8F
01/10 19:08, 8F

01/10 20:43, , 9F
01/10 20:43, 9F
※ 編輯: dmcn307 來自: (01/10 20:56)

01/10 21:25, , 10F
多多少少有些內心話吧我想 best in the world!
01/10 21:25, 10F

01/11 03:44, , 11F
01/11 03:44, 11F

01/11 21:47, , 12F
Bret "Hit Man" Hart: The Best There Is, The Best There W
01/11 21:47, 12F

01/11 21:48, , 13F
Was, The Best There Ever Will Be ...
01/11 21:48, 13F

01/11 21:52, , 14F
PUNK也有點像借Bret Hart的話,來說自己是世界上最好的摔角手
01/11 21:52, 14F

01/11 21:55, , 15F
01/11 21:55, 15F

01/11 23:26, , 16F
01/11 23:26, 16F

01/11 23:26, , 17F
01/11 23:26, 17F

01/11 23:56, , 18F
這篇很棒 感謝原PO
01/11 23:56, 18F

01/12 05:02, , 19F
01/12 05:02, 19F

01/12 15:06, , 20F
01/12 15:06, 20F

01/12 19:03, , 21F
01/12 19:03, 21F

01/12 22:00, , 22F
Rock也不錯呀,把candy ass的製作過程交代清楚 XD
01/12 22:00, 22F
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