[情報] WWE:我們不是摔角公司

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標題:WWE claim they are no longer a wrestling company 來源:英國太陽報(The Sun) 網址:http://bit.ly/fJpZBv We’re not a wrestling firm By JEFF ROWE WWE 宣稱他們不再是摔角公司 WWE have insisted they are NOT a wrestling company and tried to stop the media from using the term in association with them. According to leaked emails, Vince McMahon views the WWE as a "global media company" employing "superstars" rather than wrestlers and putting on "entertainments" instead of wrestling events. WWE 堅稱他們不是摔角公司,並且要求媒體不要使用「摔角」一詞來報導 WWE。 麥董把 WWE 看作「全球性的媒體公司」,員工是「Superstars」而非摔角手,並且用 「娛樂活動」一詞取代了「摔角賽事」。 Despite the firm's title actually standing for World Wrestling Entertainment, over the past two years they have unsuccessfully tried to prevent worldwide media — including The Sun — from using the term. 儘管公司的全名實際上是「世界摔角娛樂」,過去兩年 WWE 雖然不太成功,卻仍積極 防止全球性的媒體在報導 WWE 時使用「摔角」這個字眼。 Now, in an exchange with leading US website TVWeek.com, they have made the new policy explicit. 現在,於一次與 TVWeek.com 的意見交流中,WWE 明確表達了新的政策。 The conversation came after the site ran a story about the WWE Hall of Fame, which included the term "pro wrestling" in the headline. WWE publicist Kellie Baldyga immediately emailed the author of the piece, Chuck Ross, and his boss, insisting it be corrected. 事件的起因是 TVWeek.com 報導了 WWE 名人堂的相關新聞,標題使用了「職業摔角」 一詞。WWE 公關人員 Kellie Baldyga 立刻寫信給該新聞的作者 Chuck Ross 與其上司 堅持要求更正。 She wrote: "We are no longer a wrestling company but rather a global entertainment company with a movie studio, international licensing deals, publisher of three magazines, consumer good distributor and more." WWE 公關說:「我們不再是摔角公司了,而是有著電影工作室、國際許可交易、三種雜 誌的出版商、消費者產品供應商等……的『全球娛樂公司』了。」 In a follow-up phone conversation with Ross, she then insisted: "We don't do wrestling events, they're entertainments. WWE 公關與新聞作者 Ross 在電話談話中堅持表示: 「我們沒有進行摔角賽事,那是娛樂活動。」 "And we don't call them wrestlers, they're superstars and Divas." 「而且我們不用『摔角手』來稱呼他們,他們是 Superstars 以及 Divas。」 After the website removed the story rather than change it, Baldyga sent a follow-up email clarifying once more that: "We are a global media company which is how our chairman, Vince McMahon, positions us." 網站移除了這則新聞而不是修改它之後,公關寄信再次表明: 「我們是全球媒體公司,這是麥董選擇的定位。」 Blogging about the situation, Ross said: "I kept thinking to myself, is she kidding me? Is this woman mad? 氣到不行的新聞作者 Chuck Ross 把這一切PO在部落格上面,他說: 「我一直問我自己,她(WWE公關)是在跟我開玩笑嗎?她是不是瘋了?」 ˙該篇部落格網址:http://bit.ly/g2QbJT "The company's official name is World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. Its crown jewel is an event called WrestleMania. Chuck Ross:「這家公司的官方名字可是『世界摔角娛樂』耶,有沒有搞錯。 這家公司最重要的寶物是叫作『摔角狂熱』的賽事。」 "In the best tradition of wrestling on TV since its earliest days, they put on terrific shows with athletes who are performers and they've got storylines that are far more elaborate than any Gorgeous George and Freddie Blassie would have ever imagined. 「在最早期開始的最佳電視摔角傳統中,他們把劇情與故事線放在運動員身上,成為 了不起的表演,並且讓這一切更有說服力,遠遠超過 Gorgeous George 與 Freddie Blassie(兩位都是了不起的職業摔角前輩)所能想像。」 "Why would they want to run away from who they are, from what's made them wildly successful beyond most people's dreams?" 「我想問的是,為什麼 WWE 要迴避『他們是誰』?」 「WWE 為何要迴避『他們靠著什麼』取得了遠超過人們夢想的巨大成就?」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/22 08:47, , 1F
03/22 08:47, 1F

03/22 08:51, , 2F
03/22 08:51, 2F

03/22 08:54, , 3F
所以這則新聞才說WWE 這種行為過去兩年很不成功XDDD
03/22 08:54, 3F

03/22 09:30, , 4F
03/22 09:30, 4F

03/22 09:42, , 5F
前一陣子有印象Alex Riley在節目不小心說了wrestling
03/22 09:42, 5F

03/22 09:43, , 6F
後來公司好好教育了他一頓.... 可能三條畢竟地位不同XDDD
03/22 09:43, 6F

03/22 09:45, , 7F
03/22 09:45, 7F

03/22 10:00, , 8F
03/22 10:00, 8F

03/22 10:01, , 9F
03/22 10:01, 9F

03/22 10:01, , 10F
還請樓上指正<(_ _)>
03/22 10:01, 10F

03/22 10:01, , 11F
03/22 10:01, 11F

03/22 10:15, , 12F

03/22 10:16, , 13F
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03/22 10:17, , 14F
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03/22 10:17, , 15F
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03/22 10:51, , 16F
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03/22 10:53, , 17F
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03/22 10:55, , 18F
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03/22 11:13, , 19F
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03/22 11:58, , 20F
03/22 11:58, 20F

03/22 12:13, , 21F
03/22 12:13, 21F

03/22 13:29, , 22F
認同麥董的做法 有遠見
03/22 13:29, 22F

03/22 14:31, , 23F
03/22 14:31, 23F

03/22 16:20, , 24F
03/22 16:20, 24F

03/22 16:27, , 25F
03/22 16:27, 25F

03/22 16:27, , 26F
03/22 16:27, 26F

03/22 17:04, , 27F
基本上TNA一開始是Jeff Jarrett和Jerry Jarrett的理想,不過
03/22 17:04, 27F

03/22 17:04, , 28F
03/22 17:04, 28F

03/22 17:13, , 29F
03/22 17:13, 29F

03/22 17:13, , 30F
03/22 17:13, 30F

03/22 22:28, , 31F
我也覺得WWE現在的發展根本就是娛樂綜合事業 要成為更
03/22 22:28, 31F

03/22 22:28, , 32F
03/22 22:28, 32F

03/22 22:34, , 33F
03/22 22:34, 33F

03/23 01:25, , 34F
麥董 : 我們其實是在搞舞台劇
03/23 01:25, 34F

03/23 09:02, , 35F
開玩笑 豬哥亮的秀都叫萬王之王了 HHH表示:
03/23 09:02, 35F

03/23 13:06, , 36F
呃 豬哥亮的秀是叫萬秀之王XD
03/23 13:06, 36F

03/24 03:48, , 37F
03/24 03:48, 37F

03/24 03:50, , 38F
03/24 03:50, 38F

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03/24 05:31, , 44F
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03/24 05:49, , 46F
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03/24 06:16, , 48F
03/24 06:16, 48F

03/24 10:54, , 49F
03/24 10:54, 49F

03/24 10:54, , 50F
被歸類到運動多抽稅 跟喜不喜歡排不排斥都無關
03/24 10:54, 50F

03/24 12:54, , 51F
所以以後進演員訓練班就可以進WWE 不用去練摔角了
03/24 12:54, 51F

03/24 14:09, , 52F
03/24 14:09, 52F

03/25 15:45, , 53F
習慣就好 節稅的行為而已
03/25 15:45, 53F
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